Book Series: Gables of Legacy (Byrnehouse-Davies & Hamilton)
Publishing Date: 2003
Author: Anita Stansfield
Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc.
Category: LDS Contemporary Romance
Point of View: Third Person Limited- Jess & Tamra
Chapter Count: 14
Page Count: 236
Point of View: Third Person Limited- Jess & Tamra
Chapter Count: 14
Page Count: 236
For the Swans
This volume, The Eternal Bond, is full of drama, as if the author felt she must constantly bombard her characters with life threatening situations, lest her readers get bored.
Number of characters rushed to a hospital: 6
Number of helicopter rides to a hospital: 3
Strokes: 2
Drunk driving incident: 1
Bad character with gun: 1
Car crashes: 1
Chapter 1
Car crashes: 1
Chapter 1
South Queensland, Australia
Picking up right where the last volume left off, Jess Michael Hamilton IV is sitting outside on the veranda of the large home on his estate, feet up, newborn and newly blessed son, Michael V, tucked in the crook of his arm, marveling at life and all its incredible blessings.
The baby blessing was yesterday and the guests, Sean O'Hara and his family for example, are all here. Allison, the oldest sister, chats with Jess. Both agree the O'Hara family fits right in as everyone's kids run and play together on the large expanse of lawn.
But this gilded life is far from perfect. To start, after the company leaves, Jess is dismayed to find his mother, Emily, happily moving her things from the master bedroom she shared with Jess' recently deceased father, Michael III, to one of the mansion's many spare bedrooms. High time Jess and Tamra took their place as masters of this home. Jess is not so sure.
Emily gives Jess a complete set of her late husband's best-selling novels, which Jess never got around to reading. Tears fill his eyes as he reads the handwritten inscription on the inset of Michael's first book, autographing it to "the finest son a man could ask for."
Chapter 2
Jess struggles with taking his father's place as head of the family. Then, Sean calls with terrible news. His oldest son was riding his bike when a drunk driver came along and ended it all. Of course Jess, Tamra and Emily will fly immediately to Utah where Sean is an absolute wreck. He falls, sobbing, into Jess' arms while Emily reassures Sean dealing with grief, loss and all the pain that comes with it doesn't make him any less than the finest family counselor they've ever met. God is not punishing him and nobody blames him for needing the help and support of his family and friends to deal with his grief and pain. The three Hamiltons consider it a blessing to be here for Sean and his family.
Chapter 3
Some of Sean's family are also in town, including his favorite older sister and her husband and kids. We learn Maureen and her family all joined the church some years ago. The funeral brings peace and closure. Everyone says goodbye except Jess, Tamra and Emily who agree to stay and visit a little longer.
One evening, with Sean's kids out with Allison's, the doorbell rings. A strange young man none of them have ever met stands nervously on the threshold. Joshua Raine is invited in where he tells his story: adopted as a baby, raised LDS by wonderful parents, served a mission to Ireland, he returned home with a sudden urge to find his birth mother. For Tara, still mourning the loss of her son, the timing couldn't be more perfect. Mother and son fall into each other's arms. (See By Love and Grace for this backstory)
Their work here done, the Hamiltons return to Australia. Soon it is Tamra's birthday and Jess has a special surprise for her. Eyes closed, Jess leads his wife into an unused room nobody visits anymore. He throws open the dusty curtains and tells Tamra to open her eyes. Her gift turns out to be great-great grandmother Alexa's old piano. Jess had it tuned and cleaned up and has already arranged for someone to come out once a week to give her lessons. Tamra's childhood dream of learning to play this instrument is finally coming true. Tamra weeps.
Chapter 4
Next item to be checked off the dramatic plot complication list-Tamra's mom, Myrna, suffered a stroke and is currently in a Minneapolis hospital. She's an old, frail woman now and will need constant care which Tamra's brother, Mel, isn't sure how to provide. One thing's for sure, no more booze and cigarettes for Myrna. Tamra takes a few days to ponder and pray for the best solution to this problem. She calls Aunt Rhea in Sydney with an idea-if she and Jess foot the bill to move Myrna here to Australia, would Rhea be willing to be her caretaker? Rhea thinks that's a great idea. Since her husband died of a stroke years ago, her life has been totally devoid of purpose and meaning.
Taking little Michael with her, Tamra jumps back on a plane to the states to bring her mother over. Myrna has no problem with any of these plans Tamra made for her. Oh, she'll drop a slurred f-bomb now and then from her wheelchair but everyone finds her to be very agreeable and are happy to welcome her into their home.
