Book Series: Prequel to "Shadows of Brierley" series
Publishing Date: 2000
Author: Anita Stansfield
Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc.
Category: LDS Historical Romance
Point of View: Third Person, limited, Gavin and Anya
Chapter Count: 19
Page Count: 309
To my son, John
For your sensitive
spirit and your huge heart. May you always trust your feelings, and stand
strong as a voice of all you believe in.
Scotland 1798
Meet Gavin, age sixteen, illegitimate son of Jinny Baird who is dying and has sent her son to find James MacBrier, the fifth Earl of Brierley, with an urgent message to come (in the name of love) to her death bed. For reasons he never understood, Gavin has spent his entire life with his mother in this isolated tower, situated on the outskirts of the Brierley estate. He stops the Earl on his horse, delivers his cryptic message and is surprised at the Earl's instant agreement to grant his mother's last request. He dismounts and follows Gavin.
Gavin eavesdrops outside the open window of the tower. Turns out James had no idea of Jinny's existence until this moment and while Jinny and James shared a very close relationship, Gavin is not his child. The Earl is dismayed realizing Jinny was here all this time, denying him the opportunity to help her. Jinny brushes that off. If James will promise to keep an eye on Gavin, help him escape this horrible place, she can die in peace. James promises.
Gavin eavesdrops outside the open window of the tower. Turns out James had no idea of Jinny's existence until this moment and while Jinny and James shared a very close relationship, Gavin is not his child. The Earl is dismayed realizing Jinny was here all this time, denying him the opportunity to help her. Jinny brushes that off. If James will promise to keep an eye on Gavin, help him escape this horrible place, she can die in peace. James promises.
Outside, Gavin confronts the Earl who explains Jinny was unfairly taken advantage of by a stable hand who abandoned her yet rumors continued to circulate the Earl had fathered a bastard child. He'd always assumed Jinny had found refuge elsewhere and regrets the banishment placed on mother and child.
Late that night, James awakens Gavin. His eyes register surprise at the purple birthmark on Gavin's right shoulder before thrusting a box into Gavin's hands. The box contains a small fortune of jewels, directions to a family owned cottage located several miles away where Gavin can lay low and, most important of all, the Earl is passing on his own signet ring which is also the key to the family safe and not to be opened unless Gavin is present. James urges him to tell no one of all this as he could be killed for these possessions. He's too young right now, but one day he should return and claim what is rightfully his. Gavin is confused but grateful for the Earl's help.
Jinny is glad to learn James kept his promise. She dies peacefully in her sleep that night. Gavin tells Robbie, the kindly, middle aged stable hand and their only trusted connection to the big house, everything that happened. The Earl was also found last night, murdered in his bed. After helping bury his mother in the forest, Gavin bids Robbie farewell and sets out on foot to seek his fortune.
Chapter 1 the bad man
Ten years have passed. Meet Anya Ross, a servant girl who wasn't always a servant at Brierley. She came here as a young child to live but the Earl's death brought many changes to the household. Once she came of age, the Earl's son, Cedric MacBrier, started taking an interest in the pretty maid. Last night he went too far and while Anya fought with all her might to prevent him from taking advantage of her, he succeeded.
Anya forces herself to get up, burns the uniform worn during the attack and wishes she could just die (or maybe just murder Cedric in retaliation). Humiliated and in pain, Anya descends the many stairs of her tower, (think Disney's Cinderella) and walks around the large stone structure of the big house in the early summer sunlight to the northeast tower, the most secluded one, with a mysterious door that, until this morning, was always locked. Now, Anya pushes it open to reveal dusty living quarters filled with cobwebs.
Feeling sudden empathy for the poor woman and her child rumored to have lived here, Anya sits down and bursts into a fresh round of sobs. She's interrupted by a stranger with brown eyes and wavy brown hair who reassures Anya he means her no harm. He's here for Lady MacBrier's social event being held tonight. Anya tells him what time it starts, turns and bolts, still wondering over the strange familiarity of this handsome young man.
Anya's only friends among the household servants are Robbie, the kindly stable hand, and Mrs. MacGregor, the cook. With little appetite for Mrs. MacGregor's bannocks, (a flat, heavy scone made of grain, in this case unleavened oatmeal dough) Anya is temporarily distracted by her dark cloud of depression by the entrance of Effie MacBrier who suffers from an obvious mental handicap, (probably autism with her excellent memory and artistic abilities) but adored by all the staff.
Although considerably older than Anya, Effie is a special companion and friend. The Earl used to take them on outings together in the fairy tale days before Anya was forced into service. Effie always greets everyone she knows by naming a particular activity or personality trait. Anya, for example, "likes to play games." Effie is the only child of the Earl's first wife, Ishbelle, who died giving birth to her. Ignored by her stepmother, Lady Margaret MacBrier, Effie was quickly adopted by the household servants and wanders the big house like a ghost, always keeping the same schedule and causing no trouble to anyone. Anya promises Effie to join her tonight at their special place where they can watch the mingling of the ball guests without being seen.
Before leaving the room, Anya helps herself to the jar of balm for her cracked and bleeding hands just as the evil Una, Lady MacBrier's personal assistant, a stone faced, mostly silent woman who rules the staff with an iron fist and takes special pleasure in tormenting Anya, enters the kitchen. Una sees her but says nothing.
Anya exits and starts her day's work which includes all the lowliest, least desirable tasks such as cleaning chamber pots, cleaning the fireplaces and washing up all the soiled pots and pans in the kitchen.
Gavin arrives at the party where Malvina, Lady MacBrier's daughter from her first marriage, a homely, unattractive young woman whose debutante season has dragged on for almost ten years with no marriage prospects, flirts openly with Gavin, the handsome new stranger. Anya and Effie observe the exchange with humor. Malvina was never a nice person and always gave Anya a hard time, a poor relation, now demoted to scullery maid in order to earn her keep. Much to Anya's relief, Gavin brushes off Malvina's advances in order to talk to Lady MacBrier.
Gavin is nervous about this meeting. Following the late Earl's instructions, he's here to inform Margaret and Cedric MacBrier of his existence; maybe open that safe and solve the mystery.
Keeping her strict schedule, Effie informs Anya it's time for her to retire to bed. She also needs a book from the library, where Gavin and the MacBriers (with Una silently observing) are in the middle of a heated discussion. This upsets Effie. No one sees them as Anya leads her away, reassuring Effie the "bad man" means them no harm.
Anya tucks Effie into her bed with her book and is on her way upstairs to her tower room when she runs into Cedric who, once again, tries to sexually assault her. He sneers at her spunk, not at all concerned by the chance she might be pregnant from last night's encounter. He'd love to go again with her, in fact. Breaking free, Anya runs, wanting to die, despairing any Prince Charming might some day rescue her, knowing instead she will always remain a prisoner of Brierley forever.
Chapter 2 The escape
Anya forces herself to get up, burns the uniform worn during the attack and wishes she could just die (or maybe just murder Cedric in retaliation). Humiliated and in pain, Anya descends the many stairs of her tower, (think Disney's Cinderella) and walks around the large stone structure of the big house in the early summer sunlight to the northeast tower, the most secluded one, with a mysterious door that, until this morning, was always locked. Now, Anya pushes it open to reveal dusty living quarters filled with cobwebs.
Feeling sudden empathy for the poor woman and her child rumored to have lived here, Anya sits down and bursts into a fresh round of sobs. She's interrupted by a stranger with brown eyes and wavy brown hair who reassures Anya he means her no harm. He's here for Lady MacBrier's social event being held tonight. Anya tells him what time it starts, turns and bolts, still wondering over the strange familiarity of this handsome young man.
Anya's only friends among the household servants are Robbie, the kindly stable hand, and Mrs. MacGregor, the cook. With little appetite for Mrs. MacGregor's bannocks, (a flat, heavy scone made of grain, in this case unleavened oatmeal dough) Anya is temporarily distracted by her dark cloud of depression by the entrance of Effie MacBrier who suffers from an obvious mental handicap, (probably autism with her excellent memory and artistic abilities) but adored by all the staff.
Although considerably older than Anya, Effie is a special companion and friend. The Earl used to take them on outings together in the fairy tale days before Anya was forced into service. Effie always greets everyone she knows by naming a particular activity or personality trait. Anya, for example, "likes to play games." Effie is the only child of the Earl's first wife, Ishbelle, who died giving birth to her. Ignored by her stepmother, Lady Margaret MacBrier, Effie was quickly adopted by the household servants and wanders the big house like a ghost, always keeping the same schedule and causing no trouble to anyone. Anya promises Effie to join her tonight at their special place where they can watch the mingling of the ball guests without being seen.
Before leaving the room, Anya helps herself to the jar of balm for her cracked and bleeding hands just as the evil Una, Lady MacBrier's personal assistant, a stone faced, mostly silent woman who rules the staff with an iron fist and takes special pleasure in tormenting Anya, enters the kitchen. Una sees her but says nothing.
Anya exits and starts her day's work which includes all the lowliest, least desirable tasks such as cleaning chamber pots, cleaning the fireplaces and washing up all the soiled pots and pans in the kitchen.
Gavin arrives at the party where Malvina, Lady MacBrier's daughter from her first marriage, a homely, unattractive young woman whose debutante season has dragged on for almost ten years with no marriage prospects, flirts openly with Gavin, the handsome new stranger. Anya and Effie observe the exchange with humor. Malvina was never a nice person and always gave Anya a hard time, a poor relation, now demoted to scullery maid in order to earn her keep. Much to Anya's relief, Gavin brushes off Malvina's advances in order to talk to Lady MacBrier.
Gavin is nervous about this meeting. Following the late Earl's instructions, he's here to inform Margaret and Cedric MacBrier of his existence; maybe open that safe and solve the mystery.
