Saturday, December 1, 2018

At Heaven's Door

Book Series: Barrington Family Saga  

Publishing Date: 2007
Author: Anita Stansfield
Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc.
Category: LDS Contemporary Romance
Point of View: Third Person Limited- Eleanore and James

Chapter Count: 14
Page Count: 278

For Charles Barney, my father's great-great-grandfather, who was endowed in the Nauvoo temple during the evacuation.
And for Louisa Maria Hall Harris, my mother's grandmother, who as a child went back after being driven from her home by a mob to get her pewter teapot, so the enemy wouldn't melt it down and make bullets. And then she saw the house burn.
Because of them and many others, the spirit of Elijah has led me to Nauvoo. And there I find my greatest legacy.

Chapter 1    Driven
Iowa City - 1846

    Eleanore Barrington reads her latest letter from her dear friend Sally Jensen in Nauvoo-aka-"the war zone" for the saints are being driven out. Just the thought of all that violence and how much suffering these good people are going through, her fellow Saints, forced to leave their beautiful city and homes and most especially, the temple. It makes Eleanore want to sit down and bawl like a baby.
    With a heavy heart, Eleanore finds her beloved husband, James, out in a clearing on the property, chopping wood. As Eleanore shares the latest news, both get very depressed, realizing their fondest wish and goal as a family (see the end of the last book) to travel to the temple and be sealed as an eternal family might not come to pass.
   They return to the house to spend time with the children. "Adopted" son Ralph, son of their widowed servant, Amanda Leichty, is now 18. Iris is twelve. Mary Jane is the six year old daughter of married servants Fredrick and Lizzie Higgins who came with James and Eleanore from England. Like Ralph, Mary Jane plays and grows up with the children in this series. Everyone misses David who passed away at the end of the last volume. And baby Jamie is at least 18 months as he jumps up and toddles over to Eleanore greeting her with babbling nonsense.
   That night, James and Eleanore decide they will make plans right away to take an impulsive trip to Nauvoo. They just feel "driven" to go, that's all. If only, they justify, to check on their dear friends and offer assistance.
   James and Eleanore leave the very next morning. As they are driving, Eleanore mentions how she conveniently forgot to mention she might be pregnant again. James is very annoyed-making this ridiculous, pointless trip further endangering her life. They are all gonna die.
   Two days later, both stare in shocked silence at the state of things in Nauvoo. Every single one of the saints have evacuated, driven out, leaving everything to the nonbelievers who have already moved in and taken over every lovely home-throwing wild drinking parties, turning the town into Las Vagas. None of their friends are here, there's nothing they can do, nobody to help. The temple still stands, but there's nobody to run it. After a good cry in each other's arms on the temple lawn, James and Eleanore turn around and go home.

Chapter 2     The New Arrival

    Three days later, still determined to visit her dear friends, Eleanore now wants to go to Winter Quarters. She finds James in the barn this time. Just like in chapter 1, he's wary of making such a trip but Eleanore encourages him to pray about it. Surely if it is God's will for them to make yet another highly ludicrous and dangerous trip, He will say yes. They can even throw in a couple wagonloads of foodstuffs and supplies and hygiene kits for good measure-how could the Lord say anything but yes?
    He does! Except, James tells Eleanore gently, he is feeling like the Lord only wants MEN to make this journey for when he petitioned the Lord to let his wife come too (it was her idea after all, Lord!) he got a "stupor of thought" (As a new convert, James is already a serious scholar of all the standard works)
   So that's how James and Fredrick drive off with the dawn at their backs leaving Eleanore and Lizzie to have a good cry before getting back to business of running a household.
   One day, Ralph mentions to the women he's taken a fancy to one of the single girls in town his age. They've talked at church (you know, the non-denominational one they attend so nobody can suspect they're part of that evil cult in Nauvoo) he'd like to invite her over for Sunday dinner but he fears her aunt and uncle are not the nicest people and would surely forbid her. Eleanore takes the liberty of inviting the girl over for Sunday dinner anyway and it soon becomes clear that Llewellyn LuEllen Bailey called "Lu" from here on out in the narrative, loves her new family and has no problem with the "private Sunday worship service" they hold as a family. She believes these newly restored gospel teachings. So the family has nothing to worry about.
    Before the happy couple can announce their engagement, James and Fredrick return bringing "The New Arrival" a ten-year-old orphan boy named Benjamin, half dead with a recent illness and fever. Lizzie cleans him up and tucks him into bed right away so Eleanore and James can go into the master bedroom where they can hardly contain themselves-ripping each others clothes off. After their brief bout of passion, Eleanore weeps learning the sad, sad story of how this poor little boy came to be under James' care. James sobs like a little lost orphan boy himself as he recounts the tale: Brigham Young practically commanded James, telling him it was the will of the Lord he bring this boy back to Iowa to be raised by their family. Ben lost everyone back in Nauvoo-his entire family-while the Barringtons are in need of a son. Problem solved. James makes it clear Ben will only be legally adopted, he will not be coming with them on that future day to the temple to be sealed since he was already sealed to his parents and siblings in Nauvoo. It is clear Ben is going to fit right in with their ideal family unit. James and Eleanore make love again and declare themselves the happiest couple on earth.

Chapter 3     Haunted

   The next day, Ben settles into the household as comfortably as if he's always been a member of the family. He and Eleanore already had a little talk about how he's ready to start calling her "mother" and James gives his blessing too. Later, Ralph informs James of his new beau. Everyone thinks Lu is the luckiest young lady in the world to have caught such a fine young man, if they do say so themselves! If only Lu wasn't trapped in that awful castle with her wicked guardians-her knight in shining armor helpless to save her. Well, it's the uncle that's most wicked, the aunt is only submissively wicked you see...James understands.
    Ben starts having nightmares and James insists on being the one to comfort and talk with him. He refuses to confide in Eleanore the horrors the boy and his now dead family suffered at the hands of the mobs. Eleanore suggests a priesthood blessing. James hesitates. He's never given a priesthood blessing before. With Fredrick's help, the entire family witnesses the miracle of both James giving voice to the message Ben needs to hear and how, from that day forward, the nightmares cease completely. For, as he was told in the blessing, Ben has a great work to do in Zion.
   The arrival of spring brings new irises and letters from friends who made it through the harsh winter at Winter Quarters alive. Lu continues to come over on Sundays for the secret worship service. It's becoming more urgent that a way be found to get her out of her aunt and uncle's but there's not much anyone can do. Meanwhile, Eleanor tries to talk to her husband about whatever it is that's bothering him. Doesn't he know, in an Anita Stansfield novel there's always some kind of grievance to airTurns out James is afraid of being "Haunted" by a future mob attack on his own home and family. Like what poor little Ben suffered.
Heaven forbid.

Chapter 4   The Plight of Winter Quarters

    Eleanore is great with child. It's the heat of summer when another letter arrives and, once again, Eleanore feels a great rush of foreboding. Now what? James hears Eleanore scream and rushes to her side. Andy is dead.
Andy Plummer. Miriam's husband. Their old Iowa neighbors they introduced to the gospel who then promptly left to join the saints in Nauvoo. Andy caught a mysterious illness and with all the suffering and starvation in Winter Quarters camp it was only a matter of time.
    The entire family puts on their best mourning clothes, weeping and wailing in sackcloth and ashes. James continues to wring his hands over what he got his family into, joining such a dangerous religion that requires so much of its people. Eleanore feels equally responsible. If she hadn't been such a successful member missionary, their dear friend and neighbor would still be alive. For days a dark pall hangs over the household. All write letters of condolence sharing their feelings and testimonies-Ben even shares a special witness he received from the Prophet Joseph himself in Nauvoo about the glorious blessings of eternal families. Iris is also taking it hard.
   Eleanor goes into labor, but it's bad. She asks James for a blessing. With an odd 21st century viewpoint, James wonders how those poor pioneer women out there in the wilderness manage to give birth out in the open like savages.
   A baby boy is born. They name him Issac but Eleanore is feeling kinda poorly now it's all over. In anguish, James kneels and prays sobbing and pleading with the Lord to spare the life of his beloved darling. Since Miss Eleanore has no milk, the family cares for the baby with goat's milk. It takes a month before Elanor finally feels strong enough to join the family at the dinner table again.

Chapter 5     Sanctuary West

     Three months later, Eleanore is slowly getting her strength back while James slaves away in the garden and fields. He glaces up one bright afternoon, sees Eleanore and children in a tableau against the backdrop of the farmhouse and has an epiphany-There stands heaven, what more could any man ask for?!
   That night, Eleanore wants to get more passionate but James puts on the brakes. He's worried about her health. Eleanore reminds him of the Prophet Joseph's promise to her-that she would bear and raise up many fine children. That satisfies him.
   Tragedy strikes that Sunday. Lu is not in church. Her aunt fell sick and, like Cinderella, she is being forced to stay home and cook and clean and care for her. The family realizes one of these days they really need to call social services and do something to help poor Lu...but right now they have other things to worry about. Such as the latest letter from Winter Quarters. Sally and Miriam report that Brigham Young and company found The Great Salt Lake Valley far away in the West...oh dear, the family sighs. How can they ever hope to join them now?
   The year turns, it's February and Eleanor is pregnant, again. She ends up miscarrying but is not upset by it, evidence of her growing maturity faith. Miriam and Sally's next letters are postmarked...Salt Lake City, Utah! They made it! Sanctuary at last.
   The aunt passes away but for the Barrington family, Lu continues to be MIA until one day, mean old uncle and the local sheriff come to the house looking for a certain, disobedient niece. Apparently she's run off and no one knows (or is claiming to know) where she is. The two men search the house but Lu is nowhere to be found. Ralph just shrugs and pleads the fifth. He's making plans to go west, seek his fortune and all that. Alone. James and Ralph show them the wagon in the barn, all packed up and ready to go. Satisfied, the uncle and sheriff leave. Because they're idiots.