Not long after Myrna is all settled in at Rhea's, Tamra discovers, to her horror, she's pregnant. With twins. Tamra has no idea how to handle this. She already has a baby to care for, plus her adopted daughter Evelyn, how can she possibly add two more to her load?
No time to worry about that now as yet another health crisis hits the family when Murphy's terminally ill mother, Susan, takes a turn for the worst and has to be rushed to the hospital. Murphy, who is not a member of the church, feels so helpless. He's still not married. Now his mother is dying. They'll be separated forever and he'll be stuck with his own laundry and cooking his own meals. The horror! Jess takes this golden missionary opportunity to remind Murphy of the Mormon belief of eternal families. Murphy is intrigued by the idea.
Chapter 5
While Jess deals with a new boy in the boys' home named Nathan, (a six-year-old whose biological father abused him while his mom was too busy getting high and feeling sorry for herself to notice) Murphy has an accident in the stable, breaking his leg. Jess drives him to the hospital where Murphy says he's willing to meet with the elders while recuperating. Might as well.
It is raining, hard, as Jess drives back to the station. Suddenly blinded by rain, Jess crashes the car temporarily losing consciousness. He calls Tamra from his cell. Tamra rushes out into the storm to be at his side.
Chapter 6
Jess is life flighted to the hospital (with all the money and accidents plaguing this family, maybe they should just invest in their own helicopter). Luckily, Jess is fine, no serious injuries or trauma. Just a few bumps and bruises, that's it!
Jess visits a bedridden Murphy in the cottage where his family has always resided. Murphy told the elders he's ready to set a baptism date but his girlfriend, Tonya, wants nothing to do with religion and told him if he joins the church she's breaking up with him. Murphy is torn. (By the way, we've been told in the narrative that Tonya works as a hairdresser and has her own place in town so these two are NOT cohabiting or sleeping together. This is LDS romance, people!)
Acting as mediator, Jess decides to resolve the issue by inviting both over to the big house for dinner for some fellowshipping. The meal is pleasant. Afterwards, they all get Tonya to admit because she was raised in an overly pious home with a hypocritical, Bible-thumping father, she's been apprehensive about ANY form of organized religion. Once Jess and company clarify Mormons aren't like that, Tonya begins to soften.
Chapter 7
Murphy wants Jess to baptize him. Jess is honored. Tonya has agreed to take the discussions. Tamra moans some more about pregnancy hormones and gaining weight. Emily knows exactly how Tamra feels. Jess is as kind and understanding and supportive to Tamra as always. He gets up for a nighttime feeding, taking care not to play or stimulate baby Michael with extra attention in order to promote healthy sleep habits. Thanks for the Dr. Spock advice, Anita!
Chapter 8
Jess is having recurring nightmares about the car accident. No, not THAT accident from Ch. 5, the one that took place before he met Tamra (see "The Guardian" Vol. 1 of this mini-series) when Jess, his best friend in the passenger seat, older brother and his wife in the back were traveling when a semi truck out of nowhere in a head-on collision ended it for everyone. Everyone except Jess who sits up in bed with a gasp, breathing hard, remembering his brush with death. His nightmare troubles him the rest of the day.
Meanwhile, arrangements are being made to bring Myrna here to the big house to live permanently. Tamra is upset by these plans. Living under the same roof with her disagreeable mother who abused her growing up has never been easy for Tamra to accept and forgive. Emily assures Tamra, despite her warts, Myrna will be accepted and loved unconditionally by this altruistic family. Evelyn takes to her new grandma immediately, much to Tamra's astonishment. Tamra tries not to feel so stressed out over her pregnancy complications.
Chapter 9
Jess tentatively hires on a woman, sight unseen, from his LDS ward in town to be their new housekeeper in the boys' home. Her name is Beulah. She's black. Yes, Jess, minority women DO exist in this church. Jess takes her on a tour of the facility. Beulah is a bit cynical, referring to Jess' happy home, business and rich surroundings as "a gilded world." This offends Jess so much, he excuses himself to get Evelyn ready for bed. Witnessing this exchange, Tamra and Emily raise their eyebrows before reassuring Beulah how happy they are to have met her and that she is welcome and accepted here. Everyone goes their separate ways.
Tonya starts spending a lot more time here, cutting and styling everyone's hair, free of charge, including Myrna's who perks up at this extra attention. Little Nathan's mom comes to visit. She's interested in getting custody of her boy. Jess feels it's too soon.
