Saturday, April 2, 2016

Now and Always Yours

Book Series: Stand Alone Title (Sequel to Legally and Lawfully Yours)
Publishing Date: 2016
Author: Anita Stansfield
Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc.
Category: LDS Contemporaray Romance
Point of View: Third Person Limited: Greg and Celia
Chapter Count: 15
Page Count: 265

Chapter 1- Gregory "Greg" Turney is a well-behaved, incarcerated, felon doing time for drug possession and illegal sales. A regular Jean Valjean, Greg's penitence is admirable. While doing time he read the entire Bible, attended church services, talked to his clergyman, resumed daily prayer and resolved to change his life upon his release into the world.
He's grateful his sister, Shannon, continues to care for his two children-Neal is now fifteen, Jeanie thirteen. His family on the outside can't wait for him to come live with them in the fictional town of Sugar City, New York, where Greg has been promised a fresh start.
Shannon wakes up next to her creepy husband, Phillip, who can never open his mouth without telling Shannon how beautiful she is before offering to help with anything she might need. (Because that's what an ideal married life is supposed to look like.)  He is completely supportive of Shannon's messed up brother coming to live with them in his large home where Phillip's mom also resides. They have a nanny who helps with childcare while mom-in-law keeps house so Shannon can continue working as the small town's only lawyer with a private office in the basement of the veterinary clinic where Phillip serves as the town's only pet and domestic animal doctor. Shannon also has her own secretary. Celia is slightly overweight and VERY single (Foreshadowing anyone?). Greg calls his sister to announce he's been granted parole. Shannon promises to come pick him up. Everyone is so excited.

Chapter 2- Shannon spends several pages anticipating breaking the news to everyone. Shannon and Phillip  even check the two kids out of school in preparation of the bomb they're about to drop. Neal and Jeanie's reaction is very anti-climatic. They're GLAD daddy's been released from prison and is coming home to live with them. Neal is ready to give his biological father a second chance while Jeanie is reticent. All that therapy from the last book really paid off.
Shannon and Phillip are waiting outside the correctional facility to pick up Greg and take him out for his first meal as a free man. They stay in a motel before flying home the next day. Greg is still marveling God would be so merciful to him (Who am I? 24601!) despite all the bad choices he's made throughout his life.

Chapter 3- At Phillip's house, Greg's two children enthusiastically greet him, throwing themselves into his arms while the ex-con can't believe their immediate acceptance of him. With their dirty blonde hair and facial features, Greg is reminded they really are his. Phillip's mom pulls him in for a hug and the family shows him to his new room with private bath; leaving him to unpack. Such opulence!
Meanwhile, downstairs, Shannon (like the reader) can't believe how smoothly this transition is going so far. Where's the hysterics? The anger, the bitterness, the resentment?
Next morning, Greg finds all the children playing in the nursery (Shannon and Phillip have a four-year old daughter and the family helps babysit a small toddler during the day). Neal invites him to come in and join them. Greg sits on the floor, amusing the two younger children while chatting pleasantly with his son and daughter. Shannon hovers at the door, crying, as everyone is prone to do in an Anita Stansfield novel when miracles such as these occur.

Chapter 4- Next day, Greg joins his sister to see where she works and (HUGE plot point here) to be introduced to Celia, the very single secretary. Celia thinks Greg is HOT! Shannon gets her poor little brother out of there. They talk and talk and talk some more, making plans for Greg's future which includes him returning to school. A high school dropout, Greg got his GED while serving time in prison.