Chapter 6     Eleanore's Forté

     To the surprise and astonishment of all (really?) the family follows Ralph up to the attic where Lu has been hiding out this entire time. Lu weeps, begging them not to send her back to that horrible place. Ralph puts his arm around her for it IS true what he told the men. He is going west but he'll not be going alone. Amanda will be going with them, of course, as chaperone. The rest of the family share tearful goodbyes as they depart and the entire household is, once again, very melancholy at yet another loss, but not just in friendship. Apparently, Amanda was the only person in the entire household who could boil water without burning it. She knew how to cook. Eleanore makes her best effort's just not the same. Everyone is depressed.
How long, O Lord, will such impossible trials be inflicted on this family?
   So, after weeks of macaroni and cheese and fast food (such as it was in the 1800s) Eleanore has a brilliant idea. They're rich, are they not? They can certainly afford it. Why not place an ad for another cook and housekeeper. James beams. Chalk up yet another of the many reasons why he is so madly in love with his wife (as he takes another bite of tonight's burnt offering)

Chapter 7     The Skeptic

     Three days after the ad is placed, a Miss Stella Carter is hired. She's 57. Never married, a recent arrival in town from New York City's Irish district and looking for work. Hoping they can trust her, the family hires her on a trial basis as their new "Alice" to live with them, since she can't possibly afford an apartment in town (and yes the word "apartment" is used). If Stella works out, maybe she'll end up becoming one of them.
     Also, James decides to pay a visit to the sheriff, just in case he arrests anyone falsely or start searching for the missing girl. Sheriff tells him the mystery is solved for Lu sent him a note letting him know she DID run away and no one should worry about her for she is quite safe. James confirms that, yes, Lu probably did run off with Ralph. The sheriff is satisfied. Case closed.
    Stella turns out to be very agreeable, she just LOVES this opportunity to work and prove herself in the kitchen. Her prayers to God have been answered which helps that Sunday as, after Stella serves them a delicious Sunday dinner, (she also attended church with them earlier that day) they invite her to join their little Sunday worship service, taking particular care to explain to Stella how they can take the sacrament and that it might be best if she abstains. You see, they are members of a certain unpopular church. Stella's eyes grow wide with fear. She is skeptical, "The persecution of your people is legendary," she tells them, And while she respects their strange beliefs, including the possibility of becoming James' second wife of being harassed, persecuted, even killed just for associating with them, she will now be the one putting them on trial. She'll give them one week. Eleanore shows her a Book of Mormon, bearing her testimony of it.
    One week later, Stells announces she will stay, indefinitely.

Chapter 8     Time

     Time does indeed go by in this chapter. Iris gets her period. She'll be getting married any day now, Eleanore informs her husband who can only stare, incredulous, at such a thought as his daughter growing up! No more bedtime stories or tucking his now fourteen year old daughter in at night. It won't be long before another man will have that privilege. And yes, Eleanore reassures her husband, she already had the "birds and bees" talk with Iris years ago. After all, Iris is only three years younger than Eleanore was when she lost her virginity to James, after he (condescendingly) explained it all to her on their wedding night. Iris has nothing to worry about.
Can you imagine that?
    In July, Stella announces she's ready to be baptized. James performs the ordinance. Eleanore cries.
 In the fall, Mary Jane turns eight and is baptized by Frederick. Eleanore is pregnant again. She and James mark their 10th wedding anniversary. Joseph is born in June 1849. Winter comes round again along with a letter from James' head housekeeper back in England. Remember that Book of Mormon they left on their last visit (see the last book)? Well she read it, got baptized, and will be sure to wave to them as she passes by with the rest of the English saints pulling their handcarts through Iowa on their way to Zion.
Will wonders never cease?
    Summer arrives and Iris is now sweet sixteen. She wastes little time finding herself a nonmember boyfriend at church to talk to. His name is Dillon. Doing their best to stay positive, James and Eleanore invite the young man to Sunday dinner. Dillon accepts but doesn't have much to say at the dinner table, he'd rather be alone with Iris so they can make out. Iris has no objections either. James and Eleanore confront a very grouchy Iris in her room where she snarls that Eleanore is NOT her mother. She apologizes but Iris is firm in her resolve to have a boyfriend that she can kiss whenever she wants.
   Alone in the hall, Eleanore and James throw up their hands. Eleanore never had this problem. The only man ever interested in her was the one she ended up marrying. All they can do is pray for her.

Chapter 9      Dangling

    After a few more weeks of Iris pouting at her parents before running off to hold hands with Dillon, Eleanore wakes up in the middle of the night to care for baby Joseph only to discover Iris is gone! It doesn't take long for James to find her, riding back home on a horse, weeping. Apparently Dillon dumped her. He spent months dangling her along until tonight when he wanted to go all the way but Iris refused. The prodigal daughter returned to have a good cry in daddy's arms and a long talk. Iris will heal but her repentance process will be hard.
    The people who moved into the Plummer's old home on the next property over are not as friendly and certainly not interested in any new religion. Their name is Pitt. One day in the spring, Mr. Pitt drops by to remind James of a meeting in town-men only. James attends the meeting, then decides to join the crowd at the tavern where, despite the spirit warning him to LEAVE NOW James lingers as the conversation turns to bragging how that troublesome Mormon family, the Jensens, were finally driven out and all the deplorable acts committed against them. Furious at such talk, James hurls himself at the nearest drunken man, Ned Weller, and gets stabbed in the thigh for his efforts.

Chapter 10     The Reprimand

     As we can expect, James gets a very severe reprimand from Eleanore after stumbling through the door late that night, bleeding all over the place. Taking care not to wake anyone else, Elanore cleans up her husband while he explains what happened. Eleanore is, understandably, furious. He could've been killed! She gives him some laudanum to ease the pain and burns his bloody clothes so no one will ask any questions.
   Next day, James fakes illness as his excuse to stay in bed but Fredrick and Lizzie know better. They corner Eleanore who gives only the bare minimum of details-James wouldn't tell her much anyway. Fredrick visits James and offers to give him a priesthood blessing. It's a typical, Anita Stansfield long one-God loves him unconditionally, vengeance will be His and that James needs to do all he can to stay physically healthy as God still has a work for him to do in building up the kingdom. Fredrick and Eleanore leave so James can bawl like a baby, begging God for forgiveness.
   Out in the hallway, Fredrick assures Eleanore everything will be all right.

Chapter 11    Confessions

    James trembles next time he talks with Eleanore, how can God ever forgive him? Eleanore reminds him to have faith and turn to God. James falls asleep and wakes up quoting Bible passages namely Matthew 5:44 where Jesus talks about loving ones enemies-"Bless them that curse you...pray for them..." This is especially difficult for James because, as he explains to Eleanore, Ned Weller was boasting of how he RAPED Sally Jensen. Eleanore covers her mouth and gasps in shock and horror. Now it makes sense. No wonder James flew off the handle like that.
    It gets worse. Fredrick returns from running errands in town to report there's been a murder. Ned Weller was found dead in the same back alley where James had the scuffle.
This does not bode well.
   The children enter and James confesses the truth to them about what really happened, in simple terms. Iris suggests they all pray together as a family, both for their dear father to heal and that nobody will press any murder charges against this good man. James and Eleanore continue to marvel at their perfect children.

Chapter 12    The Purging

    Paranoid the sheriff is going to come bursting through the door any minute to arrest him, James insists on getting up and dressed. The other adults took the children off on a picnic so they are alone when the sheriff comes knocking. After some small talk about the weather, James' nasty looking wound and the sheriff's relief how everything worked out after Lu ran off with that Leichty boy, James confesses-openly and honestly-his side of the murder rumors and why they may be tied to him. He meant no real harm and is ready to accept any punishment the law might dole out to him-punching a defenseless man thus making himself a possible accessory to murder. Eleanore can confirm her husband's alibi for James came staggering home well before the time of the murder. The sheriff declares James innocent and leaves. Later he sends the doctor over to tend to James who is grateful.
   But that night, James awakens Eleanore shaking with fever and burning up. Days pass as James drifts in and out of consciousness. Eleanore tells him today is Sunday and everyone at church prayed for him. The minister even stopped by while he was asleep. Like Alma the Younger (and yes they do refer to him later) James' mind is greatly troubled, harrowed up by his many sins, his inability to forgive Ned Weller trumping them all. He dreams of a Voice telling him to to just "let it go."
    Meanwhile, Eleanore hasn't left James' sickbed for two weeks. Exhausted, she finally collapses only to awaken later to find James all better. He reports the most incredible dream he had. He dreamt Eleanore died and went to heaven, carrying him up with her.
   And so it came to pass, after this miraculous purging, that James was finally able to find peace.

Chapter 13     Restitution

    Still feeling guilty, James pays a visit to Ned Weller's wife, newly widowed. Eleanore accompanies him. They say a prayer before approaching the very neglected farmhouse. A woman holding a baby with long, graying, unkempt hair answers. She's skeptical at their humble offering of gift baskets and condolences. James is asking forgiveness when Rufus, looking very much like his brother, comes to the door. He is also cynical but when he learns the real reason they're here and that they're Mormons, no less, he is very contemplative and sober. James and Eleanore take their leave, marveling at how EASY that was!
   That Sunday, James makes a private suggestion to the minister who announces from the pulpit that all are invited to take part in a special ward service project for the Wellers the following Saturday. An anonymous donor will be providing everything. It is a great success as everyone pitches in with painting, repairing and pulling weeds on the property while the women serve food.
    Mrs. Weller catches James on a break so she can tell him about her no-good husband who turned out to be a different man than the one she thought she was marrying. Both she and Rufus are so glad he's dead they're getting married next week. Oh, and thanks for initiating this project-she knew it was him and maybe Mormons aren't so bad after all.
   Next Sunday, all the Wellers, including Rufus, are sitting in a pew at church. Except someone must've tattled on them to the minister for he pays the Barringtons a visit later that week. He's not happy to learn the rumors he's been hearing are true. They are Mormons! And everyone knows Mormons are not Christians. Vipers in his bosom! You, sir, may take your worship somewhere else. And with that, they are all promptly disfellowshipped from HIS church.
   James and Eleanore discuss the same tired subject yet again-with all this persecution, isn't it time for them to pack up and move West to join the Saints yet? They agree to pray about it...again. Both get the same answer-STAY. James and Elanore groan. WHY? Perhaps Iris' future husband is still here, they speculate...

