Monday, January 22, 2018

Love & Loss at Whitmore Manor

Book Series: Stand Alone Title
Publishing Date: 2017
Author: Anita Stansfield
Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc.
Category: LDS Historical Romance
Point of View: Third Person Limited: Tristan and Olivia
Chapter Count: 14
Page Count: 232

Chapter 1         Wounded
The American Colonies, 1781

        Tristan Whitmore has been wounded. He is not surprised. When one has been in the American colonies fighting for king and country at least three years, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Tristan comes to in a hospital tent surrounded by the stench of death. He thinks briefly on his beloved father and wife (names to be revealed later) before Dr. Jack Barburry steps up to his bedside and introduces himself along with a rather lengthy monologue informing Tristan his leg wound is not fatal, that he will get proper treatment and how to stay healthy. The young doctor assures Tristan he will be well looked after and when his convalescence is complete, he will be shipped back to England, released from duty and thank you for your service. Tristan is comforted.
     Olivia Halstead is attending the funeral of her favorite cousin, Muriel. The English rain is a steady downpour as she supports her cousin's father-in-law, Walter, who is much too old and frail to be out in such weather. Lucky for Olivia, she and Walter's two faithful servants, Lawrence and Winnie are right there, under their own umbrellas, to catch Walter should Olivia lose her grip on him. Olivia is grateful for Walter's kindness, as he will continue to allow a poor relation such as her (and her faithful servant) to live with him, despite the very awkward circumstances of her (former) favorite cousin and daughter-in-law's despicable behavior and character.
    Back at the house, Winnie (who is just Olivia's age) helps Olivia take down and brush out her long, curly, reddish-blonde hair (see the cover). Olivia reflects how, after her good-for-nothing father committed suicide, leaving her with all his gambling debt, her favorite cousin had practically insisted Olivia move in with her new family and husband at Whitmore Manor. While Walter had always made her feel very welcome, Muriel turned out to be a witch. Olivia decides these thoughts are too painful to think about.
    After changing into a more comfortable frock, Olivia goes to Walter's room to sit by his bedside and have a nice chat about Muriel's betrayal to the family. Most important, both wonder how they will break the news to Tristan, IF he's still alive and coming home, that is. No one's heard from him in months, yet, Olivia is almost certain she caught Muriel burning Tristan's letters just before she died (the circumstances of which won't be revealed until later).

Chapter 2      Assaulted

      Once Tristan has recovered enough to get up and hobble around on his bad leg, he decides it might be fun to follow Jack on his rounds, learning everything he can about the medical profession. The two form a "bromance" and soon, the day of Tristan's departure arrives. Farewells are exchanged, with a promise from Jack to visit Tristan at Whitmore Manor as soon as the war allows.
     Six weeks later, Tristan is back on English soil. He arrives at his family home and estate to find the front door unlocked. He lets himself in. It is very late, but the head housekeeper is overjoyed to see him. Tristan spots Olivia, hovering in a doorway. She greets him, but it's awkward when Tristan finally thinks to ask after his wife, Muriel. Where is she? Why is she not here to greet him also? Olivia tells him he'd better sit down...
    Muriel died in childbirth. Since Tristan has been away at war for over three years, he is obviously not the father. Pretty obvious what happened. Feeling like he's just been physically assaulted, Tristan absorbs this news in shocked silence. Sure, he knew marrying a woman after everyone, including his own father and Olivia, had warned him might be inclined to promiscuity, he proceeded with the wedding plans anyway, then the opportunity to serve in the war came up and he was off, if only to avoid his new duties as husband and steward of his family estate. Apparently, while he was gone, everyone let Muriel walk all over them and now all are paying the consequences. It just isn't fair!
     Olivia excuses herself to have a good cry. Darn that Muriel! Breaking Tristan's heart like this. It is not to be borne!