Keeping her strict schedule, Effie informs Anya it's time for her to retire to bed. She also needs a book from the library, where Gavin and the MacBriers (with Una silently observing) are in the middle of a heated discussion. This upsets Effie. No one sees them as Anya leads her away, reassuring Effie the "bad man" means them no harm.
Anya tucks Effie into her bed with her book and is on her way upstairs to her tower room when she runs into Cedric who, once again, tries to sexually assault her. He sneers at her spunk, not at all concerned by the chance she might be pregnant from last night's encounter. He'd love to go again with her, in fact. Breaking free, Anya runs, wanting to die, despairing any Prince Charming might some day rescue her, knowing instead she will always remain a prisoner of Brierley forever.
Chapter 2 The escape
Still seething from the unproductive meeting with the MacBriers, Gavin mounts his horse and is galloping away when two shots ring out hitting Gavin in the shoulder and thigh. The nearly fatal wounds knock Gavin off his horse. A gruff male voice assumes him dead and kicks him into a ravine. Gavin silently prays God will spare his life as he rolls helplessly down the incline.
In her dreams last night, Anya remembers where she saw the handsome young man she just met. Back in the days when she lived the pampered life as the Earl's great-niece, she went riding, fell off her horse and it was Gavin who found her and carried her to the stables, leaving her in the care of Robbie before she could learn his name. Anya wakes up, day two of being a rape survivor, knowing she must put this behind her and try to move on.
Stopping by the stables on her way to the kitchen, Anya gasps following the trail of blood to a stall where Gavin miraculously managed to drag himself. He prays aloud while Anya inspects his wounds and promises to be discreet in getting help. She finds Robbie eating breakfast with the rest of the staff and he returns with her. Anya is surprised the two men know each other. Together, they bind Gavin's wounds. Anya pours disinfectant, (not as 20th century as you might think, it was probably made of sulfur, vinegar and/or alcohol) Robbie will help them both to Gavin's secret forest cottage where Anya will care for him. They can leave tonight.
Gavin is already intrigued by this scullery maid with her scarfed hair who speaks like someone from the upper-class, her blue-green eyes full of cynicism and pain.
Anya does her work (for the last time) and makes special effort to spend extra time with Effie that evening. She wanders into the library with a desire to flip through the Earl's journal which she'd already read more than once but remains troubled by the last three missing pages, mysteriously torn out. Maybe one day she can return and solve the mystery.
Chapter 3 Angel of mercy
A full moon lights the travelers' way. Robbie supports Gavin on one horse, Anya rides her own. Gavin is unconscious by the time they arrive-the normally one hour ride took three-and deposit him safely into his own bed. Anya tours the single bedroom cottage. This 1798 rural structure is surprisingly modern with a fine kitchen and dining area, a parlor and a well stocked bathing room with soap, towels and even a stove for heating water (There's also such modern commodities as shampoo, a word that won't come into existence until the 1860's.) Books are scattered everywhere as Gavin is an avid reader. There's plenty of wood chopped, food in the pantry and money in the cookie jar, as Robbie shows her. There's a village just down the lane, beyond the forest but they should be well secluded here. No one at Brierley knows about this place. Robbie promises to come back in two weeks to check on them and leaves.
Anya checks on Gavin before making a bed on the bedroom floor by the fireplace. Both sleep like logs until late the next morning. Anya indulges in a long, hot bath, does a load of laundry and some light cleaning. She gives a still unconscious Gavin a bed bath, cutting away his torn and bloodied garments. She gasps recognizing the purple birthmark on his left shoulder, remembering when the Earl showed her his own mark during a conversation about family history and wonders if Gavin is aware of this MacBrier connection.
Thanks to Mrs. MacGregor, Anya is more than capable of bathing an unconscious patient with skillful detachment. With such a nice kitchen to prepare meals and complete her domestic chores, Anya finds herself humming with contentment. Tired but satisfied with her first day, Anya crawls into her bed and falls asleep fast.
But Gavin develops a fever that night, his moaning wakes Anya who panics, fearing he might die on her. Gavin wakes up, wondering if the angel who attended him during these last few days was real. Anya fell asleep on the bed next to him, her hand on his throat, assessing his survival. She wakes up and thanks God out loud her charge is alive and doing much better. Gavin thanks her for staying. Formal introductions are (finally) made. Anya gets back to work helping Gavin get his strength back. Gavin lost so much blood he is completely bedridden; so weak and helpless he can't even lift a spoon to feed himself. Anya assists him with the broth she made, smiles and reminds him to be patient.
Chapter 4 Questions
Gavin and Anya chat while she feeds him. He's still curious about her but Anya is reluctant to tell him anything about herself or the formidable power Brierley has over her. She obviously knows he's an illegitimate child but won't tell him how she obtained this knowledge. There's a rumor at Brierley that it was the Earl's illegitimate son who murdered him in his bed. Gavin had no idea he was a prime suspect. Luckily, Anya believes he's innocent. She cleans and disinfects Gavin's injuries again before changing the bandages. His wounds are healing well.
In the middle of the night, another moan wakes Anya. Fearing a relapse, she rushes to his side in the dark room to feel his face for fever, relieved it's only a nightmare from which she wakes him. Gavin is aware of Anya's unbound hair brushing his face and smelling like a dream. Comforted, he sends her back to her bedroll but it takes awhile for Gavin to fall asleep. He can't stop thinking about Anya and if his suspicions about her hair being blonde are true. Someone at Brierley obviously hurt her, broke her heart. Gavin longs to take her pain away.
A few days pass. Anya opens up a little more, revealing she was nine when she first came to Brierley after her parents died as the great niece and ward of the Earl who showed her more kindness than anyone in her life. But the Earl died two years later.
Gavin tells her more about his own life, always on the outside of Brierley, looking in, and never knowing why. Una always held some mysterious power over Jinny; always a threatening presence. Anya adds she was more terrified of Una than Lady Margaret. Gavin tells her what happened in the prologue and how he came to live here in this cottage. Both agree, James MacBrier was a good man, but Anya doesn't feel like talking anymore about Brierley. She gets up and leaves the room. Gavin pounds the bed in frustration.
Chapter 5 healing
Anya is a goodCNA nurse as she feeds Gavin his lunch then helps him get cleaned up and shaved. She offers to wash his hair. Gavin eagerly accepts. He flirts with her, taking her wrist, pushing her sudsy hand across her own face. Anya giggles. Gavin compliments her beauty and the moment turns tender and romantic before Anya remembers herself and proceeds to rinse his hair, holding his head over the basin on the bed.
While Gavin naps, Anya takes another bath. When he wakes she treats him to a back massage. It's such a nice gesture, Gavin wants to do something for her. With some gentle prodding, he discovers Anya has been mistreated but promises he'll prove himself a true gentleman if she'll only give him the chance.
A knock at the door interrupts their conversation. Robbie is delighted to find them both doing so well, though Gavin grumbles he's getting tired of brose and broth (Brose is the Scottish word for porridge made from oatmeal or lentils). Robbie brought Gavin's horse, it's in the stable. He also reports Lady MacBrier was especially upset over Anya's disappearance adding no one's ever seen her that upset since the day they buried the Earl with that ring still on his finger.
Gavin experiences a moment of shock but manages to keep his feelings to himself. He's the only one who knows the true location of the Earl's ring, that's why he was attacked!
Robbie leaves and Gavin turns to Anya. He's getting just a wee bit impatient she won't tell him why Brierley has such a strong hold over her. Why would Lady MacBrier show so much concern over a simple scullery maid? Anya panics and runs outside to the stable, returning with the saddlebags Robbie never mentioned (because he's not the type to meddle), but this distraction is only temporary, there's no avoiding the issue.
Gavin threatens to send Anya back to Brierley unless she comes here, sits down next to him and spills all her secrets. Now. In a softer tone he pleads with her to just open up and give him all her hurt and pain and he'll throw it away for her (He's been talking to Michael Hamilton). The floodgates open and Anya curls up next to him, sobbing. Gavin pulls her into his arms, holding her close, waiting it out patiently until Anya reveals her life story. Never close to her wealthy parents who neglected her, being sent to Brierley was, at first, the best thing that ever happened to her. The Earl was kind and attentive. Once a heavy drinker, he all but stopped once his little great-niece arrived and brought some meaning back into his life. All the staff agreed, James MacBrier was happier during those two years than anyone had ever seen him since his beloved first wife, Lady Ishbelle, died.
But that all changed the day following the Earl's death when Lady MacBrier and Una entered Anya's bedroom to inform her of her new status at Brierley. Her parents left the Earl with heavy debts which he graciously paid off but they aren't the Earl. If she wants to continue living here, she must start earning her keep. That's how she became Cinderella. Gavin agrees, Anya is living the fairy tale story and they are both victims of Brierley's evil despots.
Chapter 6 hands
Time for supper. Anya dutifully feeds Gavin who catches her wrist and inquires about the condition of her hands as they look like an old farm woman's. Anya reminds him a servant's life is not easy. Gavin asks, was she never provided with some kind of balm or ointment? Anya's eyes fill with tears as she admits they took that from her too. They took everything. Through her sobs, Anya replays the scene of that awful day when Una came into her tower room, made her hold out her hands and beat them till they bled; a further reminder that Anya was demoted for life. Mrs. MacGregor helped her wrap her hands but her daily work brought painful infection.
Like the Prince Charming he is, Gavin takes Anya's scarred hands, kisses both palms and urges her into his arms for a well deserved hug. Impulsively, he removes the scarf binding her hair. Anya hides her face in his shoulder, admitting Una threatened to have it cut off if she didn't keep it covered. That witch.
Suddenly, Gavin remembers. Anya was the little blonde haired girl he found in the forest and carried to the stable. Anya remembers and they share their first kiss, taking their relationship officially to the next level. Anya still marvels how Gavin can look and act so much like the Earl and not share his blood. Gavin has Anya retrieve the ring from its hiding place and tells her everything the Earl told him the night before he died, adding he was given a great sum of money.