Chapter 14      The Gathering

     As can be expected in this novel, it's not long until the Wellers show up on their doorstep inquiring about Mormonism. James invites them to their next Sunday private service. Two months later the entire family is baptized and next thing you know, they are packing up and leaving for Salt Lake with the Barrington family tearfully waving goodbye.
This entire conversion story occurs in just a few sentences.
     It is spring now. Weeks and months continue to pass. The children continue to grow up. Eleanore gives birth to a baby girl they name Mariah. Now twenty years old, Iris starts dating in earnest but none of the young men she brings home hold her interest for very long. While James once feared his little girl growing up and leaving him, James begins to fear his daughter may never marry at all. The horror!
    Then, one day, Iris brings home a man everyone seems to like. But more weeks and months pass with no progression toward engagement or courtship. One evening, James and Eleanore go out on a date to a nice restaurant in town only to find Iris' young man there with a date of his own. James wastes no time confronting him, telling him he is no longer welcome in their home. Iris is understandably very disappointed learning this, but not really surprised. She confides to her father maybe she should move out and seek her fortune somewhere back East. James talks her into staying, at least until spring.
It is now 1855.
The year turns and then, one day in March, two men come knocking on the Barringtons' front door. They are Brothers Kimball and Grant, sent from Brigham Young, all the way from Salt Lake City. With the railroad coming to Iowa City, the Lord wants to use this place a way station for all the immigrating saints from Europe and back east. Remembering there was still one faithful family left who were still members (they ARE still faithful, active members right? The entire family nods eagerly) Brother Brigham is extending this very important calling to them in assisting these many thousands of saints. James is more than happy to consecrate all his wealth and means in assisting the weary travelers. Brother Grant then explains if, after one year, if the family feels prompted to pack up they are welcome to make the 1300 mile journey to a new home.
The family cheers. James and Eleanore agree-never in their wildest dreams could they have imagined a more incredible plan for their family.


James and Eleanore are exhausted. They just spent the day making the rounds at all the Mormon camps surrounding their property (AND scoping out prospective husbands for Iris-I'm not kidding!) They can hardly believe it was more than fifteen years ago they made the decision to marry and immigrate to America. James confides to his wife, it was HER declaration to go to America-where new ideas, equality and opportunity for all-was what really inspired him to propose his absurd offer of marriage. You see, for years since he was a youth, HE had also wanted to escape the heavy burden of aristocracy, the drudgery of owning and maintaining his own land and tenants when what he REALLY wanted to do was go someplace new and be his own man.
And look how it all worked out!


Sunday, October 21, 2018

A Quiet Promise

Book Series: Barrington Family Saga  

Publishing Date: 2007
Author: Anita Stansfield
Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc.
Category: LDS Contemporary Romance
Point of View: Third Person Limited- Eleanore and James
Chapter Count: 14
Page Count: 278

For Benjamin K. Ball and Isaac Morley, neighbors in Nauvoo in 1840, and great-great-grandfathers to dear friends and partners in struggle in the twenty-first century.


    James is making his way to the river that borders their property. The gang's all here: Lizzie and Fredrick, young Ralph, all the children, and Mrs. Leichty whose first name, we learn, is Amanda. She will be referred to as such for the rest of the book. Brother Yeats is the missionary James and Eleanore met while on vacation. James reflects how, after praying for two years to find the religion that shared her beliefs in the book she found, what could James do but invite this man back to their Iowa City home where Eleanore eagerly listened to all of the discussions. Now she is being baptized. James has never seen his sweet wife looking so happy. Everyone else is happy for her too.
    That night in bed, Eleanor thanks James for allowing her to be baptized. Other non-member husbands might object, even outright deny such a step to take in one's life, but James has been nothing but supportive and accepting. He's just relieved Eleanore doesn't want to move...yet.
    Brother Yeats leaves to return to his wife and children in Illinois. James cannot deny the new radiance about his wife and tries to convince himself that surely nothing but good could come from her joining this new religion.

Chapter 1   What They do in Missouri
Iowa City - 1840
     What James learns while in town to pick up some spring supplies from the general store and stopping by the local tavern for a quick drink, is that folks around here, but especially in Missouri, don't take too kindly to Mormons and their dangerous ideas and lifestyle. James rubs his cleanshaven face (he grew a beard over the winter for the first time in his marriage to Eleanore) as he listens to the conversation. Apparently, it is not only legal to persecute Mormons down south in that particular state but KILLING them is also legal. And THAT, folks, is what they do in Missouri. Good riddance, they agree.
     James is running out the door before anyone has a chance to talk to him. His wife is a Mormon! Her life may be in danger. He hurries home as fast as the horse can pull the wagon. Immediately upon finding Eleanore he demands she will, from this day forth, keep her new membership in this unpopular church a secret. No one can know. They can't tell anyone. There will be no compromise on this matter. Eleanore gasps, unable to beleive such discrimination in the land of the free and home of the brave could be possible. She admits Brother Yeats did mention the saints having some trouble in other communities but...
     James and Eleanore kiss and decide it would be best to get the day's work done and not worry about it any more. James has a garden to plant and the children have been waiting anxiously all morning to get started.
    David knocks and enters the bedroom where his parents had been having this private discussion. He took care of his father's horse. James thanks him, teasing him about being older than his eight years, more like eighteen. David solemnly reminds his parents Eleanore is the one who is eighteen. Iris enters the room too, ready to "pwant the garden." James takes them outside. He also talks to Amanda, then takes Fredrick and Lizzie aside to warn them about saying the "M-word," out loud, to ANYBODY. They solemnly agree to keep their mistress' new religion a secret.
    With the garden finally planted, James and Eleanore take an evening stroll so they can talk more about Mormons, especially the Jensens  who lived in this house before them. 
     Wonder why they left?

Chapter 2       The Letter

     James suggests Eleanore write to Sally Jensen. Might be nice to let the family know how much they are enjoying the new house and thank them for all the nice things they left behind now being put to good use
    Back at the house, they discover the forwarding address in the office for these former owners is none other than Nauvoo, Illinois. Eleanore gasps. Brother Yeats told her that's where all the saints are now gathering. She sits at the desk and proceeds to write a lengthy letter about how they are improving the property and how they came to settle in this area saying nothing about her own recent baptism or knowledge of Mormons. It is late when she finishes as James urges her to come to bed where she cries in his arms, for no real reason except it's been one year since he proposed marriage to her and look where they are now!
    Weeks pass. The old Lord of the Manner loves being a gentleman farmer taking great delight in horticulture and animal husbandry. He loves doing chores in the barn, sowing the fields and working in the yard. The family also attends different Christian churches each Sunday before settling on the one their neighbors, the Plummers, attend.
    If there is a public school, none of the children go. Instead they are home taught by Eleanore. Ralph, David and Iris are doing their reading when James returns from a trip to town with the mail-a letter from the Jensens!  Eleanore weeps a bit as she reads Sally's blatant admission about their conversion to the Mormon church and how they'd been driven from their lovely home because of it. Yet, it all worked out. They love their new home in Nauvoo where they can be among people who share their new beliefs.
    Eleanore writes back, expressing her firm belief that God led them, not only to this home in Iowa City but this new friendship with her sister in the gospel-that's right, she's a Mormon too!
    Sally writes back sharing news of Nauvoo, answering all of Eleanore's questions about life in Zion, the history of the city and how the saints came to gather here. Eleanore gasps reading the name Brother Joseph surely Sally isn't talking about the PROPHET. How she would love to meet this man!

Chapter 3     Eleanore's Wish

      Narration says Sally continues to describe life in Nauvoo sharing the miraculous story that happened last summer. The "Day of God's Power" when everyone was healed from the deadly malaria plague. How Eleanore wishes she could've been there (um, no she doesn't) and promptly bursts into tears. James enters and Eleanore explains how everyone in Nauvoo was miraculously healed by the power of God through Joseph Smith.
    "Who?" asks James.
    Eleanore gives him the first discussion urging him to read the Bible so he too can better understand the Book of Mormon. James declares he needs a nap. Eleanor opens her favorite book (not that one) and starts reading. James teases her about her love for Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice before drifting off. When he awakens, Eleanore is back to reading the Book of Mormon and he invites her to share her feelings.
    Later that evening, Eleanore writes back to Sally. The following day, the children find a dog who quickly makes himself part of the family. David continues to occasionally wander off which concerns James and Eleanore who decide not to worry too much about it. Autumn arrives. Lizzy has her baby. Sally and Eleanore continue to exchange letters. Eleanore longs to be living in Nauvoo where Joseph Smith is. Christmas comes and goes. Eleanore couldn't be happier, except for the fact Lizzie has a new baby and she doesn't...
   One very cold night in January, James makes love to Eleanore and they discuss her feelings of infertility. She sobs in his chest, fearful they may never have any children together. James firmly declares they will just be happy with what they have. Leave the matter in God's hands, he counsels.
Chapter 4   The Secret

     Next day, on their way into town to run errands, Eleanore is suddenly sick. They see the doctor who declares Eleanore undeniably pregnant. True to her character, Eleanore cries in James arms. Again.
    Four months later, Eleanore has an onset of painful cramps and ends up losing the baby. To comfort her, David comes into their bedroom in the middle of the night to announce he just had a dream in which he was holding his baby brother. James and Eleanore feel hope.
    Another letter from Sally contains some sad news. Her six-year-old daughter came down with an unexpected illness and died. Eleanore sobs with empathy but Sally's words are comforting. She KNOWS her daughter is in a better place and she still has the gospel. Of course she's sad but she will not let it consume her. Encouraged, Eleanore writes back.
    Days pass. Eleanore has an idea which she proposes to James. She would like his blessing to share the gospel with their neighbor, Miriam Plummer. James is not pleased but understands if he were to forbid her from sharing their BIG SECRET, it would not help their marriage.