Chapter 3    Retreat

     Despite the shock of last night, Tristan was asleep before his head even hit the pillow. He wakes and goes in search of Olivia who is tending his bedridden father, Walter, whose eyes fill with tears at the sight of his only son, alive and home and safe. Olivia leaves them alone to catch up.
    Tristan relates everything to his father (omitting the bromance with Jack) adding he might look into going back to school to study medicine and becoming a doctor, thanks to his new friend. When it becomes evident Walter needs to take his afternoon nap now, Tristan exits the bedroom and finds Olivia. 
    Annoyed, he asks why is she still living here, when she's not even family? Thanks to that favorite cousin of hers, filling his head with falsehoods about Olivia's character, he's not so sure he still trusts Olivia. In turn, Olivia snaps at him, calling him a fool who doesn't know anything. Walter NEEDS her. Muriel was a sociopath who manipulated and deceived everyone and if he doesn't believe her, then he's an even bigger fool before he left to fight in the colonies.
    Tristan reels back, offended, but lets Olivia go. Still miffed, he returns to Walter's room where his wise father encourages Tristan to share his feelings. His father's room has become a nice "therapy retreat" for everyone in the house. They have a long talk about Muriel's betrayal in which Walter finally gives us the details we've been waiting for about her death:
    Not six months after Tristan left, Muriel started acting like Scarlett O'Hara, flirting with every male at every party and social event. No one could stop her. The neighborhood grapevine had a field day with her philandering. When they discovered she was pregnant, Walter was fully prepared to accept the baby as his own, give it the Whitmore name and even an inheritance because that's the kind of altruistic man he is. But Muriel died in childbirth along with the baby.
It was a boy.
Feeling like he's about to throw up, Tristan excuses himself to the privacy of his own room wondering how he will ever be able to get past this. 

Chapter 4       Healing

     Over the next few days, Tristan keeps mostly to his room, too depressed to come out and socialize or involve himself with household duties. He returns to Walter's room, asking himself some tough questions. How could he have been so blind to Muriel's evil, scheming ways? Her arrogance and conceit not to mention her selfish disdain for the feelings of others. Can he ever heal from this terrible betrayal? (not to mention the breaking of the 7th commandment) Oh, and by the way, why are Muriel and Winnie still living here, he asks? Isn't it time they moved on? 
    They spend many pages in another long conversation. Walter is quick to defend Olivia who has become like his own daughter, a fine young woman, while Muriel only married Tristan for his family's money. That become pretty obvious after he left to fight in America. Olivia and Winnie are welcome under his roof for as long as he's alive. Tristan realizes he may have misjudged Olivia's character and slaps his forehead: Darn that Muriel! 
    When Olivia isn't being a companion and caregiver to the bedridden Walter, she is assisting the servants in other ways: scrubbing pots and pans in the kitchen, peeling potatoes. Taking a break, Olivia goes upstairs to the balcony on the second floor overlooking the fine grounds. It is twilight and this is one of her favorite spots in the house to come to every night to enjoy the last rays of evening light.

Chapter 5      Awakened

       Tristan speaks and nearly scares Olivia to death. They repeat the same conversation they've already had at least a dozen times already about a certain dead cousin, "Yes, Clayton Muriel betrayed us all. I'm so sorry, Tarzan Tristan." She adds, with God's help, they will, all of them, hopefully find the courage and strength to overcome this.
     Um, because they are all doormats? (If Muriel was such an important character, why did you kill her off before your readers got to know her? Her name keeps coming up in EVERY conversation and, frankly, my dear Anita, we really don't give a...First rule in writing fiction, SHOW don't tell!)
     An awkward silence descends on Olivia and Tristan sitting in the fading light on the balcony. Olivia ponders a special time in her life, before Muriel entered the picture, when she and Tristan were practically engaged to be married themselves. How she would love to rekindle those old sparks but Tristan (that fool) has already made it clear her presence in this house is not helping him in his grieving process. Oliva stands up and excuses herself. Time for bed.
    Tristan tosses and turns, haunted by thoughts of Olivia and all she'd said to him the other night, calling him a fool. The nerve!  He remembers his very first meeting with Olivia, before Muriel entered the picture.
    It was at a party. One look at Mr. Halstead's lovely daughter, whose mother died ten years ago, and Tristan began courting her. Never mind her father was a bit of a scoundrel. Tristan couldn't shake the strong urge to be Olivia's knight in shining armor, rescue her from her father's snowballing debts, provide her with the love and security she was clearly yearning for.
    Then Muriel's mother died and she came to live with her favorite cousin where Olivia was happy to introduce the two of them, never knowing how much she would regret it later. When Muriel started flirting with him, filling his head with lies about Olivia, he'd taken Muriel's word for it, dumped Olivia and married Muriel instead. 
   That's when Tristan has a sudden epiphany: maybe Olivia was right. Maybe, just maybe, he really WAS a fool after all!
     Tristan runs to the chamber pot in his room to throw up. (I'm not kidding)
      He sleeps late the next day and finds Olivia and Winnie visiting Walter in his room. They are discussing the Vicar's latest sermon. Everyone takes turns going to church so someone can be with Walter. Last week was Winnie's turn. She relates a funny story-the Vicar mixed up immortality with immorality and the congregation nearly choked on their mirth! Guess you had to be there to get it. Anyway, a good chuckle is had by all in the room and conversation moves on.
    Olivia and Tristan have a make-up scene on the balcony later that day. He admits he was wrong in judging her like he did and has since "awakened" to the former romance they once shared. He hopes she'll forgive him. He would like to start over. Try again in reestablishing that special relationship they once shared. Olivia hugs him. Guess that answers that question.