Chapter 5- Greg settles into his new life. Because he likes to read, they help him get a library card. He takes Jeanie to her sports team practice and attends church that Sunday with the entire family. Celia comes over to share Sunday dinner but Greg is shy and avoids her as much as possible having never been "fully functional" with a woman since before his incarceration (Bet his cellmates gave him hell for that!). With his many faults, Greg has already convinced himself Celia is way out of his league, therefore initiating a relationship with her is impossible.
One day, Neal uses the word "Dad" in addressing Greg. A deadly silence fills the room as everyone realizes they never talked about this issue of patriarchy. An emergency family conference is called. After the "airing of grievances" everyone makes it clear Greg is a member of this new blended family now. Even though Neal and Jeanie were too young to remember, Greg did his share of parenting when they were babies-bathing them, feeding them, changing diapers. Greg also confesses his desire to make up for the lost time while he served his sentence and be a better father (Jean Valjean is nothing now. Another story must begin!). The six page long conference ends as these scenes usually do, in tears of happiness.
Greg finds a job in food services (and it's not Baskin-Robbins!) everyone is deliriously hopeful that everything is going to work out for Greg and that God will continue to bless him in his efforts to turn his life around as a contributing member of society. As long as he keeps all his prison tattoos covered. (Actually, because this is a Desert Book publication, there is no mention of tattoos of any kind on any character. But, let's be realistic here, how many felons do you know who don't have any tattoos? Thought so!)

Chapter 6- Because Greg's minimum-wage job as a food service worker doesn't require him to work on Sundays, (I know, hard to believe isn't it?) he continues to attend church and loves it.
One evening, Greg is relaxing with a book when Jeanie enters, seeking a long heart-to-heart with daddy, namely, why did he marry that awful woman they always referred to as Mom?
Greg explains they kinda drifted into their engagement since both enjoyed the party scene and lifestyle so much when they were dating but decided later, making the joint decision together, to give it up before they married and had children. (That's right, no premarital sex or cohabitation for them!) Unfortunately, their mom turned out to be a compulsive liar who refused to give up her drugs and alcohol and partying ways. When Greg was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, sentenced to ten years for drug possession, it all fell apart. His wife divorced him, took custody of the kids and he was never able to make amends, until now. (Oddly enough, Greg never did needles so he doesn't have AIDS or any pressing health concerns that might've made for a more interesting plot).
Jeanie returns, in a later scene, to tell Greg she discussed everything he told her with Shannon, Phillip and her brother who will start calling Greg "Dad" from now on. Greg is touched.
A few days later, Jeanie tells her dad, straight out, he needs to meet someone, get married and settle down. Has he considered creating a dating profile yet? If not, has he considered asking Celia out?
Greg is stunned, shocked. He runs right over to Shannon's office to talk it over with her. Shannon assures him it would be a good match. Greg compliments Celia on his way out, making her blush. That's progress for you!

Chapter 7- After learning Celia is not a member of the church the family attends but still considers herself a spiritual person who prays and believes in God, Greg takes the next opportunity he has to talk to Celia about the possibility of asking her out on a date. Celia is open to the idea but would prefer they hang out first.
In a later scene, Celia enters her own basement apartment (her landlords own the house and live upstairs) where she lives alone. She is giddy with anticipation. Greg wants to ask her out!
The date goes well. Greg takes her out for hamburgers and milk shakes, saying nothing about her weight. Celia tells him her story anyway. Raised in a very strict, pious home where superficial appearances meant everything which led to her last boyfriend (no they didn't cohabitate) being so controlling and manipulative over her figure and maintaining her appearance before he would even consider matrimony to her, she broke up with him. Greg tells her she's beautiful, just the way she is.

Chapter 8- Because this is the week of Thanksgiving, plans are being made which includes a large family gathering on Phillip's side. Greg and Celia are included, of course.
The next day, Greg stops by Shannon's office to ask Celia to be his "official" girlfriend. She accepts which means she'll definitely be spending Thanksgiving with Greg's family.
They share their first kiss on Thanksgiving Day and life is perfect.

Chapter 9- Next day, with no mention of Black Thursday/Friday sales or shopping, Greg arrives at Celia's place where she cooks him dinner and they enjoy another long evening, talking late into the night. Greg has never been so happy in his life.
Until his boss calls him into his office to tell him he's fired. Employees with prison records are bad for business.
Dejected, Greg talks to Celia who is on his side. Stupid, biased world! How's a former drug-addicted-ex-con expected to make a living without resorting to panhandling on the streets? Orange is the new black, you know.
Celia's advice is for Greg to go back to school.