Chapter 5     Discussing Religion

    Eleanore talks to her tall, well rounded, blonde haired neighbor. With tears in her eyes, Miriam admits she often finds the minister's sermons confusing. She's been praying to know the truth which is all Eleanore needs. She sits her friend down and tells her the Good News. She leaves Miriam with her own Book of Mormon which Miriam promises to read and return. She won't tell a soul, she promises.
    Eleanore cries all the way home.
    She misses her Book of Mormon already.
    Luckily for Eleanore, Sally sent her a care package containing a beautiful baby quilt, candy for the children, and church materials including...another copy of The Book of Mormon. James is happy for her.
    The very next day, Miriam comes to see her neighbor. She and her husband stayed up all night reading Eleanore's copy of the Book of Mormon. She and her husband believe but never mind that now. Eleanore grabs her copy, shoving Sally's replacement into Miriam's eager hands.
   Thus begins the Great Conversion of all these characters: Miriam and her husband begin alternating Sunday dinners with the Barringtons. Having their own little "LDS Sunday Service" after attending the other church in town, you know, so no one will suspect. Lizzie and her husband Fredrick also start asking questions, as well as Amanda and her son Ralph. David and Iris want in on this new religious fervor too. Eleanore writes to Sally who sends more Books of Mormon. Forget reading for pleasure, all David and Iris want to do now is read their copies of the Book of Mormon and start preparing for their missions. Everyone, it would seem, is ready to be baptized. 
    Except James.
    James answers the door one evening to find two older men on the threshold. Thanks to Sally and Eleanore's letters, Brother Joseph learned of their little informal congregation and sent them to formally organize the Iowa City Branch of the church. They ordain the two men to the priesthood. David wants to be baptized. Iris can't wait to turn eight next spring. Eleanore talks to James about how left out he must be feeling. James insists he doesn't feel that way at all. While he holds a deep respect for her religion, he has no desire to risk his life by joining. And by the way, he loves his wife more than ever and kisses her passionately to prove it.

Chapter 6   Excluded

   James visits both his children's bedrooms the next morning as they are getting up and preparing for the day. He tells David if he feels getting baptized into the same church his mother belongs to is the right thing to do, then that's what he should do. 
And, no, James is not going to be baptized. 
    In Iris's room James takes the hairbrush and brushes his daughter's long, blonde, "princess" hair for her while they discuss her feelings for the Mormon church. He tells her the same thing he told David-to follow her heart.
    The two Elders leave the next day and James can't deny the new peace he feels in his home now. Everyone is so dang happy. It just doesn't make sense to him...
    Eleanore sends poor Sally some of the luxurious commodities only the super rich in America like the Barringtons can afford, like scented soap and shampoo. (Do they not have any Walmarts in Nauvoo? Do a Google map search and find out!) Then, one day in spring not long after Iris' baptism, Miriam Plummer and her husband drop the bomb-they are moving to Nauvoo. (Hope they're taking their teenage children with them.)
    James is convinced they are going to their deaths. He looks at Fredrick, Lizzie and Amanda and asks, "Will ye also go away?" they reply, "Nay, James, where would we go? You Barringtons are the only family we have." (Not to mention our 401ks!) 
    Eleanore tells James she is pregnant but wants to keep it a secret, so as not to disappoint the children. Three months later, she loses it anyway. Amanda warns James when he comes into the house so he can sob outside in the hall first before entering the master bedroom so they can mourn and cry and talk about their feelings...together. That night, David comes into the room to announce to his parents he just had that same dream, again.
    Weeks later, James is troubled as Eleanore continues to be melancholy and depressed. The light has gone out of her eyes. He tries to snuggle in bed one night but she turns away, not in the mood. She never wants to get pregnant again. Deeply offended, James accuses her of forsaking her Christian beliefs-if Jesus is always with us, no matter how bad our trials, and she believes in Him and in his Atonement, then she wouldn't be denying him sex. 
And with that, James leaves the room to sleep on the sofa downstairs.

Chapter 7     City Beautiful

      At 1:40 am, James returns to the master bedroom to find his wife fell asleep on her knees at the side of the bed. They reconcile.
     Eleanore writes to Sally who writes back, humbly asking if she might take them up on their offer to send her beloved family china, forced to leave behind when they left and which Eleanore reported they aren't using since she has her own, after all. James has a better idea. Lizzie and Frederick can watch the kids and they will make the trip to Nauvoo in person to deliver the china. High time Eleanore met her pen pal anyway.
    In no time, it seems, James and Eleanore are introducing themselves to an average height, well-rounded woman with white blond hair standing on the porch of her modest red brick home in Nauvoo. Sally and Eleanore squeal and embrace. When they announce their intention to stay at the Marriott Nauvoo, Sally insists surprise guests are always welcome at their house so they can forget that idea right now. Hearing the news, the Plummer family and their children come right over for another tearful reunion. Everyone is, of course, staying for supper where everyone can't shut up exclaiming how YOUNG Eleanore is and looks and what a sugar daddy she married.
   This bothers gray-haired James so much he brings it up that night as they are both preparing for bed. Why did Eleanore marry him anyway, he asks her. She replies the answer is now irrelevant. Besides, he made it very clear in his very practical, unromantic proposal that no other wealthy gentleman like him would ever offer a penniless nobody like her such a life-changing opportunity. Lucky for both of them, she ended up falling in love with him anyway. And he with her.

Chapter 8     The Prophecy

     Next day, the Jensens take their friends on a tour of the city in their buggy. They shop, James treats them all to lunch before driving up to the temple mount to admire the construction work. Sally sees Brother Joseph and calls him over to meet the Barringtons.
     This next scene is the only reason to read this book.
     Sally explains how Eleanore found a Book of Mormon on the road back in England, read it and came as quickly as she could to be with the saints. Intrigue fills the prophet's eyes as he shakes her hand. Eleanore notes he's just as tall as her husband as he greets James calling him "Brother Barrington," who is quick to correct Joseph, he is not a member of their church. "And why is that, Brother Barrington?" James explains further, while he does believe God led them to Iowa City until He makes known His will, that's where they'll be staying. Brother Joseph respects that. He turns to Eleanore, takes her hand again and, filled with the spirit of prophecy, promises Eleanore she will bear and raise many fine children who will help build up Zion. Eleanore is still trying to catch her breath as Joseph takes his leave, as causally as if giving prophecies like this to complete strangers were a common occurrence.
    Later that evening, at the Plummers (who will be hosting dinner later) the women ask Eleanore how she managed to catch such a handsome, astute, even formidable so-much-older-than-her husband. Eleanore is quick to defend their relationship, yes, her English Lord did marry WAY down but that was the whole reason they moved to America-to be free of such ridiculous social class distinctions (because in America-young, penniless, female servants marry their wealthy male employers all the time) and beside, he needed a mother for his children. The two women sigh over such a romantic story. 
   The next day is Sunday. Eleanore nearly swoons, sitting in her first Mormon worship service. If only they could move here to Zion. Surely her husband would feel the spirit and join the church too.
   Ever the philanthropist, James takes Mark Jensen aside, handing him a check for a significant amount of money for the temple fund. He insists Mark take it. Don't worry, he can afford it.
   The next day on the riverboat home, James angrily informs Eleanore they will NEVER move to Nauvoo where everyone lives in fear of their lives. Eleanore urges him to pray about such a decision. James reluctantly agrees. As the days pass, even Eleanore can't deny the spirit gently denying her request. Moving to Nauvoo is not the Lord's will for them at this time. Eleanore cries before working up the courage to discuss it with her husband. The tension has dissipated since their talk on the riverboat. Both agree they are more in love with each other than ever.

Chapter 9     Social Distinction

    One day, Eleanore returns from one of her Ladies' Social Circle Club meetings with an exciting invitation for her and James. They are to attend a ball, being hosted by the President who also just happens to be one of the richest women in town. They must have tailored clothes and find a babysitter. While they certainly don't believe in associating with those in "the great and spacious building" it is nice of the higher social circles in town to be so accepting of them.
   Making a point to avoid the champagne, the two sip their punch and admit to having a good time at the party while driving home later that night. Like Rhett Butler after he married Scarlett, James smiles at his wife's naivete. He found the entire evening boring. Such snobbery can be found in both England and America, he explains. But if it makes his young wife happy attending such social events, he'll continue to indulge her.
   Trouble arises, though, at the very next dinner party they attend where the subject of both slavery AND the Mormon religion comes up. Like The King of Siam, James declares slavery to be a very bad thing while both clam up and try to act like everyone else as Mormons are raked up one side and down the other for their outrageous beliefs. They were driven out and good riddance to them. Eleanore is afraid she's going to be sick, while James bites his tongue to keep from telling these hypocrites how wrong they are about his wife's religion.
   On the drive home, James simply puts an arm around his wife and never says "I told you so." Using slavery as her excuse, Eleanore wastes no time sending a polite note to Mrs. King. Eleanore is removing her from her Facebook page.