In the years since the Earl died, Gavin kept busy traveling. He even visited America and enrolled himself at the University of Edinburgh. Anya is impressed. She hopes Gavin might help her find a respectable position after he's fully recovered. Gavin won't have that. Anya deserves to be taken care of. She should marry, have a family, live the life of a great lady as the Earl would've wanted for her. Anya tells him that's quite impossible but they can still be friends.
Chapter 7 Anya's Bluff
Over the next several days, Anya enjoys a shy infatuation with Gavin. She no longer wears the scarf covering her hair and there's a new light in her eyes. They don't say much but the romantic attraction between them is there. She continues to help him with his daily routine but the deep intimate conversations they once shared have ceased. Gavin respects Anya's desire not to get too personal.
One night, a cold thunderstorm moves in. Gavin's chivalry is commendable as he speaks aloud his wish that if he could switch places with her, he would. Anya appreciates that as she shuts the window, builds a fire and tries to sleep on the hard floor.
The next day is Wednesday, market day down at the village, and their supplies are getting low. Gavin insists she take an absurd amount of his money and buy herself a new wardrobe along with plenty of hand balm. She's not at Brierley anymore and her great uncle would approve. Touched, Anya agrees.
Welcome to Strathnell, population 605 and as cute and quaint a Scottish village ya nary ha' seen. All the shopkeepers are friendly and courteous. Anya buys all the food and supplies they need, picks up new books for Gavin and orders new dresses from the tailor, walking out the door wearing the dress from the window along with matching hair combs. The look on Gavin's face when he sees her warms her heart.
Anya gives him another shave, despite the fact his strength is returning and he could probably perform the task himself. The shaving lotion (from Walmart? Aftershave won't be invented until the late 1800's!) she rubs into his face stings her hands. Gavin orders her to bring the hand balm, returning the favor by massaging large amounts into her chapped hands. Embarrassed at this intimate act, Anya openly denies any feelings of attraction towards Gavin who suspects she's bluffing. Gavin's convalescence had progressed enough he can now feed himself. As Anya keeps her distance and avoids meeting his eye, he knows Anya is in love with him and he's going to call her bluff.
Chapter 8 the Glass slipper
Gavin asks her straight out if she likes him. Anya is boldly defiant. Lifting her chin, looking him straight in the eye, she declares while she might have feelings for him, Gavin must earn the right to love her. While playing hard-to-get worked back then, any 21st century bachelor today would just shrug and turn to Tinder if a woman dared set the bar that high but Gavin is a true gentleman. As Anya marches out of the room, he silently resolves to do just that. He will pursue her and win her heart.
Anya returns and with a coy smile admits she does like him but she's not going to kiss him. Instead she produces a gold topped gentleman's cane. Gavin is pleased. Anya helps him walk into the kitchen. The mobility is exhilarating. Gavin begins joining her at the kitchen table for meals and becomes increasingly more independent.
In a truly romantic gesture, Gavin sits her down, takes one of Anya's slippers and declares he will only marry the maiden who fits it. Anya laughs but Gavin is quite serious. Exasperated, Anya stands up and leaves the room.
One morning in early fall he leaves the cane and goes outside to begin chopping wood, something Robbie did on his visits but now Anya knows this is the signal it's time for her move on. The thought saddens her. Gavin has repeated his intentions to marry Anya but she knows it can never happen.
Anya's worst nightmares are confirmed when she wakes one morning with dry heaves and nausea. She's pregnant and Cedric MacBrier is the father. Gavin must never know. She tells him she's leaving and going back to Brierley. Gavin is incredulous. Why?! They argue. Anya bursts into uncontrollable sobbing, refusing to explain. She cries herself to sleep in Gavin's arms and he carries her to the bed. He's been sleeping on the floor for the last few days anyway.
The next morning, Anya is gone.
Chapter 9 Victims of Brierley
Gavin is pretty upset when he wakes to discover Anya's disappearance with only her uniforms missing, she left everything else, including the hand balm. Gavin rides his horse straight to the Brierley stable and finds Anya, hiding out until breakfast time; refusing to explain or return back with him. She's a fool. Gavin throws up his hands, tells Robbie to keep an eye on this stubborn woman and rides away. Bypassing the cottage, he follows the road to Strathnell to visit his good friend, Peg, whom we'll learn more about later.
Back in her little tower room, Anya has completed her first day's work. She collapses on the bed in tears. The only good things about being back were seeing her old friends, including Effie and hearing the latest news that Malvina finally found some old sugar daddy to marry her. Her hands look and feel worse than ever, her body aches and Una threatened to kick her out if her work wasn't up to par.
Anya's main reason for coming back was to tell Cedric about the baby. She gets her chance a few days later. Cedric isn't happy. He strikes her just as Lady Margaret enters the room and shoos Cedric out, reminding him to start acting more like the Earl he was born to be. Seeing Anya not seriously hurt, she merely tells her to get back to work.
Unable to stand it any longer, Gavin returns to Brierley and sneaks up to Anya's tower room to wait for her. Weary from another day of hard labor, the last five days have felt more like five years to Anya as she enters her dark bedroom and falls onto her bed to cry herself to sleep. Again. Gavin lighting a candle interrupts. Without a word, he rubs balm into her hands, takes down her hair and brushes it out for her. When he finally speaks it's to invite her to come back with him. Anya tells him she's pregnant and Cedric won't take responsibility. Gavin tells her it doesn't matter. He'll marry her, they can raise the baby as theirs, let the neighbors believe what they may. Anya cries and they kiss.
They're just about to leave when Cedric knocks and enters. Gavin hides behind the door so he can jump out and rescue Anya from another attack. Gavin brought a gun this time which he points at Cedric who begs for mercy. Gavin takes Anya's hand, kicks Cedric unconscious and they leave in triumph.
Chapter 10 woman with a past
Gavin and Anya ride double on his horse. Anya falls asleep and Gavin carries her into the house and tucks her into bed. Next morning, Anya wakes with her usual morning sickness. Gavin holds her shoulders and comforts her. He cooks breakfast and draws a luxurious bath for Anya (not sure where the scented soap, bath salts, rose oil and scented shampoo came from, perhaps from the same Walmart Anya bought the shaving lotion?). Anya's new dress is lying on the bed and there's a mirror and brush set. Anya wonders where Gavin learned how to woo a woman like this, making her feel like a queen.
Gavin assures her, they'll get married soon. He adds a lady friend helped him with all the feminine items and, speak of the devil, that's her knocking right now. Peg MacTodd owns the hat shop in the village. She is delighted to help the newly engaged couple get ready for their upcoming wedding. Anya tells Gavin to get lost so she can get to know Peg better.
The two women become instant friends. Peg is an older, never married woman-loud, boisterous with a lower-class accent and a heart of gold. Peg also confides, with a wink to Anya, she used to be a prostitute until she met Gavin who, instead of taking advantage of her services, let her cry on his shoulder, learned her story and gave her money to turn her life around. They remain close friends to this day.
Peg leaves. Gavin and Anya have lunch before Anya takes a long nap, which is cut short by a nightmare of Cedric attacking her all over again. Gavin holds her until the room grows dark. Anya is glad she'll soon become Mrs. Gavin Baird.
Chapter 11 the touch of a hand
When Anya wakes up, Gavin is rubbing balm into her hands. When she claps a hand over her mouth and is about to get up, Gavin produces a basin so she can dry heave from the comfort of her own bed. He already has breakfast ready for her (is it me or is all this just a little creepy?) and another new dress for her to wear.
All this in honor of today being their wedding day. The white satin dress with matching pearl inlaid hair combs is lovely (thanks Peg!). Gavin buttons her up. He looks handsome too in his blousy shirt, waistcoat, tartan pinned over his shoulder with a fine brooch, matching kilt and tasseled sporran (a small pouch made of animal skin or fur).
Anya can't find her other slipper. Gavin has it, of course. He slips it onto her foot, reminding her again of her connection to the fairy tale heroine. He bought a trap so they could ride to the village green in style as a proper engaged couple.
The entire village is ready to help celebrate the nuptials. The square is decorated with wreaths, ribbons and boughs. Gavin tells Anya he stopped by the pub yesterday, announced his big news and bought everyone a round of drinks as part of the invitation to attend.
Women lead Anya off to one side, place a crown of heather on her head and admire her beauty. Bagpipes and drums produce a chaos of glorious music. It stops and the people urge the newlyweds to stand by the minister who declares them husband and wife. Anya tosses her crown for the next bride to catch. Gavin carries the bride over a line of heather on the ground. Everyonebreaks into a round of "Go Home with Bonnie Jean" finds a partner and starts dancing. The table, laden with delicious food, is brought out and ale is passed around freely. Gavin and Anya dance the traditional Highland Fling (Which Anya learned as a child, thanks to the Earl. Gavin must've picked it up at college!) until Anya feels exhaustion from her pregnancy and Gavin escorts her to the sidelines where Peg comes over to offer her congratulations. She's been seeing the widowed butcher so there might be hope for her own marriage yet. They watch the villagers perform the sword dance before Anya tells Gavin she's "partied out" and ready to go home. Despite being in the family way, Anya couldn't have asked for a more perfect wedding day.
Concerned for Anya, Gavin fetches the doctor who declares Anya is fine and they should have no problems consummating the marriage. Anya is asleep when Gavin returns. He slips into bed next to her (because he finally can!) and quickly proves to her that love can conquer anything.
Chapter 12 MacBrier's child
Anya points out, eating in bed the morning after your wedding night thanks to morning sickness isn't very romantic. Gavin just reminds her how much he loves her, insisting she take it easy today, he'll do all the chores.