Chapter 6         Long Overdue

      Determined to put the past behind him, Tristan gives Olivia a meek, but tender, kiss which Olivia returns with all her heart before suddenly coming out of her dream-like state to face reality. With Muriel so conveniently out of the picture, how can she be sure Tristan isn't just taking advantage of her? Tristan denies any such motives. It will take time but he would like to start courting her officially, just like he did before Muriel ruined their lives.
    There has also been talk, rumors even, of illegal smuggling taking place in this area by turncoats, secretly shipping food and supplies to the colonies. If the authorities were to find out, people would hang. With that beach so close to the estate, hopefully nobody from Whitmore Manor is involved. If Walter found out, it would break his heart.
    Returning from a long ride, Tristan impulsively decides to take a quick nap in an empty horse stall in the soft hay. He is awakened by the low, anxious murmur of men's voices, which he recognizes as his friends, the stable hands. They leave and Tristan wonders what's going on. Noticing an odd wall has been built in the stable, one he's never noticed before, he goes off in search of Olivia. She is in the estate laundry, of course, scrubbing away at a washboard, gossiping happily with the other servants as they work (Ah, the myth of the happy slave!) Tristan is impressed how Olivia insists on earning her keep. Olivia just smiles and kisses his cheek, thrilled her boyfriend's back.

Chapter 7     Secretive Dealings

     Hard to believe it's only been a week since he got back but today is Sunday and it is Olivia's turn to attend church. Winnie rolls her hair into a tidy bun on the back of her head. Tristan is a little nervous, returning to the social scene for the first time, facing the community as a widower whose wife was a cheating cheater. With Olivia seated beside him, Tristan rests his arm on the back of the pew behind her in silent public announcement that, with Muriel dead, he's entitled to a relationship of his own. That should help quell the gossip.
    In keeping with the author's new theme for her latest novels, Sunday dinner at this pious "Downtown Abbey" household is served cold with the washing up done by the main characters so that everyone can keep the day holy without any need for servants doing any extra work.
    Back in her mistress' room, Winnie comments, she couldn't help but notice some tension between Olivia and Tristan during the meal. Anything to tell? Olivia confesses she told Tristan she has a BIG SECRET that might prevent them from getting married and that she can't reveal it yet. No, she doesn't have a secret Tinder account, but she will have to tell him, soon.
    One month after Tristan and Olivia have officially declared themselves a couple, happy to spend as much time as possible in each other's company, Tristan again reminds Olivia she has a BIG SECRET that she keeps promising to tell him.
    Next chapter, she winks.

Chapter 8     Traitors Underfoot

     If you haven't already figured it out by now, Olivia's BIG SECRET is that she is helping the stable hands smuggle food and supplies to the colonies. Tristan discovers this when he finds the secret storage area in the stable, behind that mysterious wall he noticed earlier; crates containing rifles and other supplies stacked around the room. Saying nothing, he waits until that evening, telling Olivia of his sudden need to ride down to the pub to catch up with his old drinking buddies. He hides out, instead, watching the house until the wagons pull up outside the stable. Waiting until the last man shuts the door, Tristan grabs the traitor, dragging him away from the others who never notice the abduction.
     To his utter astonishment, the man is actually a woman-Olivia!
     Furious, Tristan tells her off. He won't let her get herself hanged, risking her life in such a foolish cause. Need he remind her, he was most likely SHOT by one of those very rifles they are sending over to the enemy! And walks away before she can reply.