Chapter 10    Going Back

    James receives news from England. Apparently, the new Lord of the Manor who bought his estate is an overly demanding despot, refusing to comply with the contract of sale regarding how the staff salaries and surplus garnished from estate farms would be handled. Eleanore agrees, James must return to England at once to straighten this out with his solicitor and find another buyer. One they can trust.
    Upon arrival in Merry old England, they check themselves into an inn, driving out to the Manor house next day for a surprise visit. The kitchen staff are delighted to see Eleanore while James meets with the new, wicked, owner upstairs. After accepting their exclamations over how much she's grown into a real married lady, Eleanore excuses herself to take a long walk. She finds the church she was married in and spends a couple of pages reminiscing over her wedding day.
   James finds her here and they talk. Somehow, James was able to legally fire the new owner and take back his estate. It's all settled. His trusted solicitors will be running the place leaving them free to return to Iowa tomorrow. He figures they have at least ten or twenty years to find a new buyer before the money runs out. Plenty of time. Both agree getting married and immigrating to America was the right thing to do.
Oh, and Eleanore made sure to leave a few copies of the Book of Mormon for her old fellow servant-friends.

Chapter 11     The Storm

    Back from their trip, months pass and everything settles into the old familiar pattern again. The family continues to hold their own private Sunday services following their "keeping up appearances" attendance at the local Christian church so no one suspects their hypocrisy. One day a beautiful new piano is delivered to the house. An early Christmas present for the entire family from James. The hymnal Sally sent back in Chapter 5 can now be put to proper use.
    All the children are growing up. Ralph is almost seventeen. David turns twelve. Both boys are the best of friends. Iris is will soon turn ten. Spring arrives and the year is 1844. Sally writes of a new revelation Brother Joseph is now teaching openly the doctrine of celestial marriage and eternal families. When the temple is completed, all who desire will be allowed to participate in this new ordinance. Eleanore weeps when she thinks how much she desires for such blessings, if only her husband shared her beliefs. Which is why when James finds her crying, she refuses to talk about it, snaps at him and leaves the room.
   Summer arrives along with another letter from Sally. Even before she opens it, Eleanore can feel a dark sense of foreboding. James witnesses her shock and horror learning the prophet is DEAD.
   More letters from Sally and Miriam help Eleanore in her grieving process as the saints continue to carry on without their beloved leader. Turns out James is quite proficient in music. He can sing and play the piano a little thus enriching their little Sabbath services. Eleanore listens with misty eyes as he and the children together pick out the song, "The Spirit of God." Later, when Eleanore discovers she is pregnant and becomes very ill, confined to her bed, she has an inspired idea.
   It's a little awkward asking James to sit in while Fredrick gives her a very long priesthood blessing in which she is promised many miraculous things: her child would be delivered safely and her body would be strong enough to bear it, as well as many more, that because of her faith the household would be blessed when a coming storm of grief and heartache descends, yet if they continued to have faith in Jesus Christ, her joy would abound. Unable to bear his own emotions, James exits as soon as he hears the "amen," to ride a horse at breakneck speed while praying fervently for his wife and unborn child.
    When he returns, James is astonished to find his wife working in the kitchen as if she had never been ill. Meanwhile, the boys are outside playing fetch with the dog. David wants to take the dog for a walk. His parents reluctantly give him permission to go alone and it's de ja vu all over again from the last book when a big, cold storm blows in and James comes stumbling in carrying a half dead David in his arms. Eleanore wraps him in blankets and holds him close, not worried at all.
Chapter 12     Measuring

    The doctor finally arrives, declares the boy just needs some time to rest (take two aspirin and call me in the morning) and leaves.
    While keeping vigil at David's sickbed, James and Eleanore spend many pages in a long heart-to-heart talk. James shares his depressing childhood, growing up with parents who basically ignored him because his older brother and younger sister, who could do no wrong according to his grieving mother, both died at young ages. James grew up being constantly compared to the brother who died at only age two. He decided, when he grew up and got married, he would NEVER act like that. Except he married a woman who deceived him. Now God is going to take his only son because he failed as a man and especially as a husband and father. Eleanore insists he's wrong. Yet, as six days pass and David's health continues to decline, Eleanore is terrified by the despair she sees in her husband's eyes. James sobs and screams holding his dying son. Eleanore knows they have to let him go. His measured life is over. James can't understand. Fredrick gave the boy a priesthood blessing and while there was no mention of any miraculous recovery, God should have healed their son. Eleanore and James hold each other while they cry.

Chapter 13     The Human Heart

     James and Eleanore do nothing but cry 24/7 now. A nice funeral service is held but James is troubled by the minister's words over his son's grave (they buried David on a small hill near the woods on their property) and his despair that God has forsaken him and his family. So overcome by grief is James, Eleanore has to gently remind him; Iris needs her father too. But James is too depressed. One night, the spirit awakens Eleanore with the prompt to find her husband. Now. She stops James outside in the yard, just in time, as he was about to pull the trigger. 
On the dog.
Fredrick comes out and calmly takes over, guiding James away, instructing Eleanore to return to the house and try and get some sleep. James apologizes next morning. Eleanore freely forgives him. Then proceeds to preach a sermon about how James can never expect to find any peace until he does what she learned to do: give your heart to God. James stumbles to a chair. Later he goes by himself to pray and sob and pour his heart out to God. He returns, declaring to Eleanore he feels better already. 
   Eleanore shows James his son's journals (before marrying their father, Eleanore the Governess was adamant these children would know the joy of journaling) James reads them and is comforted. One month later, Eleanore finally makes herself write to their dear friends in Nauvoo, telling them about the most horrible night of their lives. Apparently, James has been reading the Book of Mormon for, not a few nights later, he shows her a most profound section of scripture (one of my favorites) about the state of the soul between death and when we are all resurrected as found in Alma 40:11. He had NO IDEA Mormons had this kind of knowledge. Just imagine if it were true. David is surely in a better place. Eleanore just smiles.
    And with James' grief under control, we can now turn to Iris who starts spending several days in bed, insisting she doesn't feel well because, as it turns out, she was hiding a gangreous foot after walking barefoot in the woods, breaking a strict rule, stepped on a sharp twig and thought she could hide it from her parents. Eleanore turns back the blankets and examines her daughter's foot. To her horror, it is already too late, infection has set in. The doctor is sent for.

Chapter 14    David's Dream

    The prognosis doesn't look good. Iris thrashes around the bed, delirious with pain and fever. Fredrick might as well be a bishop with all the priesthood blessings he's been called upon to give already for this family as James finds him in the barn and has to BEG him to come give his daughter a blessing. Now. Fredrick raises an eyebrow. James wasn't too pleased at the last blessing he gave, but he'll do it all the same. In the middle of the blessing, Fredrick suddenly pauses, before the heavens open and the most amazing blessings and promises come pouring out of his mouth for little Iris: not only will she be healed and fully recover from this injury, but grow up to raise children in Zion, in a place where there would be no persecution or suffering. 
Hours after the blessing has been given, James, Eleanore and Fredrick can hardly believe their eyes as the doctor, equally amazed, enters the room to check on his patient. After ascertaining her fever has indeed gone way down, he throws back the bedcovers to discover her foot has been miraculously healed. She's going to be just fine. Iris wakes up and asks for pancakes. Everyone chuckles, then cries. Iris cries too when she learns what just happened.
   That very night, James tells Eleanore in bed he's ready to be baptized. Might as well, after all the incredible miracles they've experienced. Both fall asleep but very early the next morning, Eleanore's water breaks and she gives birth to a boy. Remembering David's (on two separate occasions) dream, seeing how much he looks like his father, they decide to name him James, but agree they will call him Jamie.
   Poor boy.

   In the Spring of 1845, James is baptized. As soon as he steps out of the water, he declares he wants to go to the Nauvoo temple to be sealed and maybe they should move to Nauvoo...but only if it is God's will for them. If not, well, Eleanore couldn't ask for anything more.


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

In Search of Heaven

Book Series: Barrington Family Saga  

Publishing Date: 2007
Author: Anita Stansfield
Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc.
Category: LDS Contemporary Romance

Point of View: Third Person Limited- Eleanore Layne
Chapter Count: 15
Page Count: 273

FOREWARD (it's LONG, 3 pages too long to include here in its entirety so I've summarized it)
For 30 years this author has been fascinated by human relationships and behavior. Topics and storylines just...come to her. Living vicariously through her characters has made her more aware of how God and Satan work in our lives. The topic of human intimacy is one she feels especially qualified to base a story on for she KNOWS this is THE BIGGEST TOOL Satan is using in these latter days to distort God-ordained human relationships. Calling evil good and good evil. When it comes to human intimacy, the way God intended it for his children, she is absolutely certain this story was given to her as an effort to shed light on what is right and good. It is her hope this story might spark some discussion between both spouses and the "birds and the bees" talk they have with their children. May God be with us all.