As the weeks pass, Anya and Gavin settle into married life and find it pure bliss. One day they return from a trip into town. Gavin remembers he forgot to buy grain and leaves. Anya enters the house not realizing Cedric is lying in wait. He attacks. Prompted to return, Gavin arrives just in time to save her. Pointing his gun, Gavin tells Cedric Anya is now his wife and his threats against her are useless because this baby now belongs to them. Cedric insults Gavin's manhood. Gavin rushes him, pounding his face until Anya begs him to stop. With a bucket of water, Gavin rouses Cedric and orders him out. If he ever returns, either to threaten his wife or their child once it's born, Gavin will kill him. They are through with Brierley, forever.
Snow is falling outside, Anya is preparing biscuits in the kitchen when she feels the cramping and knows she's losing the baby; it's too early. Gavin proves what a sweetheart he is, staying with her, taking care of the tiny stillborn body before going for the doctor who declares everything is in order. Sometimes these things happen and when Anya feels up to it, they can try again.
Gavin holds Anya as she weeps for her lost baby.
Chapter 13 Crooks and Nannies
Anya's postpartum depression is bad. She just won't get over it refusing to talk or share her feelings. At his wits end, Gavin talks to Peg who tells him to be patient and just continue to love her. Gavin goes home and tries again to talk to Anya who admits her confusion in not loving the father of her baby but mourning it's loss nevertheless.
Gavin and Anya come to the conclusion they must go back to Brierley and face their fears. Malvina's wedding would be the perfect opportunity. Gavin takes Anya to town to buy new clothes and a new hat from Peg who comes over the day of to help Anya dress and arrange her hair. She looks like a great lady. Gavin is very impressed. He looks nice too, of course. Peg sees them off in their trap.
As they drive past dilapidated farm houses and sober-looking peasants, Gavin realizes Brierley isn't taking care of its tenants like in the old days. Cedric clearly sucks at being the Earl but if Gavin were the Earl...Gavin pushes the thought aside. He doesn't want that inheritance, Cedric can have it. Let the farmlands go to waste and the people starve.
Robbie greets them in the stable yard and sneaks them in through the kitchen. Servants in their livery are still waiting for the wedding ceremony to end so they can begin serving the food. Mrs. MacGregor is just as thrilled to see Anya looking so well and married to boot! She is pleased to meet Gavin.
The plan is for Anya to enter the reception room alone, congratulate Malvina, take Cedric aside, tell him about the baby, and leave. But Malvina doesn't believe Anya is actually married while her old pervert of a husband looks at Anya like she's something good to eat. He's very impressed Anya shares blood relations with the late Earl. Seething with jealousy, Malvina calls a servant to find Gavin so she can meet him. Anya pretends to be uncomfortable until Gavin enters and Malvina's jaw drops. Lady Margaret is also unhappy seeing Anya and now Gavin living a very good life in sweet revenge after what they suffered from Brierley. Seeing Una giving them the evil eye, they're about to excuse themselves and leave the room when Cedric steps up.
Chapter 14 the earl's daughter
Gathering her courage, Anya faces her attacker and tells him the baby is gone, miscarried, so Cedric no longer has any control over her. Gavin steps over to Una to remind her she no longer has any power over them either. They retire to the kitchen where Mrs. MacGregor feeds them until they can eat no more.
Anya inquires after Effie. Bad news. Effie suffered a little "accident" and has been in bed for the last few days but none of the staff are fooled. Someone pushed Effie down those stairs, threatening her.
Indeed, Effie repeats to Anya, Nanny (Una) said Effie fell down the stairs and if Effie contradicts that statement, she'll fall down the stairs again. Anya shakes her head.
On the way home, Anya tells Gavin about Effie, her condition, and everyone's suspicions that Una has found a new target for abuse. Though he's never met Effie, Gavin shares Anya's concern.
Weeks pass. They're trying for a baby but nothing yet. Spring has sprung when Robbie arrives, very unexpectedly, one morning with Effie who is sporting a black eye-Una. Effie will be staying here which is more than okay for Gavin and Anya who are happy to take her in. Effie can sleep on the parlor sofa and they'll take very good care of her.
Effie makes them laugh by repeating what she always heard about Gavin-who should have stayed in the tower where he was put! Gavin and Effie take to each other immediately and he quickly grows to love her like the sister he never had; an easy special-needs adult. More weeks pass and they take many fun outings together, exploring the moors and forest. Effie fits right into their little family. Effie has no desire to return to Brierley because "Brierly died when Ishbelle died." Her ability to recall other's statements, even years later, word for word, is almost eerie.
Chapter 15 judgments
One fine day in early summer, Anya is bursting with her secret-she's almost certain she's pregnant-and is waiting for the perfect moment to tell Gavin. They're going to town today but while Anya and Effie browse in the bookshop, the woman at the counter makes a tactful remark about Gavin spending so much time, alone, at Peg's hat shop where she has adjoining living quarters. He's often seen going there after hours, with the curtains closed. Anya is offended. Gavin would never...But when they enter the hat shop, something's wrong. Normally, Effie loves to spend time with Peg, the only person who can make her laugh. But Peg's not laughing today. To Anya's dismay, Gavin is sitting on Peg's bed, her head on his shoulder as she cries over her butcher man dumping her after he found out about her sordid past. Tenderly, he touches her face, wiping her tears before he sees Anya and they sit up, looking guilty.
Not much is said on the drive home. Anya doesn't want to repeat what the snobby bookshop woman told her while Gavin doesn't want to tell Anya the reason he was comforting Peg. After what she witnessed today, it's clear their marriage is in trouble.
Back at the house, the tension bursts wide open and they argue until they realize Effie is very upset, rocking and moaning with emotion. Anya glares at Gavin as she comforts her. They go to bed without anything being resolved. Anya makes up a bed on the floor and is about to lie down when Gavin picks her up and deposits her in their bed. He'll take the floor. Neither can fall asleep until the early morning hours.
Gavin is sitting with a cup of coffee gone cold when Peg comes knocking, softly. He admits her and they talk. Peg took his advice, she's not wearing so much heavy makeup and is dressed more conservatively. She's been thinking about what he said, to go talk to her butcher and clear up the issues between them. She's also here to tell Gavin now that he's married, their relationship must change. She correctly guesses that Anya is angry at Gavin who confirms it. Peg doesn't blame her. Gavin and Anya need to have a long talk and she and Gavin can never spend time alone behind a closed door again, never mind they'd never do anything inappropriate. Marriage changes everything.
Peg sees herself out just as Anya comes bursting into the kitchen. She heard the whole conversation. She understands and all is forgiven and, guess what, she's pregnant!
Chapter 16 the mark
Now that they've kissed and made up, time to make another trip into town to let Peg know Anya is her friend again and to let Effie tell Peg, who is funny, the good news-Anya will have a baby. Peg is happy for them. Gavin leaves to run an errand. Peg serves tea and shortbread to her guests. Anya observes Peg and Effie together. Effie laughs and Anya makes a startling discovery: when Effie smiles (which is rare) she looks like Gavin.
That night, Anya has Gavin follow her into the parlor so she can show him something and prove her theory. Luckily Effie is a sound sleeper as Anya unties Effie's nightgown to expose her left shoulder with the purple birthmark and explain its significance. Gavin can't believe it!
It takes several hours for either of them to fall asleep. Gavin keeps going over it in his mind. How could he be the Earl and Jinny's love child? Was the Earl drunk? Did Jinny somehow trick him into sleeping with her? He recalls the Earl's surprise that night seeing the birthmark on his shoulder. James and Jinny were both good people but there's no doubt James MacBrier is Gavin's father.
A few nights later, Anya wakes Gavin from his troubled sleep. He dreamed something was calling out to him for help, as if it were the voice of Brierley itself. He knows he must acknowledge his birthright.
The last piece of the puzzle finally falls into place when, one day, Gavin injures himself in the stable. Anya helps him remove his shirt and is tending his wound when Effie walks into the kitchen, sees Gavin's purple birthmark and screams. Anya rushes to comfort her while Effie keeps repeating "Bad mark," and something about a baby. With a little more probing, Effie tells them what she saw the day Gavin and Cedric were born. She was there, like a fly on the wall, when Lady Margaret gave birth to her son which Una quickly removed because the baby had a "bad mark" like Effie's. Later Una switched the babies. Effie seems very relieved unburdening herself with the terrible secret she's carried for years. Nanny switched babies! Gavin and Cedric were switched at birth. Mystery solved!
Gavin would like nothing more than to strangle Una. Jinny would be heartbroken seeing how her son turned out. Nature vs Nurture arguments notwithstanding. So Gavin really is the legal heir to Brierley and the true Earl.
Chapter 17 Return to Brierley
Later that day, Gavin goes for a walk and doesn't return until after Anya has served dinner. He's been doing some deep thinking and has come to the conclusion they must return to Brierley and reveal the truth, expose Una and dethrone Cedric by opening that mysterious safe to determine who is the rightful Brierley heir. Gavin is twenty-seven years old, his birth mother needs to know. Anya is not happy about it, taking her place at Brierley with Gavin as "Lady Anya" when she used to scrub floors there is just too weird, but she finally agrees.
They talk to Peg who concurs with their decision. She'll be happy to keep Effie during their overnight trip. Effie doesn't mind either. She's glad to be Gavin's sister. Gavin likes to tease her now about being his "little sister" because, physically, he's bigger but Effie, with her special talent for remembering details, can rattle off the months and years of both their births: Effie was born July, 1779. Gavin, May, 1782. She is the big sister.
Gavin has prayed about this. Una is the root of all the evil at Brierley and he's the only one who can make things right. Tomorrow morning, they leave to confront their enemies. Peg arrives to get them ready. All hope Gavin's life won't be endangered by this visit. Anya and Gavin agree, they will leave it all in God's hands.