Aunt Rhea is over for dinner and everyone is discussing the possibility of her moving out here from Sydney and joining the family as Myrna's personal caretaker and assistant when Tanya rushes in, out of breath. Murphy took a horse up into the mountains and there's a big storm coming!
Chapter 10
Murphy is found safe and alive but very chilled. The emergency helicopter flies him to the hospital anyway for observation. Tonya cries and cries as Murphy's last whispered words to her was that he wanted to be with her...forever. This means Tonya will have to start investigating the church.
Next day, Jess and Tamra (who is driving) talk on their way to the hospital to visit Murphy. In light of the recurring nightmares Jess keeps having, Tamra suggests he call Sean. Jess buries his face in his lap and starts sobbing. The grief of missing his father, all the recent drama, the stress of his job, he just can't take it any more! Job never suffered this much.
At the hospital, Tonya will continue to stay with Murphy. She hints she might want to start learning more about the church but can make no promises.
Jess thinks Emily's idea of moving Rhea out here and keeping Myrna here permanently is perfect. Tamra feels like the outcast as she's the only one who doesn't think this is a good idea. Rhea and Myrna are no fools. They'd love to stay here always. Jess takes Rhea back to Sydney so she can sell her house and start packing. Tamra endures this latest trial. Tonya agrees to meet with the missionaries.
Jess makes an effort to get to know Beulah better and get over his prejudice. Narration tells us Beulah and Jess' talk revealed she is a single, divorced, mom with grown kids all of whom chose different lifestyles, leaving her alone with her newfound religion and all the bills which is she is constantly struggling to stay on top of. Not exactly a gilded life, eh Jess?
Beulah gently reminds Jess he should spend more time with his wife and beautiful family. Jess agrees. Emily hints she might (foreshadowing future volume) be ready to start dating again. Seems every well-meaning relief society sister in their ward keeps trying to line her up with a male "friend" but Emily keeps turning them all down. Jess is glad to hear this because his mom is way too old for Tinder.
Chapter 11
Bedroom picnics are becoming a favorite treasured pastime in this house, begun when Michael was too ill to leave his bed so the family would bring the meal to him complete with hamper and a checkered tablecloth. A nice idea for a romantic date that cheers Tamra up. Score one for Jess.
Emily is the recipient of an inspired act of service when a sister from the ward stops by the house with flowers to her from her deceased husband who helped this woman through a particularly tough time while he was serving as her bishop. She's never forgotten it. She wasn't sure why but knew Emily needed these flowers today. Emily thanks her and she leaves.
Jess enters to find Emily wiping her eyes and cradling the flowers. Emily explains. Unbeknownst to all, today is the day Michael came back into her life (see First Love and Forever) after she lost her first husband. In danger of being evicted from her home and starving to death on the streets with her daughters, Michael appeared on her threshold like a knight in shining armor to save her. The date continued to be special to Michael too, so he always gave her flowers to commemorate it. They shared this "private anniversary" for years without anyone knowing it, including the woman who gave her the flowers, until now. Jess is touched by this story.
Beulah helps Nathan through a tough few weeks as he struggles to get along with the other boys and settle in. Jess realizes Beulah is a natural at this and, despite having never earned any kind of degree in this area, promotes her to school counselor. Accepting this position means Beulah will need to be available anytime. She'll have to live here. Lucky for her they just happen to have an apartment on the premises. She can move in whenever it's convenient. Beulah is now part of the family too. Group hug!
Jess catches the flu (but doesn't have to go to the hospital). Everyone pitches in to keep everything under control. Jess takes this opportunity to stay in bed and read the family journals which Tamra already read but Jess never got around to.
Chapter 12
Nathan has a court date to determine who gets permanent custody, Mom or Dad? Both are putting up a good fight which makes Jess sick. Nathan has already expressed his fear of having to live with his abusive father. He'd prefer mom. It all works out and Nathan's mom is granted custody while Bill, the sore loser father, vows revenge.
As if we haven't seen this before, Bill surprises everyone by showing up at the Boys Home the following day with a loaded pistol, threatening violence unless they give Nathan to him. Jess punches him. Bill fires two rounds, hitting Max the security guard in the leg.
Luckily, Max will recover. Maybe Max was wearing a red shirt, because he's rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and never seen again while Bill is hauled off to jail where this "filthy scum" will never hurt anyone again.