Chapter 9     Partners in Treason

    As the chapter title implies, after spending the night in much prayer and contemplation, Tristan rushes to Olivia's room, wakes her and shares his latest epiphany: If she really DOES believe in this cause then, by Jove, he should be helping not hindering her! And if they get caught, why, they will hang together as partners in treason. 
    What could be more romantic than that?
    Naturally, both say nothing to Walter the next day about their secret mission. They can only hope and pray everything about this new plot device works out for the best. 
    What? Constant talk about a dead character 24/7 not exciting enough for you? (All day long it's Muriel this and Muriel that, Muriel gets all the love, attention, praise and hot dates-Muriel, Muriel Muriel!) About time we moved on with this tedious story.

Chapter 10     The Scope of Danger
   Telling Walter they are going for a long, romantic walk. Olivia and Tristan leave the house to carry out the smuggling plan: Tristan will keep watch on the beach, taking cover behind the large rocks while Olivia (dressed in her manly garb) will be rowed with the other stable hands in longboats to the waiting ship anchored just offshore to finalize the mission with the captain. It starts to rain. Tristan wonders what's taking so long. At last, a single longboat returns but just as Olivia is stepping out, a shot rings out and she falls. Another bullet whizzes past Tristan's ear as he rushes to be at her side. Olivia's wound is not fatal but is in the thigh and deep. They must get her back to the house quickly.
    Making up a story about Olivia taken by a deathly illness, Winnie and other trusted servants assist Tristan in the crude operation. Somehow, Tristan is able to recall everything he learned from Jack and somehow manages to remove the bullet and stitch up the wound without losing the patient. Olivia passed out so that bottle of spirits Winnie brought won't be necessary after all. Any danger of Olivia becoming an alcoholic is past and all these non-LDS characters can continue to keep the Word of Wisdom. Whew!
    Tristan sits by Olivia's bedside all night long, holding her hand.
    Olivia wakes up, tired, in pain, but feeling better already at the sight of her fiancĂ© keeping vigil at her side. She is very glad the smuggling mission was a success and nobody suspects a thing.
    Not yet, anyway.
    Then a knock on the front door reveals a Lieutenant Wixom, here to inquire about a tip he received about smuggling ties involving this household which Tristan is quick to deny.

Chapter 11      Upheaval

       Wixom and his men demand an inspection of the house and grounds, the stable especially. There are other officers waiting outside to accompany them to the stable with its rumored secret room. Tristan smirks, silently patting himself on the back as his loyal, faithful stable hands explain to Wixom and his men, that, due to some recent petty theft, they had to build this secret room in order to keep their stores safe. No one's been in here for months. They open the room and Tristan is relieved to find everything (guess they hurried and brought in more food and supplies?) already covered with a careful layer of dust and dirt. Wixom and his men question the rest of the staff and servants but no one has anything to tell.
    Satisfied, but still suspicious, Wixom and his men accept the invitation for cook to find them all a plate of something and Tristan reports to Olivia that they all have nothing to worry about.
    Wixom will, of course, be back.
   Weeks pass. Tristan officially proposes to Olivia who accepts. On their way to tell Walter, they are met by Winnie. Something terrible has happened! Walter just suffered a stroke (or "apoplexy" in 1781 terms) he can neither talk and is paralyzed on his left side. Tristan and Olivia send for the local, incompetent, doctor who basically says, "Nothing to be done except wait for him to die, sorry," and takes his leave. Tristan and Olivia hand Walter pencil and paper and are able to communicate. 
    Stupid doctor.