Chapter 18 the ally
Alighting from their carriage, Gavin and Anya give their card to the maid who shows them into the drawing room (Clearly the author has never seen Downton Abbey, that's the butler's job!) where Gavin helps himself to a brandy. Lady Margaret and Una enter, incredulous about this presumptuous, impertinent young man, waltzing into their home, proclaiming himself the Earl of Brierley. Who does Gavin think he is? Gavin responds by sharing what Effie told him about Una switching babies the day he and Cedric were born. At first, Lady Margaret won't believe it, until she recalls that day, remembering how Una took her dark haired, James look-alike baby, with the evil mark, then, several hours later, placed a tiny, blonde haired one (Una gave Jinny herbs inducing early labor so she could make the switch) in her arms, insisting this was her baby.
"To the devil with her!" Lady Margaret cries.
Gavin unbuttons his shirt to reveal his birthmark and Una's fate is sealed. Lady Margaret orders Una to get out. She's fired! Then turns to Gavin to beg forgiveness. Family reunion time. Lucky for all, Cedric is away (drinking and gambling) and won't be home until tomorrow. Lady Margaret gives orders to the servants to lay extra places for luncheon and to see to her guest's accommodations for spending the night.
As they enjoy their haggis, (are they eating it on a dare?) Margaret is also relieved to know Effie is safe and well. She'd like Effie sent for immediately. This is a family reunion after all. Gavin would like the safe opened before Cedric returns. Gavin and Anya share the story of how they met. Margaret deeply regrets her part in sending a man to take care of Gavin. She didn't know. They assure her all is forgiven.
The meal is interrupted by disturbing news. Una was just found dead in her room. Suicide. Slit her throat. Lady Margaret is surprisingly blasé about it. The woman who'd been her nurse since birth, constant companion since the death of her parents and first husband and she simply orders the body taken care of and the police notified. That's all. Una won't be missed. While they're on the subject of family, Lady Margaret would also like to start making arrangements immediately for Gavin to have his name legally changed to MacBrier. He can take over Cedric's responsibilities as Earl. Starting now. Cedric is disinherited.
After freshening up and taking a nap, Gavin and Anya join their new mother for dinner but the pleasant atmosphere is ruined when Cedric saunters in. He wastes no time insulting everyone at the table. Anya slaps him. Margaret tells him the rumor he heard is true. Due to an unfortunate mistake, Gavin is the true Earl of Brierley, show him your birthmark, Gavin. But Cedric won't be going quietly, like Una. This isn't over yet.
Chapter 19 The Earl of Brierley
Cedric takes a seat at the table and they discuss the issue. Gavin is ready to play the martyr and let Cedric keep his wealth and title while Margaret is ready to throw Cedric out; he'll be well compensated, of course. Cedric accuses Gavin of lying, suggests Gavin can have Brierley...if he can have Anya. That's out of the question, of course. Cedric stands up and leaves, promising he'll be back for round two.
A servant pops in to announce Peg and Miss Effie have arrived. Lady Margaret has them brought in where they are warmly welcomed. Effie shrinks away from her stepmother's outstretched arms and superficial emotion (and who could blame her) while everyone reassures her, Lady Margaret is everyone's friend now. Gavin suggests they retire to the library and open the safe which, as Lady Margaret shows them, is actually located in the Earl's long-unused office, just beyond that room. She removes a painting to reveal a hidden wall safe. Gavin fits the Earl's ring into the lock, turns it while pushing down on the handle and, with a soft creak, the safe door swings open. All that's inside is a jeweled dagger, point down in a single piece of folded parchment. The three torn pages from the Earl's journal are nestled alongside.
Gavin reads the journal pages first, dated Aug, 1798 where the Earl recorded his astonishment finding Jinny and her illegitimate son here at Brierley all this time, how he passed on his entire family treasure to the lad who is, without a doubt, his own blood son. He rightly guesses Una is behind all this and intends to make it right. (Too bad he never did)
The third page is the Earl's hastily written last will and testament decreeing Gavin as the sole heir to everything he has.
Suddenly, Margaret remembers. On the night the Earl was murdered, she heard Una and the Earl arguing in the other room, but refused to believe Una was the one who murdered him in his sleep. Apparently, she did.
Cedric enters just in time to learn the identity of the murderer. Arrogant and cocky, he insults everyone in the room, again, calling Lady Margaret a hypocrite for never mourning the Earl's death until today, reminding Anya he'd take her over Brierely any day before turning to Peg to make her an offer as well. He stopped by Strathnell for a drink in the pub and learned all about Peg's reputation; she's his kind of woman. At that, Gavin delivers a blow to Cedric who produces a knife which he holds to Gavin's throat, pinning him to the wall, threatening him.
Peg jumps in, knocking the knife away. Gavin punches Cedric before he can attack Peg and Cedric moans as he collapses to the floor, apparently knocked out. All breathe a sigh of relief. Gavin turns to take something from the open safe before Cedric, revealing his bluff, leaps up, recovered knife in hand, to stab Gavin in the back near his shoulder. The women scream. Gavin knocks Cedric away and they face each other. Cedric sneers Gavin doesn't have the guts to follow through with his threat to kill him. Cedric lunges. Gavin falls to his knees but as Cedric rolls off him, Gavin reveals the jeweled dagger from the safe, now bloodied. Cedric chokes out his disbelief that Gavin would really do it before he dies.
Gavin and Anya rush towards each other. Margaret asks, now the paper in the safe is exposed, what does it say? Gavin reads the Earl's handwriting, that the true treasure of Brierley, the Earl's last wish, was to find and obtain peace within the walls of Brierley. Looks like his wish finally came true.
Brierley has a new arrival! A baby has just been born. Gavin rushes out of the room to make the happy announcement to his mother, Lady Margaret. It's a boy! Margaret is honored to share in their joy, her first grandson. He looks just like Gavin.
Peg married her butcher, Mr. Morgan, and both live here at Brierley with important positions: Peg is Effie's special caretaker while Mr. Morgan is the official overseer of all the tenants who farm the land. The people come bearing gifts for this is a day of celebration. Gavin brushes a lock of Anya's hair off her forehead, the radiant new mother to the new heir of Brierley. Under Gavin MacBrier's stewardship, there is peace, prosperity and hope for the future as everyone will be living happily ever after.
Stopping by the stables on her way to the kitchen, Anya gasps following the trail of blood to a stall where Gavin miraculously managed to drag himself. He prays aloud while Anya inspects his wounds and promises to be discreet in getting help. She finds Robbie eating breakfast with the rest of the staff and he returns with her. Anya is surprised the two men know each other. Together, they bind Gavin's wounds. Anya pours disinfectant, (not as 20th century as you might think, it was probably made of sulfur, vinegar and/or alcohol) Robbie will help them both to Gavin's secret forest cottage where Anya will care for him. They can leave tonight.
Gavin is already intrigued by this scullery maid with her scarfed hair who speaks like someone from the upper-class, her blue-green eyes full of cynicism and pain.
Anya does her work (for the last time) and makes special effort to spend extra time with Effie that evening. She wanders into the library with a desire to flip through the Earl's journal which she'd already read more than once but remains troubled by the last three missing pages, mysteriously torn out. Maybe one day she can return and solve the mystery.
Chapter 3 Angel of mercy
A full moon lights the travelers' way. Robbie supports Gavin on one horse, Anya rides her own. Gavin is unconscious by the time they arrive-the normally one hour ride took three-and deposit him safely into his own bed. Anya tours the single bedroom cottage. This 1798 rural structure is surprisingly modern with a fine kitchen and dining area, a parlor and a well stocked bathing room with soap, towels and even a stove for heating water (There's also such modern commodities as shampoo, a word that won't come into existence until the 1860's.) Books are scattered everywhere as Gavin is an avid reader. There's plenty of wood chopped, food in the pantry and money in the cookie jar, as Robbie shows her. There's a village just down the lane, beyond the forest but they should be well secluded here. No one at Brierley knows about this place. Robbie promises to come back in two weeks to check on them and leaves.
Anya checks on Gavin before making a bed on the bedroom floor by the fireplace. Both sleep like logs until late the next morning. Anya indulges in a long, hot bath, does a load of laundry and some light cleaning. She gives a still unconscious Gavin a bed bath, cutting away his torn and bloodied garments. She gasps recognizing the purple birthmark on his left shoulder, remembering when the Earl showed her his own mark during a conversation about family history and wonders if Gavin is aware of this MacBrier connection.
Thanks to Mrs. MacGregor, Anya is more than capable of bathing an unconscious patient with skillful detachment. With such a nice kitchen to prepare meals and complete her domestic chores, Anya finds herself humming with contentment. Tired but satisfied with her first day, Anya crawls into her bed and falls asleep fast.
But Gavin develops a fever that night, his moaning wakes Anya who panics, fearing he might die on her. Gavin wakes up, wondering if the angel who attended him during these last few days was real. Anya fell asleep on the bed next to him, her hand on his throat, assessing his survival. She wakes up and thanks God out loud her charge is alive and doing much better. Gavin thanks her for staying. Formal introductions are (finally) made. Anya gets back to work helping Gavin get his strength back. Gavin lost so much blood he is completely bedridden; so weak and helpless he can't even lift a spoon to feed himself. Anya assists him with the broth she made, smiles and reminds him to be patient.
Chapter 4 Questions
Gavin and Anya chat while she feeds him. He's still curious about her but Anya is reluctant to tell him anything about herself or the formidable power Brierley has over her. She obviously knows he's an illegitimate child but won't tell him how she obtained this knowledge. There's a rumor at Brierley that it was the Earl's illegitimate son who murdered him in his bed. Gavin had no idea he was a prime suspect. Luckily, Anya believes he's innocent. She cleans and disinfects Gavin's injuries again before changing the bandages. His wounds are healing well.