No dedication

Chapter 1   The Book

      Meet Eleanore Layne. She is plaiting her dark, auburn hair into a simple braid because today is Wednesday, her anticipated half-day off, the day she looks forward to all week, except maybe Sundays when she attends church with the other servants in the grand Barrington home in which she lives. But Eleanore finds most of the sermons troubling-not meeting her high standards for what Jesus' true church most likely taught. Mrs. Bixby, the kind housekeeper, allows Eleanore this weekly excursion into town because Eleanore LOVES to read! She spends most of these hours browsing the only bookshop in town before settling under a tree to read away the remainder of her afternoon.
    That night, unable to sleep, white skin in linen, candle in her grip, Eleanore steals downstairs to the family library, a place completely off limits to the staff during daytime hours. Lest the reader be worried, next to Jane Austin, Eleanore's most favorite book in all the world is...the Bible! Eleanore licks her lips before diving into the written word, her heart nearly bursting, stretched out on the rug behind one of the many leather couches, the large Family Bible spread open before her, lost in the story of Esther. How she LOVES this book! And how grateful she is-able to come here all these years burning her candle at both ends and indulge without ever being disturbed...
     Just then, she hears voices and snuffs her candle just in time before Lord and Lady Barrington-in the flesh!-enter the room. They are arguing, albeit quietly so as not to disturb the rest of the household.  Mrs. Barrington feels her high maintenance lifestyle as Lady-of-the-House doesn't include motherly responsibilities to her two young children-can't a governess be hired to babysit them? Thirty-eight year old, black-haired, formidable James Barrington's deep voice retorts. If his currently-pregnant-with-their-third-child wife is not interested in having children, perhaps she should do something to prevent getting pregnant in the first place. Clutching her pearls, Eleanore claps a hand over mouth to stifle a gasp-what a horrible thing to say to one's wife! 
     Next day, this teenage girl apparently has no friends her own age as her two favorite fellow-servants include Lizzie, the middle aged assistant cook and her deceased mother's best friend, and the even older in age, Higgins, Mr. Barrington's personal servant, valet and Butler (once again, Anita Stansfield has obviously never watched a single episode of Downton Abbey). The three of them often share their lunch hour together in the kitchen, chatting about the family upstairs or hearing Eleanore relate the latest novel she's reading. Today, they speculate over the upcoming birth of the new baby.
     One week later, Eleanore returns from her usual half-day off excursion into town to find the entire house in an uproar. Mrs. Barrington went into premature labor and may not survive to bear her stillborn baby. Eleanore joins the rest of the staff as they all hold hands and pray for their good, kind, decent employers. That night, racked with insomnia, Eleanore has just pulled the large, heavy volume from the library shelf only to turn and find James Barrington! She explains how she finds comfort, peace and understanding from this Good Book. James gives her a condescending grunt and leaves, allowing her to stay and read uninterrupted. Next day, Mrs. Barrington dies. Along with the baby. Eleanor has to find a private place where she can be alone to cry. Her poor employers! Wealthy in everything but the love and peace reading the Bible would bring them.
    Wednesday comes around again and Eleanore is trudging through the drizzly English rain when, right in the middle of the muddy road, she finds...A BOOK! And not just any book. As she picks it up and brushes it off she nearly has an orgasm as she reads the words of 2 Nephi chapters 31 and 32-no other way but through Christ...feast upon the word...pray always and not faint...Eleanore must still her beating heart! Forget Moroni's words, this book is TRUE! So overcome by the spirit she's ready to jump in the nearest river and baptize herself! That night, Eleanore has no desire to eat or sleep as she sits in her room, devouring 2 Nephi 29:6&7. Heaven be merciful! (On us or our poor Mary Sue heroine?)

Chapter 2   The Promotion

     By her next half day, Eleanore has already read this book with the strange title twice and memorized many passages by heart. At the bookshop, she shows the owner, and friend behind the counter the book. He points out the book was printed in New York, America, and that only a few weeks ago missionaries came to town preaching of a new church, also founded in America. Elenore decides, right then and there, as soon as opportunity allows, she is going to America!
    Her opportunity is not long in coming. The very next day, Eleanore finds herself sitting in James Barrington's office. With his wife gone, he's interviewing all eligible female staff for the position of governess. Eleanore gets the job. From that day on, her life will never be the same. James orders a new wardrobe for her. She will be moving into the family's quarters to be near the children. Next morning, Mrs. Bixby informs her Mr. Barrington wants Eleanore to go into town and purchase all the books and supplies she'll need for teaching the children. (Don't worry, he can afford it.) Mr. Barrington introduces her, formally, to David and Iris. While they miss their mother, they don't really have much to say about her. They take to Eleanore immediately, of course.

Chapter 3   Keeping Confidence

     Weeks pass as Eleanore settles quite comfortably into her "heaven-sent" job. The children obey her in everything. Love every outing and lesson she introduces while James Barrington (aka Mr. Rochester) hovers on the sidelines, silently observing, making Eleanore nervous but also intrigued by this strong, silent man who may or may not have loved his deceased wife. Eleanore observes James Barrington's easy relationship with his children, who adore him. Iris, (age 5) speaks with a very annoying lisp and loves her governess like a mother. David (age 7) is quieter. While he is mostly well-behaved and never balks at learning his lessons, he keeps running off, much to the bewilderment of both Eleanore and James. When it happens again and Eleanore finds him, she finally asks him, straight out, why does he keep running away? After making sure Eleanore won't tell, David confides in her. Lucy, the mentally incompetent nanny, said inappropriate things about his Mom and Dad's dysfunctional relationship in front of him. Promising to leave that part out, Eleanore tells him she will talk to Mr. Barrington about Lucy. But Lucy tattles to James first, telling lies about Eleanore's irresponsibility with the children. Because James is a just man with a firm belief in integrity and honesty, he allows everyone a chance to explain themselves in an open discussion in his office-David is also called in. The truth comes out. The confidence Eleanore promised to keep is not exposed. Lucy is found guilty and is promptly demoted on the spot back to kitchen maid while Lizzie will be brought in as the children's new nanny.
    After everyone else has been dismissed and they are alone, James personally thanks Eleanore for everything she's done so far these last six months in her extraordinary care of his children. She'll make a fine mother... someday.

Chapter 4  The Proposition

     David runs away again. James talks to Eleanore who keeps insisting she won't break her promise, that James needs to question his son about what's REALLY troubling him about his mother's death. He breaks down and has that private talk with David. Both tell Eleanore later how glad they were to have done it.
    After learning Eleanore wishes to go to America one day, James calls her into his office. In a remarkable change of character, he announces he ALSO wants to relocate his motherless family to America. And since they both share this urge to immigrate, why not get married and they can all go the Promised Land...together. 
    Eleanore doesn't know what to think. "Surely you jest, sir," but James is quite condescending and misogynistic on the matter. Thanks to those silly Jane Austen books he's seen her reading, he knows Eleanore is a hopeless romantic. He reminds her she is a woman without title or family. No man in his right mind would have her. Marrying for love is a ridiculous idea. When she asks him, straight out, he admits he did not love his wife. But he did trust her and she broke that trust (the baby wasn't his). Eleanore is a woman he can trust. He can also provide for her and she will be a good mother-both to the children she's already come to love and the future children they will have together. A million girls would kill for this kind of proposal.
    Instead of slapping his face and exiting the room with her head held high, Eleanore contemplates how marriage is sanctioned by God. That James Barrington is a good man who takes care of his own. He may not love her (while she has been slowly falling in love with him though she won't admit it, even to herself) she agrees to the proposal before going to her room to ponder the feelings in her heart.
Dear God help her!

Chapter 5    The Agreement

     So far, nobody knows about the book Eleanore found and the feelings she has about finding the American religion that shares her beliefs. This is why she will agree to marry James who informs Eleanore she will be fitted for (another) new wardrobe and Lizzie will be promoted to Ladies Maid in addition to her Nanny duties (She won't this mind at all). Eleanore and James then sit down in his office and discuss the importance of trust and the importance of talking openly and honestly about everything in a relationship...except love. Eleanore has to go for a walk and cry in order to make sense of her confusing feelings. She knows marrying James Barrington is the right thing to do. She weeps for the lack of love James shared with his adulterous wife (thank goodness the children never knew). But he's not marrying her for love.
This will torment Eleanore for many more chapters to come-to the annoyance of the reader.
     For some strange reason, Eleanore is allowed to continue helping in the kitchen. She's busy scrubbing a pot when James Barrington enters to announce Eleanore will be dining with HIM tonight before exiting just as promptly. The entire kitchen staff stare at Eleanore in shock. As well they should. She's MUCH too good for him.

Chapter 6    The Future Mrs. Barrington

    Eating from the same plates and utensils this once lowly kitchen maid used to wash and polish makes dining so intimately with The Lord of the Manner very awkward indeed. James reassures her they have nothing to be ashamed of; besides, once they relocate to America they will be equals. Eleanore raises an eyebrow. They finish their meal and James leads her into the library where Eleanore has to stop and inhale the intoxicating fragrance of dry paper and leather while James smiles with something akin to pity. He invites her to read anything she likes. Eleanore only has eyes for one book. You'll never guess which one. Ever patronizing, James makes a present of it to her and they retire upstairs-both to say goodnight to the children and to announce their engagement. Like David, Iris is "twuly" delighted at the news.
    Next morning, James escorts Eleanore downstairs to the kitchens where he immediately stops the staff from rising in respect (you can just see Robert Crawley cringing) so he can announce he and "Miss Layne" will be marrying soon and departing for America with the children, Lizzie, and Higgins. The rest of these suckers will be quite comfortable with the new owners (as soon as Century 21 closes the sale on the house). James then leads Eleanore outside to the stables so he can introduce her to the arousing experience of her very first ride on horseback-with himself mounted behind her of course. Eleanore is relieved her many layers of petticoats allow her to straddle the animal and still remain modest. No sidesaddle for THIS rebel female. After breakfast, bringing the children along, they take the carriage into town to do some shopping. Eleanore is fitted for her new wardrobe, picks out a wedding dress from a book of drawings (Iris helps) and is allowed to purchase as many books as she likes in the bookshop. Everyone they meet congratulates Mr. Barrington (not Lord Barrington) on his forthcoming marriage and don't even bat an eye when they learn who the lucky woman is.
    The next day is Sunday. The banns are posted and while some people look down their nose at the quaint nobody marrying this disgustingly rich aristocrat, others are truly happy for them both. Sunday meetings adjourned, the family goes home where James presents his fiancée with a Bible of her very own-smaller than the large family one. Eleanore has never felt so blessed in her life.