Tamra goes into labor a few days later. The trusty helicopter is sent for and Tamra ends up giving birth during the flight. They let Jess come along so he gets to witness it all.
The fraternal twins are named Tyson and Joshua, respectively. Emily has Jess read from Moroni 7:29-30 which talks about angels, under the direction of Jesus Christ, having the authority to help us here on earth. Emily knows Micheal helped them from the other side today in bringing his posterity here safely. Jess cries. He knows it too.
Chapter 13
The holidays come and go. Tonya is baptized in February. Issues with drunk employees, maintenance and repairs around the estate keep Jess busy. Tamra also suffers from postpartum depression. Myrna's negative attitude and constant jibes aren't much help either. Finally, Aunt Rhea reveals something to Tamra she probably should've done years ago. Myrna was raped as a young teen. By who is never revealed. Tamra cries long and hard in Rhea's arms over this tragic story. Now we know why Myrna was such a bad mother.
Sean's wife, Tara, has been having a hard time. Sean calls to ask if she might come out there for a few weeks for a long stay (of healing). Now Myrna has someone to help her come to terms with her unfortunate incident. Sitting in the living room with everyone, Myrna hears Tara's story and, in her dementia, states as casually as if they'd both eaten at the same restaurant, "That happened to me too, except my baby was a girl."
Tamra picks herself up off the floor, and rushes straight to the computer and the phone. Since Myrna has a birthday coming up, why not invite all the family to come, including this long-lost sister, Sue. With Rhea's help and a few Google searches, Tamra tracks down her half-sister and calls her up. Turns out Sue was adopted by a wonderful family and ended up joining the church. Sue has no problem dropping everything to fly out to Australia for the family reunion, however, everyone agrees it might be best not to tell Myrna about her relation to Sue. Sue also has no problem with this as she fears rejection from Myrna.
Mel (Tamra's brother) her biological father and stepmom all fly out both to see the new babies and wish Myrna a happy birthday. The meal is progressing beautifully until the birthday cake is brought in. Myrna interrupts everyone's singing to start ranting about how much she HATES birthdays and all the fuss. Rhea wheels her out.
Tamra feels like this is all her fault. Everyone reassures her otherwise. Sue blows out Myrna's candles and everyone feels better.
Chapter 14
Myrna doesn't return so the rest of the party is very enjoyable. Next morning, Myrna is wheeled in to open the presents she never got around to last night. She's about to go emo again when Sue brightly suggests Myrna open this one first and the mood lightens.
Later, a visiting teacher gives Tamra a Mormonad from the New Era showing the ugly duckling in front of a mirror reflecting a swan reminding us all of our divine individual worth and potential.

Realizing the cure for her depression was right in front of her all along, Tamra weeps and that dark cloud disappears forever.
Three days later, Myrna passes away in her sleep, having never been told Sue's true identity. Tamra calls her half-sister and both agree they can't wait to do their mother's temple work in one year.
Despite her sister gone, everyone insists Rhea will continue to live here. She can be nanny to Jess and Tamra's kids. Problem solved.
Jess rediscovers the spirit of Elijah by spending more time in front of the computer, writing his own personal history for his posterity.
Recording his unstable relationship with car accidents is very difficult for Jess but helps him realize the meaning of his recurring dream having an out-of-body experience. At the scene of the accident, an unconscious Jess was given a choice whether to stay or go. Obviously he chose to stay.
Emily helps him understand this. The accident HAD to happen. Jess is at peace with it now.
Unable to sleep that night, Jess wanders outside, barefoot in the grass, up to the knoll overlooking the estate. He feels the spirits of all the great men he was named after who came before him. Now he will continue the family legacy. Jess knows he has an awful lot to be grateful for.
Returning to the house in the early morning light, Jess announces to Tamra he's ready to move their things into the master bedroom. Tamra is proud of him. Jess tells Emily, after she dies, he and Allison will complete her temple work by having her and Michael sealed. Emily is very glad.
A large envelope from church headquarters in Salt Lake City arrives in the mail for Emma, who is coming soon to visit, yet told no one about any plans to serve a mission. Emma sheepishly admits she wasn't sure if she was going to go through with it, but she's glad she did. She opens the envelope. She's going to the Utah, Salt Lake City, Temple Square mission. (I think that's kind of a letdown since she's already lived so many years in Provo with Allison but, hey, at least she didn't get called to Boise, Idaho!) Everyone is very happy for Emma.
Later that night, Tamra finds Jess looking out the window at the stars. They kiss and agree it really IS a gilded world after all!