In the middle of the night, another moan wakes Anya. Fearing a relapse, she rushes to his side in the dark room to feel his face for fever, relieved it's only a nightmare from which she wakes him. Gavin is aware of Anya's unbound hair brushing his face and smelling like a dream. Comforted, he sends her back to her bedroll but it takes awhile for Gavin to fall asleep. He can't stop thinking about Anya and if his suspicions about her hair being blonde are true. Someone at Brierley obviously hurt her, broke her heart. Gavin longs to take her pain away.
A few days pass. Anya opens up a little more, revealing she was nine when she first came to Brierley after her parents died as the great niece and ward of the Earl who showed her more kindness than anyone in her life. But the Earl died two years later.
Gavin tells her more about his own life, always on the outside of Brierley, looking in, and never knowing why. Una always held some mysterious power over Jinny; always a threatening presence. Anya adds she was more terrified of Una than Lady Margaret. Gavin tells her what happened in the prologue and how he came to live here in this cottage. Both agree, James MacBrier was a good man, but Anya doesn't feel like talking anymore about Brierley. She gets up and leaves the room. Gavin pounds the bed in frustration.
Chapter 5 healing
Anya is a good
While Gavin naps, Anya takes another bath. When he wakes she treats him to a back massage. It's such a nice gesture, Gavin wants to do something for her. With some gentle prodding, he discovers Anya has been mistreated but promises he'll prove himself a true gentleman if she'll only give him the chance.
A knock at the door interrupts their conversation. Robbie is delighted to find them both doing so well, though Gavin grumbles he's getting tired of brose and broth (Brose is the Scottish word for porridge made from oatmeal or lentils). Robbie brought Gavin's horse, it's in the stable. He also reports Lady MacBrier was especially upset over Anya's disappearance adding no one's ever seen her that upset since the day they buried the Earl with that ring still on his finger.
Gavin experiences a moment of shock but manages to keep his feelings to himself. He's the only one who knows the true location of the Earl's ring, that's why he was attacked!
Robbie leaves and Gavin turns to Anya. He's getting just a wee bit impatient she won't tell him why Brierley has such a strong hold over her. Why would Lady MacBrier show so much concern over a simple scullery maid? Anya panics and runs outside to the stable, returning with the saddlebags Robbie never mentioned (because he's not the type to meddle), but this distraction is only temporary, there's no avoiding the issue.
Gavin threatens to send Anya back to Brierley unless she comes here, sits down next to him and spills all her secrets. Now. In a softer tone he pleads with her to just open up and give him all her hurt and pain and he'll throw it away for her (He's been talking to Michael Hamilton). The floodgates open and Anya curls up next to him, sobbing. Gavin pulls her into his arms, holding her close, waiting it out patiently until Anya reveals her life story. Never close to her wealthy parents who neglected her, being sent to Brierley was, at first, the best thing that ever happened to her. The Earl was kind and attentive. Once a heavy drinker, he all but stopped once his little great-niece arrived and brought some meaning back into his life. All the staff agreed, James MacBrier was happier during those two years than anyone had ever seen him since his beloved first wife, Lady Ishbelle, died.
But that all changed the day following the Earl's death when Lady MacBrier and Una entered Anya's bedroom to inform her of her new status at Brierley. Her parents left the Earl with heavy debts which he graciously paid off but they aren't the Earl. If she wants to continue living here, she must start earning her keep. That's how she became Cinderella. Gavin agrees, Anya is living the fairy tale story and they are both victims of Brierley's evil despots.
Chapter 6 hands
Time for supper. Anya dutifully feeds Gavin who catches her wrist and inquires about the condition of her hands as they look like an old farm woman's. Anya reminds him a servant's life is not easy. Gavin asks, was she never provided with some kind of balm or ointment? Anya's eyes fill with tears as she admits they took that from her too. They took everything. Through her sobs, Anya replays the scene of that awful day when Una came into her tower room, made her hold out her hands and beat them till they bled; a further reminder that Anya was demoted for life. Mrs. MacGregor helped her wrap her hands but her daily work brought painful infection.
Like the Prince Charming he is, Gavin takes Anya's scarred hands, kisses both palms and urges her into his arms for a well deserved hug. Impulsively, he removes the scarf binding her hair. Anya hides her face in his shoulder, admitting Una threatened to have it cut off if she didn't keep it covered. That witch.
Suddenly, Gavin remembers. Anya was the little blonde haired girl he found in the forest and carried to the stable. Anya remembers and they share their first kiss, taking their relationship officially to the next level. Anya still marvels how Gavin can look and act so much like the Earl and not share his blood. Gavin has Anya retrieve the ring from its hiding place and tells her everything the Earl told him the night before he died, adding he was given a great sum of money.
In the years since the Earl died, Gavin kept busy traveling. He even visited America and enrolled himself at the University of Edinburgh. Anya is impressed. She hopes Gavin might help her find a respectable position after he's fully recovered. Gavin won't have that. Anya deserves to be taken care of. She should marry, have a family, live the life of a great lady as the Earl would've wanted for her. Anya tells him that's quite impossible but they can still be friends.
Chapter 7 Anya's Bluff
Over the next several days, Anya enjoys a shy infatuation with Gavin. She no longer wears the scarf covering her hair and there's a new light in her eyes. They don't say much but the romantic attraction between them is there. She continues to help him with his daily routine but the deep intimate conversations they once shared have ceased. Gavin respects Anya's desire not to get too personal.
One night, a cold thunderstorm moves in. Gavin's chivalry is commendable as he speaks aloud his wish that if he could switch places with her, he would. Anya appreciates that as she shuts the window, builds a fire and tries to sleep on the hard floor.
The next day is Wednesday, market day down at the village, and their supplies are getting low. Gavin insists she take an absurd amount of his money and buy herself a new wardrobe along with plenty of hand balm. She's not at Brierley anymore and her great uncle would approve. Touched, Anya agrees.
Welcome to Strathnell, population 605 and as cute and quaint a Scottish village ya nary ha' seen. All the shopkeepers are friendly and courteous. Anya buys all the food and supplies they need, picks up new books for Gavin and orders new dresses from the tailor, walking out the door wearing the dress from the window along with matching hair combs. The look on Gavin's face when he sees her warms her heart.
Anya gives him another shave, despite the fact his strength is returning and he could probably perform the task himself. The shaving lotion (from Walmart? Aftershave won't be invented until the late 1800's!) she rubs into his face stings her hands. Gavin orders her to bring the hand balm, returning the favor by massaging large amounts into her chapped hands. Embarrassed at this intimate act, Anya openly denies any feelings of attraction towards Gavin who suspects she's bluffing. Gavin's convalescence had progressed enough he can now feed himself. As Anya keeps her distance and avoids meeting his eye, he knows Anya is in love with him and he's going to call her bluff.
Chapter 8 the Glass slipper
Gavin asks her straight out if she likes him. Anya is boldly defiant. Lifting her chin, looking him straight in the eye, she declares while she might have feelings for him, Gavin must earn the right to love her. While playing hard-to-get worked back then, any 21st century bachelor today would just shrug and turn to Tinder if a woman dared set the bar that high but Gavin is a true gentleman. As Anya marches out of the room, he silently resolves to do just that. He will pursue her and win her heart.
Anya returns and with a coy smile admits she does like him but she's not going to kiss him. Instead she produces a gold topped gentleman's cane. Gavin is pleased. Anya helps him walk into the kitchen. The mobility is exhilarating. Gavin begins joining her at the kitchen table for meals and becomes increasingly more independent.
In a truly romantic gesture, Gavin sits her down, takes one of Anya's slippers and declares he will only marry the maiden who fits it. Anya laughs but Gavin is quite serious. Exasperated, Anya stands up and leaves the room.
One morning in early fall he leaves the cane and goes outside to begin chopping wood, something Robbie did on his visits but now Anya knows this is the signal it's time for her move on. The thought saddens her. Gavin has repeated his intentions to marry Anya but she knows it can never happen.
Anya's worst nightmares are confirmed when she wakes one morning with dry heaves and nausea. She's pregnant and Cedric MacBrier is the father. Gavin must never know. She tells him she's leaving and going back to Brierley. Gavin is incredulous. Why?! They argue. Anya bursts into uncontrollable sobbing, refusing to explain. She cries herself to sleep in Gavin's arms and he carries her to the bed. He's been sleeping on the floor for the last few days anyway.
The next morning, Anya is gone.
Chapter 9 Victims of Brierley
Gavin is pretty upset when he wakes to discover Anya's disappearance with only her uniforms missing, she left everything else, including the hand balm. Gavin rides his horse straight to the Brierley stable and finds Anya, hiding out until breakfast time; refusing to explain or return back with him. She's a fool. Gavin throws up his hands, tells Robbie to keep an eye on this stubborn woman and rides away. Bypassing the cottage, he follows the road to Strathnell to visit his good friend, Peg, whom we'll learn more about later.
Back in her little tower room, Anya has completed her first day's work. She collapses on the bed in tears. The only good things about being back were seeing her old friends, including Effie and hearing the latest news that Malvina finally found some old sugar daddy to marry her. Her hands look and feel worse than ever, her body aches and Una threatened to kick her out if her work wasn't up to par.
Anya's main reason for coming back was to tell Cedric about the baby. She gets her chance a few days later. Cedric isn't happy. He strikes her just as Lady Margaret enters the room and shoos Cedric out, reminding him to start acting more like the Earl he was born to be. Seeing Anya not seriously hurt, she merely tells her to get back to work.
Unable to stand it any longer, Gavin returns to Brierley and sneaks up to Anya's tower room to wait for her. Weary from another day of hard labor, the last five days have felt more like five years to Anya as she enters her dark bedroom and falls onto her bed to cry herself to sleep. Again. Gavin lighting a candle interrupts. Without a word, he rubs balm into her hands, takes down her hair and brushes it out for her. When he finally speaks it's to invite her to come back with him. Anya tells him she's pregnant and Cedric won't take responsibility. Gavin tells her it doesn't matter. He'll marry her, they can raise the baby as theirs, let the neighbors believe what they may. Anya cries and they kiss.