Chapter 7    Two Worlds

     We now get James' POV. He is reading in an upstairs room when he hears a happy commotion outside, spies Eleanore, Iris and David frolicking on the lawn and hurries down to join them.
    Back to Eleanore, she is talking with Mrs. Bixby when it occurs to her she needs to discuss what kind of wedding reception she and James should have (she's no Meghan Markle, that's for sure!). She finds James in the stable currying a horse and shares her feelings with him. James comes up with the (perfect?) solution. Since they come from two entirely different worlds, they will have TWO wedding receptions-one at the church where Eleanore can be properly introduced to all of James' high society friends and another one at home with the lowly servants and tenant farmers of his estate where they can all sing a rousing rendition of "This is Me." Problem solved.
    Back to James. It is now late at night. Unable to sleep, he wanders the house, agonizing over the failure of his first marriage, visiting the old room he and his wife once shared before settling down in the dark library where Eleanore finds him. She immediately resorts back to their old "master and servant" relationship before James reminds her she is equal to him now. No more calling him "sir" when he's been referring to her as "my dear" for a few pages now. And once they're married he intends to get her out of that prudish nightgown she's wearing and into a proper teddy. Eleanore promptly changes the subject to the Bible and, learning James feels no sadness over his late wife's death but extreme guilt instead, bears her testimony of its truthfulness throwing in a verse from Mosiah 16:6-9 for good measure (sheesh, why not just quote 1 Nephi 3:7 like a normal member of the church would). James is stunned at this young girl's purity and insightfulness. 
   Placing a hand on Eleanore's face, he brings her closer so he can inhale her distinctive scent (except she doesn't have one-she's too poor to afford any perfume) he smells her hair (Again, nothing. Guess she's also too poor to afford shampoo?) thinking to himself how, as a child, he'd always had an almost obsessive-compulsive fascination with different smells and fragrances-including those that haven't been invented yet like shampoos, bath salts and shaving lotions.
    James kisses her cheek while fingering her odorless hair. Confused at the conflicting actions from a man who keeps insisting he'll never marry a woman for love, Eleanor bolts. Nonplussed, James picks up the Bible and starts reading...
     Ever the creepy boyfriend, James snoops around in Eleanor's empty bedroom the next morning while he assumes she's out with the children. He finds no perfume, just odorless soap, shampoo...and an empty bottle of Rose Oil and Vanilla perfume. Before he has time to wonder about it, Eleanor enters and is only mildly alarmed at his presence. She explains the empty bottle is the only thing she has left that once belonged to her angel mother. She can remove the top and sniff and remember...Embarrassed, James hurriedly thanks her for her scripture teaching moment last night and exits as fast as he can.
    Later that afternoon, Eleanor is called into James' office where he presents her with a small gift-wrapped box. She opens it to find a crystal bottle of Rose and Vanilla perfume-the kind that sprays. Chuckling at her pleased and surprised reactions to the presumptuous gift, he holds out her arm and spritzes her wrist for her, then walks behind her so he can spray her neck. Instead of feeling violated, like she's being groomed by a sexual predator, Eleanor giggles then impulsively hugs him. James hands her the bottle, instructing her to use it generously from now on. He can always afford to buy her more.
    And if this is not the most creepy thing you've ever read in what is supposed to be a romance novel, we all owe a HUGE apology to E. L. James.

Chapter 8    The Lady of the House

    It has also been decided that, instead of taking a honeymoon trip, the two newlyweds will consider the move to America as the honeymoon. Before Eleanore can decide how she feels about this, the door opens and an elegantly dressed lady sweeps in. She openly condones James for marrying the governess before James holds out his hand for Eleanor to take and tells the woman where she can go. She turns and leaves in a huff without ever telling us what kind of rank and title James has. Eleanor thanks him again for the gift and leaves to check on the children. James removes one of the hair ribbons he swiped from Eleanor's room this morning and sniffs it-he sprayed it with the perfume before presenting it to Eleanore, you see.
    The day of the wedding arrives. Eleanor wishes it were already over. She reads the story of Leah, tricked into marrying a man who never loved her, and almost weeps in self-pity before reminding herself of her new duties as Mrs. James Barrington. She must face her new life with quiet dignity and courage.
    The children are quite pleased with themselves standing up as ring-bearer and bridesmaid. Eleanore feels a bit envious as James seemingly has no trouble going from one wedding reception to another. When James guides her upstairs to what is now THEIR bedroom and carries her over the threshold, she feels almost sick with nerves. He leaves her and before Eleanore can wonder how he expects her to get out of this elegant white gown all by herself, Lizzie (the never-married-old-maid) enters to reassure her she has nothing to be afraid of as she unbuttons Eleanore's gown for her. Eleanore reminds Lizzie, she's a virgin too. Lizzie brushes it off before opening a box to show Eleanore the lacy white nightgown her husband bought for her to wear on their wedding night. Prudish Eleanore declares it downright scandalous. Again Lizzie scoffs. Conventions be hanged, Eleanore is about to fill the measure of her creation.
     James romantically sweeps her into his arms, placing her tenderly on the bed. Not until then does he finally note how positively terrified Eleanore looks. He gently inquires and Eleanore bursts into tears. She doesn't know anything about what she should do or what to expect. James wastes several paragraphs silently reflecting on his own experience in intimacy and his first failed marriage. And here lies a woman who is everything Caroline was not. He takes Eleanore in his arms. Her tears are now HIS responsibility. As is her sex-ed which, narration tells us, he explains to her in a frank and open manner. Intrigued, Eleanore listens, amazed at the wisdom of such a man. He assures her, if she is not ready, he will wait. This is not some unpleasant duty she must bear while he indulges himself. He's not that kind of man.
    For Eleanore, the wedding night passes in an almost dream-like state. He woos her and she responds. When it's over, she is left feeling both traumatized and in awe of what they just shared. The next time she wakes it is morning and James is already up and dressed. He kisses her brow and exits. Eleanore tries to draw her own bath and carry her breakfast tray downstairs but is quickly reprimanded by the staff. No more kitchen duties for her! Eleanore returns to her room where James finds her curled up on the floor, sobbing. Some "Lady of the House" she turned out to be! He laughs at her naivety, reminding her she needs to watch Downton Abbey.
    That night, Eleanore experiences a relapse of nerves. Sharing a bed like this just seems so sinful and wrong! Again, James lectures her on the glories of what being husband and wife means. Eleanore sighs and resolves to his tender lovemaking. She has no regrets afterwards. 
    Five days later, she is being waited on by servants and making love to James like she's been doing it all her life. The children are already calling her Mama. And in less than three days, they will being leaving on the boat to America.

Chapter 9    The Runaway

    James is out of the house. David and Iris are having one last reminisce in their mother's old bedroom. Eleanore is finishing some last minute packing in the master bedroom down the hall when she hears glass breaking, Iris screaming and David running out the door. Apparently, David related some disturbing things to Iris their mother once told him, smashing all her perfume and bath salt bottles to prove how much it still bothered him before running away again. Outside it is pouring rain, and freezing.
    David is barely conscious as James carries him inside to a room already prepared by Eleanore with a warm bed and roaring fire. David hovers on the brink of death. Eleanore repeats what Iris told her and James hangs his head. Eleanore reassures him, because his children look like him, he mustn't harbor too much bitterness against his dead wife. James almost weeps with relief at Eleanore's comment. All this time, because of his wife's philandering ways, he'd been doubting their paternity. 
    Their shared vigil at David's bedside brings them even closer as husband and wife. The doctor comes and insists on bleeding the boy. Eleanore hotly refuses. The doctor leaves and James questions her reasoning. Eleanore quotes a phrase from Moroni 10 about the power of the Holy Ghost manifesting truth. She insists God will answer their prayers about David's recovery. They just need to have faith. Sure enough, David's fever breaks the following night. James has never been more in awe of his wife-the miracle maker. He insists she tell him what she wants (what she really, really wants!) anything in the world, he will give it to her. He's serious. Eleanore files this away to be pulled out in a later chapter...
      With the trip rescheduled, the family takes an excursion into town for some shopping and eating out at the pub where their server turns out to be..."Wucy!" Iris greets her, "We be going to Amerwica!" The ex-nanny turns a perfect shade of green as she learns Eleanore won the servant's jackpot-married to her former employer and getting her just reward while Lucy had to take a job here at the local pub after being turned out of the grand house. It's almost too much to bear.
     Riding home in the carriage, Eleanore worries (again) this was purely a marriage of convenience for both of them, until she opens the package James bought to find more of their special perfume-in case they don't have any in America. He sprays some on her and on Iris who is the one to giggle this time as she is hugged by her sick father who declares she smells beautiful. "Wike Mama!"

Chapter 10     The Dispute
     Eleanore is brushing out her hair while James sits in bed reading (not scriptures). She comments on the earlier scene today at the pub and is SHOCKED when Mr. Barrington casually admits many a lowly kitchen maid, nanny (such as Lucy) and other female servants made passes at him a time or two-even when he was married. Titled men, such as himself, are God's gift to women, you see. Other wealthy Lords of the Manner might've succumbed to temptation, but not this one. He was just waiting for the right one to come along. With that he kisses her neck while Eleanore silently thanks God for being the woman God obviously guided into James Barrington's life.
    There's not much of a dispute in this misleading chapter. Eleanore spends a few paragraphs obsessing over how physically attracted she is to her new husband. She shares her feelings with James and they spend a few more paragraphs discussing the topic. James wraps it up with how if this kind of attraction was what love was based on, then everyone would be living happily ever after in a brothel. Eleanore reminds him, he's never made any kind of declaration of love to her. He agrees, for he doesn't believe marriage needs love. She is beautiful, she has his name, and while he enjoys her company and is extremely fond of her...he will never love her.
    Eleanore excuses herself to go have a good cry in the gardens outside.
    The following night, sitting up in bed, James notices her reading her favorite book again (not Jane Austin) and asks after it. Deciding she can trust him, she shares her deepest feelings about finding this new book of scripture that changed her life and how much it means to her. He asks her if, once they reach America and she finds the religion that shares her testimony, she will abandon him and subsequently the children and run off to be somebody's plural wife join this cult. Eleanore is rightly offended. How little he knows her! James changes the subject to where they will be settling once they reach America. Eleanore is a little disappointed they won't be going to New York but, as she snuggles down with the good man she married, she thanks God he supports her. James, meanwhile, kisses the top of her head, smelling the shampoo (that hasn't been invented yet) and perfume that is her new scent. Whatever this new religion is, he muses, it can't be as good compared to what they already share.