Chapter 12      Divine Intervention

     A week or so later, Wixom is back. One of Whitmore Manor laundresses was recently dismissed. She went to Wixom and tattled on them reporting, "Strange comings and goings," that's all she would say. He's here to look into this. Tristan manages to brush it all off and Wixom leaves, still suspicious.
   Upstairs, Olivia (who is up and about now, almost fully recovered from her injury, they wrapped her ankle to hide the true nature of her wound, claiming she sprained it attempting to get up too soon.) hears about the visitor downstairs and realizes the young girl, May, is the one who squealed. Olivia knew everyone who worked in the laundry and May had gotten in trouble for some petty theft before the head housekeeper finally let her go. Hopefully, Wixom believed Tristan's tale about romantic trysts among the servants and staff, you know how these big households are. Lots of "comings and goings" *wink wink*
   Walter writes he wants Olivia and Tristan to get married right away, before he dies. Tristan is mildly disturbed. His father will live forever so let's have none of this talk of him dying before his time. Nevertheless, Tristan promises to post the banns at church this Sunday. They will be married next month.
    Another visitor arrives, but it's not Wixom, it's Doctor Jack Barburry! Tristan is very happy to welcome him to his home, and especially glad to show the good doctor his ailing father and get his professional opinion. Jack admits he really has no where else to go. Tristan tells him he's welcome to stay here as long as he likes. 

Chapter 13     The Traitor

     After examining Walter, Tristan and Jack go to the library where Tristan brings Jack up to speed about Muriel's betrayal, he and Olivia's reconciliation and their upcoming marriage. Jack accepts everything and his happy for his friend.
   About a week later, the head housekeeper finds Tristan-all a flurry. May is back, she's pregnant, very sorry for her betrayal to Wixom and seeking sanctuary. Many pages are spent as May tells her tragic story. She got involved with one of Wixom's officers who knocked her up after she told him about the "comings and goings" realizing she'd made a terrible mistake, she SWEARS she'll never steal from them again or incriminate them to the authorities. Being the kindhearted, forgiving people they are, Triston and the head housekeeper allow May to have her old job back and stay.
   But before you start thinking May is "the traitor" Jack sits Tristan down for his own BIG CONFESSION. The reason he had to leave the army and return to England was because he, too, believes in the Colonists' cause. He also got involved in the smuggling trade back in America. He hangs his head. He is a traitor to his country and should probably leave now before he gets Tristan and his household into trouble.

Chapter 14     The Confession

    Tristan has never been so relieved in his life! "Are you kidding?" he says to Jack, "We're traitors too!" both men marvel over this irony before putting their heads together to figure out how to get Wixom off their backs once and for all...
   Tristan locates Olivia, he told Jack everything but it's all going to be okay. They are going down to the local pub to find Wixom and end this once and for all. Olivia tells him to be careful.
   While they wait for Wixom and his men to come in, Jack mentions he might be interested in getting to know Winnie better. She's single, right? Tristan is surprised but gives his blessing on this possible relationship.
   Just then, Wixom and his men enter the pub. Among the men is the one who got May pregnant. Jack and Tristan point this out to Wixom-they are a disgrace to those uniforms! The nerve of them, coming to this quiet little town and stirring up trouble with talk of treason, scaring everyone half to death. Other men in the pub speak up in their defense. These officers should be run out on a rail! Jack adds he has important connections in Parliment who might be interested in hearing this story.
   Wixom and his men go upstairs, pack their things and slink out of town without any further argument.
Tristan, Jack and the rest cheer and clap each other on the back, grateful this little incident has been resolved once and for all. Can I get an amen?
   As if it really matters at this point, Olivia feels a burning need to confess everything about her involvement in the smuggling plot to Walter. The next day, everyone is summoned to Walter's room where Tristan is urged by Walter to read the letter he wrote with his good hand. In it, Walter has a BIG CONFESSION of his own to share: turns out HE was the real traitor in this household-not May, not Olivia, not anyone else. He got involved in the cause a long time ago, already knew about Olivia's involvement, even the real reason for her "illness" but said nothing. Now that Olivia and Tristan are about to be married and he could die at any time, he just wanted everyone to know so he could die with a clear conscience. 
   Of course there are no hard feelings and the family is more united than ever.


   Olivia and Tristan are married. Walter is also in attendance. Everyone cries for joy. Jack and Winnie are holding hands. Not quite a year after the marriage, Walter dies a happy grandfather, holding Olivia's baby in his arms. They named him Walter. Jack and Winnie married and Winnie had her own baby. The local doctor died and Jack took over his practice. The cows calved and the chickens continued to lay and when the Revolutionary war ended in favor of the colonists, they all had their own quiet Fourth of July celebration, because it really didn't matter where or in what time this story took place, did it?


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