They're just about to leave when Cedric knocks and enters. Gavin hides behind the door so he can jump out and rescue Anya from another attack. Gavin brought a gun this time which he points at Cedric who begs for mercy. Gavin takes Anya's hand, kicks Cedric unconscious and they leave in triumph.
Chapter 10 woman with a past
Gavin and Anya ride double on his horse. Anya falls asleep and Gavin carries her into the house and tucks her into bed. Next morning, Anya wakes with her usual morning sickness. Gavin holds her shoulders and comforts her. He cooks breakfast and draws a luxurious bath for Anya (not sure where the scented soap, bath salts, rose oil and scented shampoo came from, perhaps from the same Walmart Anya bought the shaving lotion?). Anya's new dress is lying on the bed and there's a mirror and brush set. Anya wonders where Gavin learned how to woo a woman like this, making her feel like a queen.
Gavin assures her, they'll get married soon. He adds a lady friend helped him with all the feminine items and, speak of the devil, that's her knocking right now. Peg MacTodd owns the hat shop in the village. She is delighted to help the newly engaged couple get ready for their upcoming wedding. Anya tells Gavin to get lost so she can get to know Peg better.
The two women become instant friends. Peg is an older, never married woman-loud, boisterous with a lower-class accent and a heart of gold. Peg also confides, with a wink to Anya, she used to be a prostitute until she met Gavin who, instead of taking advantage of her services, let her cry on his shoulder, learned her story and gave her money to turn her life around. They remain close friends to this day.
Peg leaves. Gavin and Anya have lunch before Anya takes a long nap, which is cut short by a nightmare of Cedric attacking her all over again. Gavin holds her until the room grows dark. Anya is glad she'll soon become Mrs. Gavin Baird.
Chapter 11 the touch of a hand
When Anya wakes up, Gavin is rubbing balm into her hands. When she claps a hand over her mouth and is about to get up, Gavin produces a basin so she can dry heave from the comfort of her own bed. He already has breakfast ready for her (is it me or is all this just a little creepy?) and another new dress for her to wear.
All this in honor of today being their wedding day. The white satin dress with matching pearl inlaid hair combs is lovely (thanks Peg!). Gavin buttons her up. He looks handsome too in his blousy shirt, waistcoat, tartan pinned over his shoulder with a fine brooch, matching kilt and tasseled sporran (a small pouch made of animal skin or fur).
Anya can't find her other slipper. Gavin has it, of course. He slips it onto her foot, reminding her again of her connection to the fairy tale heroine. He bought a trap so they could ride to the village green in style as a proper engaged couple.
The entire village is ready to help celebrate the nuptials. The square is decorated with wreaths, ribbons and boughs. Gavin tells Anya he stopped by the pub yesterday, announced his big news and bought everyone a round of drinks as part of the invitation to attend.
Women lead Anya off to one side, place a crown of heather on her head and admire her beauty. Bagpipes and drums produce a chaos of glorious music. It stops and the people urge the newlyweds to stand by the minister who declares them husband and wife. Anya tosses her crown for the next bride to catch. Gavin carries the bride over a line of heather on the ground. Everyone
Concerned for Anya, Gavin fetches the doctor who declares Anya is fine and they should have no problems consummating the marriage. Anya is asleep when Gavin returns. He slips into bed next to her (because he finally can!) and quickly proves to her that love can conquer anything.
Chapter 12 MacBrier's child
Anya points out, eating in bed the morning after your wedding night thanks to morning sickness isn't very romantic. Gavin just reminds her how much he loves her, insisting she take it easy today, he'll do all the chores.
As the weeks pass, Anya and Gavin settle into married life and find it pure bliss. One day they return from a trip into town. Gavin remembers he forgot to buy grain and leaves. Anya enters the house not realizing Cedric is lying in wait. He attacks. Prompted to return, Gavin arrives just in time to save her. Pointing his gun, Gavin tells Cedric Anya is now his wife and his threats against her are useless because this baby now belongs to them. Cedric insults Gavin's manhood. Gavin rushes him, pounding his face until Anya begs him to stop. With a bucket of water, Gavin rouses Cedric and orders him out. If he ever returns, either to threaten his wife or their child once it's born, Gavin will kill him. They are through with Brierley, forever.
Snow is falling outside, Anya is preparing biscuits in the kitchen when she feels the cramping and knows she's losing the baby; it's too early. Gavin proves what a sweetheart he is, staying with her, taking care of the tiny stillborn body before going for the doctor who declares everything is in order. Sometimes these things happen and when Anya feels up to it, they can try again.
Gavin holds Anya as she weeps for her lost baby.
Chapter 13 Crooks and Nannies
Anya's postpartum depression is bad. She just won't get over it refusing to talk or share her feelings. At his wits end, Gavin talks to Peg who tells him to be patient and just continue to love her. Gavin goes home and tries again to talk to Anya who admits her confusion in not loving the father of her baby but mourning it's loss nevertheless.
Gavin and Anya come to the conclusion they must go back to Brierley and face their fears. Malvina's wedding would be the perfect opportunity. Gavin takes Anya to town to buy new clothes and a new hat from Peg who comes over the day of to help Anya dress and arrange her hair. She looks like a great lady. Gavin is very impressed. He looks nice too, of course. Peg sees them off in their trap.
As they drive past dilapidated farm houses and sober-looking peasants, Gavin realizes Brierley isn't taking care of its tenants like in the old days. Cedric clearly sucks at being the Earl but if Gavin were the Earl...Gavin pushes the thought aside. He doesn't want that inheritance, Cedric can have it. Let the farmlands go to waste and the people starve.
Robbie greets them in the stable yard and sneaks them in through the kitchen. Servants in their livery are still waiting for the wedding ceremony to end so they can begin serving the food. Mrs. MacGregor is just as thrilled to see Anya looking so well and married to boot! She is pleased to meet Gavin.
The plan is for Anya to enter the reception room alone, congratulate Malvina, take Cedric aside, tell him about the baby, and leave. But Malvina doesn't believe Anya is actually married while her old pervert of a husband looks at Anya like she's something good to eat. He's very impressed Anya shares blood relations with the late Earl. Seething with jealousy, Malvina calls a servant to find Gavin so she can meet him. Anya pretends to be uncomfortable until Gavin enters and Malvina's jaw drops. Lady Margaret is also unhappy seeing Anya and now Gavin living a very good life in sweet revenge after what they suffered from Brierley. Seeing Una giving them the evil eye, they're about to excuse themselves and leave the room when Cedric steps up.
Chapter 14 the earl's daughter
Gathering her courage, Anya faces her attacker and tells him the baby is gone, miscarried, so Cedric no longer has any control over her. Gavin steps over to Una to remind her she no longer has any power over them either. They retire to the kitchen where Mrs. MacGregor feeds them until they can eat no more.
Anya inquires after Effie. Bad news. Effie suffered a little "accident" and has been in bed for the last few days but none of the staff are fooled. Someone pushed Effie down those stairs, threatening her.
Indeed, Effie repeats to Anya, Nanny (Una) said Effie fell down the stairs and if Effie contradicts that statement, she'll fall down the stairs again. Anya shakes her head.
On the way home, Anya tells Gavin about Effie, her condition, and everyone's suspicions that Una has found a new target for abuse. Though he's never met Effie, Gavin shares Anya's concern.
Weeks pass. They're trying for a baby but nothing yet. Spring has sprung when Robbie arrives, very unexpectedly, one morning with Effie who is sporting a black eye-Una. Effie will be staying here which is more than okay for Gavin and Anya who are happy to take her in. Effie can sleep on the parlor sofa and they'll take very good care of her.
Effie makes them laugh by repeating what she always heard about Gavin-who should have stayed in the tower where he was put! Gavin and Effie take to each other immediately and he quickly grows to love her like the sister he never had; an easy special-needs adult. More weeks pass and they take many fun outings together, exploring the moors and forest. Effie fits right into their little family. Effie has no desire to return to Brierley because "Brierly died when Ishbelle died." Her ability to recall other's statements, even years later, word for word, is almost eerie.
Chapter 15 judgments
One fine day in early summer, Anya is bursting with her secret-she's almost certain she's pregnant-and is waiting for the perfect moment to tell Gavin. They're going to town today but while Anya and Effie browse in the bookshop, the woman at the counter makes a tactful remark about Gavin spending so much time, alone, at Peg's hat shop where she has adjoining living quarters. He's often seen going there after hours, with the curtains closed. Anya is offended. Gavin would never...But when they enter the hat shop, something's wrong. Normally, Effie loves to spend time with Peg, the only person who can make her laugh. But Peg's not laughing today. To Anya's dismay, Gavin is sitting on Peg's bed, her head on his shoulder as she cries over her butcher man dumping her after he found out about her sordid past. Tenderly, he touches her face, wiping her tears before he sees Anya and they sit up, looking guilty.
Not much is said on the drive home. Anya doesn't want to repeat what the snobby bookshop woman told her while Gavin doesn't want to tell Anya the reason he was comforting Peg. After what she witnessed today, it's clear their marriage is in trouble.
Back at the house, the tension bursts wide open and they argue until they realize Effie is very upset, rocking and moaning with emotion. Anya glares at Gavin as she comforts her. They go to bed without anything being resolved. Anya makes up a bed on the floor and is about to lie down when Gavin picks her up and deposits her in their bed. He'll take the floor. Neither can fall asleep until the early morning hours.
Gavin is sitting with a cup of coffee gone cold when Peg comes knocking, softly. He admits her and they talk. Peg took his advice, she's not wearing so much heavy makeup and is dressed more conservatively. She's been thinking about what he said, to go talk to her butcher and clear up the issues between them. She's also here to tell Gavin now that he's married, their relationship must change. She correctly guesses that Anya is angry at Gavin who confirms it. Peg doesn't blame her. Gavin and Anya need to have a long talk and she and Gavin can never spend time alone behind a closed door again, never mind they'd never do anything inappropriate. Marriage changes everything.