Chapter 11    The Promised Land

       Five weeks into the six week journey on the ship, Lizzie and Higgins approach their employers with some news. They have decided they are in love and wish to get married. The captain will perform the ceremony in the morning (why wait?) and both hope their favorite family will be there to wish them joy. Eleanore weeps through the entire event-happy for her best friend but also a bit of self-pity for herself as Mr. Barrington has never and probably will never declare his love so boldly as Higgins did for the frumpy Lizzie. She cries again the day after the wedding for she is not pregnant with James' baby. He merely kisses her and tells her not to worry. It will happen all in good time.
    The ship docks in a Virginia port. The (now two) families travel several miles inland, still unsure where to permanently settle. James suggests to his wife they write down three places their "instincts" tell them would be a good place to raise a family (and keep servants). To the other's amazement, both included Iowa City in their lists. Guess that's where they're going. Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?
    With James driving one wagon and Higgins (who gave him a very quick course in Wagon Driving 101) and Lizzie in the other, the party heads west. Not sure who taught them how to cook over an open fire but somehow they manage the trip. Aside from Eleanore discovering she's pregnant, nothing dramatic happens. They reach the mighty Mississippi and are ferried across. The late summer heat only elevates her pregnancy symptoms and Eleanore must ride in the wagon the rest of the trip. At last, they reach Iowa City. The prairie landscape is lovely compared to the bleak moors of England. With Higgins' as a companion, the two men seek out all available land and homes for sale in the area, finally settling on a cheery, two story white clapboard house with a red barn-completely furnished, including bottled fruit and veggies in the cellar, the entire place on the verge of becoming a beautiful, prosperous farm. Apparently the owners left this promised land in a hurry but nobody questions that. Eleanore declares it all perfect and they make plans to move in immediately.

Chapter 12   Life in America

     With some amazing foresight, James already had the rest of their things shipped from the Virginia port town here. They can move in next week. Before leaving to return to town, (where Lizzie, Higgins and the children are probably hanging out by the hotel pool) they stop to meet their new neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Plummer. They have four children but all older than David and Iris. They inform the new English couple the previous family who owned the house was Sally Jensen and her husband and children. They are also glad someone is moving onto the neglected property. Such a shame. Mr. Plummer and James walk around outside while Mrs. Plummer serves a nauseous Eleanore some milk and biscuits. As soon as the Barringtons are settled the entire family is invited for Sunday dinner. 
    James asks if they know any women in town looking for work. With his wife in the family way, he'd like to hire a woman to help around the house. They are quickly introduced to Mrs. Leichty, a homely, middle-aged, widow woman with a twelve year old son named Ralph. Mrs. Leichty declares the job offer heaven sent.
   Everyone works hard to make the house presentable and livable. James is startled to find his wife cleaning the parlor room fireplace and is about to reprimand her for it when she cheekily reminds him she used to do it all the time as a lowly servant in HIS household, remember? If all the Lucys in the world could see her now. He insists she rest on the sofa while he proceeds to finish the very dirty job. Welcome to America, everybody!
    The family settles in. Eleanore loves attending the Christian church services every week, even if it doesn't share her new beliefs. They all enjoy dinner at the Plummers where Eleanore tries very hard not to mind the open affection and declarations of love between Mr. and Mrs. Plummer while the children all play nicely together outside.
   Now that they are all settled in the land where all men are created equal, Mr. Barrington begins insisting their new staff join them for every meal, instead of eating in the kitchen by themselves. Also, James the Philanthropist made a point to purchase this property at twice the asking price, because he can afford it, you see.

Chapter 13     Pretending

     The children are thriving in their new life. Eleanore is especially pleased to see them helping their father with the chores in the barn instead of having servants to wait on them hand and foot-yes, this new life suits everyone very well, indeed (except perhaps Lizzie, Higgins and Mrs. Leichty).
    Life would be perfect for Eleanore...except for one teeny little problem. Her husband continues to treat her like a queen while continuing to withhold his heart. Eleanore muses he could at least call her by her Christian name instead of "Mrs. Barrington," and why does he never kiss HER as passionately as she caught Higgins making out with Lizzie in the hall one day. James kissed her at their wedding and his lips haven't touched hers since. Yet he's kissed her on every other part of her body. 
    She should divorce him.
    Determined, Eleanore finds her husband in the barn, unsaddling the horse, and declares she's ready to take him up on that offer from Chapter 9-ask him for anything and he'll grant it. No, she doesn't want any material things, perfume, a trip around the world or new furniture for the house. She just wants him... to kiss her. He obliges. The experience is so powerful for both of them, Eleanore weeps then sobs while he's kissing her again. Never fear, these are not tears of sadness but of joy.
    Properly addicted now, James and Eleanore are constantly sneaking off so they can make out in any empty room they can find. It would appear Eleanore's deepest desire of her heart has finally been granted until she dreams that night of James shouting in her face that what they share is NOT LOVE! This troubles her for days afterward. Does it strike you, reader, that Eleanore is a woman who could never be satisfied...
   Christmas comes and is delightful with snow and presents and happy servants and family. Then, one morning, well into the new year, as the happy couple are dressing themselves for the day, James accidentally drops the black perfumed hair ribbon in front of Eleanore who is deeply touched by his sentiment but when he kisses her, she looks askance and James picks up on it. Something's been troubling her for weeks, what is it? Eleanore won't say. She exits leaving James to start fretting over her faithfulness to him. Once a week she goes into town for Relief Society Ladies' Club meetings. What if she's been lying all this time? What if she's having affairs like Caroline and the baby she's currently carrying isn't really his?
    Oh, James!
    When he finally gets it out of her, Eleanore admits the guilt he's glimpsed in her eyes was true, not because she was being adulterous but because she loves him (you idiot). There, she said it. And with that, Eleanore leaves the room. James comes to her later where they kiss passionately and finally reconcile. He'll try harder to open his cold heart to her while she will continue to give hers freely.

Chapter 14      Shattered Pride

    Lizzie is pregnant. Everyone is surprised. But Eleanore is MORE pregnant. She goes into early labor. James is shoveling snow outside when he is summoned by the servants. Higgins has already gone for the doctor. Mrs. Leichty proves heaven sent for she was pregnant six times. Her son was the only baby she had that lived. She knows exactly what do to and coaches Eleanore to prepare herself. Losing a baby isn't easy but it is bearable.
    Unable to observe this scene any longer, James finds an empty room where he falls to his knees in supplication to almighty God; begging Him not to take his wife. Mrs. Leichty reassures him Eleanore's life is not in danger and James returns to Eleanore's side so he can hold her while she cries over their dead baby boy. Eleanore cries herself to sleep and James slips out into the hallway to cry on Higgins' shoulder. We learn his first name is Fredrick. He will be called that in narration from now on. Fredrick counsels James to forgive. Not just Caroline but himself too. James knows he's right. The obscure words from Mosiah 16:6 Eleanore quoted to him way back in Chapter 7 come to his mind and his pride finally shatters. She's right. Everyone's right! The Savior's Atonement is the answer! He returns to Eleanore's bedside and is there when she wakes up to reassure her that everything is going to be all right,
    A few days later, the letter Eleanore wrote months ago to the New York Publisher inquiring about her special book is answered by the postmaster in Palmyra, New York declaring his relief those Mormons left the area years ago. With luck, they all dropped off the face of the earth.
    Refusing discouragement, bedridden Eleanore has James read aloud to her from The Book. James finds 2 Nephi 29:6&7 and is impressed. Perhaps his wife's search to find this religion isn't such a bad thing after all.

Chapter 15     Heaven

      Apparently, this house is large enough to have a library which is where James finds his wife trying to read a novel but her mind keeps wandering. He has something to tell her. There was never any love between him and his first wife. Caroline never hesitated to let him know, from the very beginning of her marriage, she didn't marry him for love. Her heart had always belonged to another. The father of the baby that took her life. James groans recounting the tragic tale. He should never have married Caroline.
     With tears in her eyes, Eleanore listens to this confession. James continues: She doesn't know this but these past weeks, their shared grief over Eleanore's baby, he started praying. Like he's never prayed in his life. It took great courage for him to turn the rusty key on his heart, open the door and look inside to find he is...hopelessly and irrevocably in love with his wife (take THAT Edward Cullen).
    So, now that they've both declared their love for each other, James announces he wants to take her on that honeymoon trip. They take a buggy and head east to a small, quiet nameless town on the river. Upon arrival, narration tells us James instigated a deep discussion about their lost child making Eleanore cry long and hard-he cried with her of course. So that by the time they are ready to leave their hotel and see the town, Eleanore is feeling more at peace than ever before.
    After spending four days relaxing in the small town (and seeing the sights?) they are strolling down Main Street when they come across an older man reading...a BOOK! And not just any book. Eleanore has to catch her breath before inquiring after it. The man smiles, finishing her sentence. Yes, this book contains the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and would she like to know more?
James offers to buy the man lunch.
And this story has come to a very abrupt