Peg sees herself out just as Anya comes bursting into the kitchen. She heard the whole conversation. She understands and all is forgiven and, guess what, she's pregnant!
Chapter 16 the mark
Now that they've kissed and made up, time to make another trip into town to let Peg know Anya is her friend again and to let Effie tell Peg, who is funny, the good news-Anya will have a baby. Peg is happy for them. Gavin leaves to run an errand. Peg serves tea and shortbread to her guests. Anya observes Peg and Effie together. Effie laughs and Anya makes a startling discovery: when Effie smiles (which is rare) she looks like Gavin.
That night, Anya has Gavin follow her into the parlor so she can show him something and prove her theory. Luckily Effie is a sound sleeper as Anya unties Effie's nightgown to expose her left shoulder with the purple birthmark and explain its significance. Gavin can't believe it!
It takes several hours for either of them to fall asleep. Gavin keeps going over it in his mind. How could he be the Earl and Jinny's love child? Was the Earl drunk? Did Jinny somehow trick him into sleeping with her? He recalls the Earl's surprise that night seeing the birthmark on his shoulder. James and Jinny were both good people but there's no doubt James MacBrier is Gavin's father.
A few nights later, Anya wakes Gavin from his troubled sleep. He dreamed something was calling out to him for help, as if it were the voice of Brierley itself. He knows he must acknowledge his birthright.
The last piece of the puzzle finally falls into place when, one day, Gavin injures himself in the stable. Anya helps him remove his shirt and is tending his wound when Effie walks into the kitchen, sees Gavin's purple birthmark and screams. Anya rushes to comfort her while Effie keeps repeating "Bad mark," and something about a baby. With a little more probing, Effie tells them what she saw the day Gavin and Cedric were born. She was there, like a fly on the wall, when Lady Margaret gave birth to her son which Una quickly removed because the baby had a "bad mark" like Effie's. Later Una switched the babies. Effie seems very relieved unburdening herself with the terrible secret she's carried for years. Nanny switched babies! Gavin and Cedric were switched at birth. Mystery solved!
Gavin would like nothing more than to strangle Una. Jinny would be heartbroken seeing how her son turned out. Nature vs Nurture arguments notwithstanding. So Gavin really is the legal heir to Brierley and the true Earl.
Chapter 17 Return to Brierley
Later that day, Gavin goes for a walk and doesn't return until after Anya has served dinner. He's been doing some deep thinking and has come to the conclusion they must return to Brierley and reveal the truth, expose Una and dethrone Cedric by opening that mysterious safe to determine who is the rightful Brierley heir. Gavin is twenty-seven years old, his birth mother needs to know. Anya is not happy about it, taking her place at Brierley with Gavin as "Lady Anya" when she used to scrub floors there is just too weird, but she finally agrees.
They talk to Peg who concurs with their decision. She'll be happy to keep Effie during their overnight trip. Effie doesn't mind either. She's glad to be Gavin's sister. Gavin likes to tease her now about being his "little sister" because, physically, he's bigger but Effie, with her special talent for remembering details, can rattle off the months and years of both their births: Effie was born July, 1779. Gavin, May, 1782. She is the big sister.
Gavin has prayed about this. Una is the root of all the evil at Brierley and he's the only one who can make things right. Tomorrow morning, they leave to confront their enemies. Peg arrives to get them ready. All hope Gavin's life won't be endangered by this visit. Anya and Gavin agree, they will leave it all in God's hands.
Chapter 18 the ally
Alighting from their carriage, Gavin and Anya give their card to the maid who shows them into the drawing room (Clearly the author has never seen Downton Abbey, that's the butler's job!) where Gavin helps himself to a brandy. Lady Margaret and Una enter, incredulous about this presumptuous, impertinent young man, waltzing into their home, proclaiming himself the Earl of Brierley. Who does Gavin think he is? Gavin responds by sharing what Effie told him about Una switching babies the day he and Cedric were born. At first, Lady Margaret won't believe it, until she recalls that day, remembering how Una took her dark haired, James look-alike baby, with the evil mark, then, several hours later, placed a tiny, blonde haired one (Una gave Jinny herbs inducing early labor so she could make the switch) in her arms, insisting this was her baby.
"To the devil with her!" Lady Margaret cries.
Gavin unbuttons his shirt to reveal his birthmark and Una's fate is sealed. Lady Margaret orders Una to get out. She's fired! Then turns to Gavin to beg forgiveness. Family reunion time. Lucky for all, Cedric is away (drinking and gambling) and won't be home until tomorrow. Lady Margaret gives orders to the servants to lay extra places for luncheon and to see to her guest's accommodations for spending the night.
As they enjoy their haggis, (are they eating it on a dare?) Margaret is also relieved to know Effie is safe and well. She'd like Effie sent for immediately. This is a family reunion after all. Gavin would like the safe opened before Cedric returns. Gavin and Anya share the story of how they met. Margaret deeply regrets her part in sending a man to take care of Gavin. She didn't know. They assure her all is forgiven.
The meal is interrupted by disturbing news. Una was just found dead in her room. Suicide. Slit her throat. Lady Margaret is surprisingly blasé about it. The woman who'd been her nurse since birth, constant companion since the death of her parents and first husband and she simply orders the body taken care of and the police notified. That's all. Una won't be missed. While they're on the subject of family, Lady Margaret would also like to start making arrangements immediately for Gavin to have his name legally changed to MacBrier. He can take over Cedric's responsibilities as Earl. Starting now. Cedric is disinherited.
After freshening up and taking a nap, Gavin and Anya join their new mother for dinner but the pleasant atmosphere is ruined when Cedric saunters in. He wastes no time insulting everyone at the table. Anya slaps him. Margaret tells him the rumor he heard is true. Due to an unfortunate mistake, Gavin is the true Earl of Brierley, show him your birthmark, Gavin. But Cedric won't be going quietly, like Una. This isn't over yet.
Chapter 19 The Earl of Brierley
Cedric takes a seat at the table and they discuss the issue. Gavin is ready to play the martyr and let Cedric keep his wealth and title while Margaret is ready to throw Cedric out; he'll be well compensated, of course. Cedric accuses Gavin of lying, suggests Gavin can have Brierley...if he can have Anya. That's out of the question, of course. Cedric stands up and leaves, promising he'll be back for round two.
A servant pops in to announce Peg and Miss Effie have arrived. Lady Margaret has them brought in where they are warmly welcomed. Effie shrinks away from her stepmother's outstretched arms and superficial emotion (and who could blame her) while everyone reassures her, Lady Margaret is everyone's friend now. Gavin suggests they retire to the library and open the safe which, as Lady Margaret shows them, is actually located in the Earl's long-unused office, just beyond that room. She removes a painting to reveal a hidden wall safe. Gavin fits the Earl's ring into the lock, turns it while pushing down on the handle and, with a soft creak, the safe door swings open. All that's inside is a jeweled dagger, point down in a single piece of folded parchment. The three torn pages from the Earl's journal are nestled alongside.
Gavin reads the journal pages first, dated Aug, 1798 where the Earl recorded his astonishment finding Jinny and her illegitimate son here at Brierley all this time, how he passed on his entire family treasure to the lad who is, without a doubt, his own blood son. He rightly guesses Una is behind all this and intends to make it right. (Too bad he never did)
The third page is the Earl's hastily written last will and testament decreeing Gavin as the sole heir to everything he has.
Suddenly, Margaret remembers. On the night the Earl was murdered, she heard Una and the Earl arguing in the other room, but refused to believe Una was the one who murdered him in his sleep. Apparently, she did.
Cedric enters just in time to learn the identity of the murderer. Arrogant and cocky, he insults everyone in the room, again, calling Lady Margaret a hypocrite for never mourning the Earl's death until today, reminding Anya he'd take her over Brierely any day before turning to Peg to make her an offer as well. He stopped by Strathnell for a drink in the pub and learned all about Peg's reputation; she's his kind of woman. At that, Gavin delivers a blow to Cedric who produces a knife which he holds to Gavin's throat, pinning him to the wall, threatening him.
Peg jumps in, knocking the knife away. Gavin punches Cedric before he can attack Peg and Cedric moans as he collapses to the floor, apparently knocked out. All breathe a sigh of relief. Gavin turns to take something from the open safe before Cedric, revealing his bluff, leaps up, recovered knife in hand, to stab Gavin in the back near his shoulder. The women scream. Gavin knocks Cedric away and they face each other. Cedric sneers Gavin doesn't have the guts to follow through with his threat to kill him. Cedric lunges. Gavin falls to his knees but as Cedric rolls off him, Gavin reveals the jeweled dagger from the safe, now bloodied. Cedric chokes out his disbelief that Gavin would really do it before he dies.
Gavin and Anya rush towards each other. Margaret asks, now the paper in the safe is exposed, what does it say? Gavin reads the Earl's handwriting, that the true treasure of Brierley, the Earl's last wish, was to find and obtain peace within the walls of Brierley. Looks like his wish finally came true.
Brierley has a new arrival! A baby has just been born. Gavin rushes out of the room to make the happy announcement to his mother, Lady Margaret. It's a boy! Margaret is honored to share in their joy, her first grandson. He looks just like Gavin.
Peg married her butcher, Mr. Morgan, and both live here at Brierley with important positions: Peg is Effie's special caretaker while Mr. Morgan is the official overseer of all the tenants who farm the land. The people come bearing gifts for this is a day of celebration. Gavin brushes a lock of Anya's hair off her forehead, the radiant new mother to the new heir of Brierley. Under Gavin MacBrier's stewardship, there is peace, prosperity and hope for the future as everyone will be living happily ever after.
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