Chapter 10- Christmas is coming! Celia helps Greg find some odd jobs, such as putting up the Christmas lights on her landlord's house which leads to two more jobs. Celia drives Greg into the nearest city to get his driver's licence. She already made plans to fly home to Kansas for Christmas this year. Her dad is a jerk but she's always been close to her mom. Greg doesn't want her to go but he's not comfortable enough yet in their new relationship to make the trip with her. Meeting the girlfriend's family is a huge step for a guy.
We go with Celia on the plane where she rents a car and drives to her childhood home to break the news to her family that, despite her overweight and homely figure, she's met someone.
Her family just smirks and continues to give her a hard time about her obesity. Celia gets up from the table, declares she's never coming back here again and leaves. Her mother weeps while the rest of the family reminds Celia not to let door hit her on the way out.

Chapter 11- Celia sobs all the way out the door and on the road where she checks herself into a motel room on Christmas night before flying home the following day.
Back in Sugar City, Greg is becoming concerned. Hours have passed without a single text or call from Celia which is not like her. Something's wrong. Greg calls Kansas, learns what happened and while he becomes even more concerned, he does nothing until Shannon physically compels him to get in his car, drive over to Celia's and make sure she's still alive. They already talked to her landlord who heard Celia come in late last night. She's there.
Greg gets Celia to let him in so they can discuss why she was so inconsiderate not returning his texts or calls. Doesn't she know how much everyone cares about her? Including him? They must be better examples as parents, especially when they have children of their own.
Celia lifts her bloated, tear stained face to look at him. Is Greg proposing?

Chapter 12- Yes, but Greg absolutely refuses to ask Celia's father for his blessing on their engagement. Any man who tells a woman she's fat deserves no respect from him. With a reason to go on living, Celia gets up, showers, changes into fresh clothes while Greg has a late dinner of scrambled eggs all ready for her to eat. Celia feels like a queen
Since Celia has the entire week off, Greg spends the majority of his free time over at her place. One day, Phillip needs an assistant to help perform emergency surgery on a dog. He's such a natural, Greg has a light bulb moment. He'll go back to school and become an EMT! Everyone approves, Celia especially who helps him fill out the paperwork. Greg continues to do odd jobs such as taking down all the Christmas lights he put up last month.
Then a miracle happens. One of Phillip's clients is a building contractor who can't find enough Mexican immigrant workers for the new suburb he's developing on the outskirts of town. Greg will do it! The hours are flexible and working around Greg's school schedule won't be a problem.

Chapter 13- Everything is working out for Greg. His new boss doesn't care about his past prison record as long as he's honest and reliable, he's got a job here for as long he wants making more money as a construction worker than he ever did in food services. Celia is more in love with Greg than ever and she absolutely loves how this family keeps the Sabbath day holy by not working, participating in worldly activities or even doing homework on this day.
There's just one small little problem. Celia continues to struggle with her self-image issues-she's fat and ugly and no one can convince her otherwise. Greg speaks the magic words, "You're beautiful," Celia falls into his arms, sobbing for joy.
But when summer arrives, Greg still hasn't officially proposed and no date has been set. Celia has become depressed and withdrawn so Shannon sits her little brother down to ask him about his lack of commitment. Greg explains commitment isn't the problem, he just wants everything to be absolutely perfect before he takes the next step. Shannon tells him to man up, especially since they haven't even had sex yet thanks to their non-LDS beliefs that such acts should be saved for marriage but has Greg stopped to consider Celia's feelings? That maybe she believes the reason he's holding back is because the idea of being physically intimate with her turns him off? Greg resolves to talk to Celia right away. Time to take this relationship to the next level.

Chapter 14- Greg prays, receives his confirmation and goes over to Celia's to have another nice, long, boring chat. He officially pops the question. She accepts and he holds her while she cries tears of happiness. Greg tells his two kids who are thrilled to be getting a new stepmother so Dad won't be alone anymore.
Two weeks before the wedding, Jeanie comes to Greg in tears about a nightmare she had where evil biological mom descends upon them, exercising her legal rights in taking her and Neal away from the home they love. They'll be parted forever and life will suck. Jeanie is practically hysterical, she's that upset. Shannon comes in and reassures her niece, nothing is going to happen to their blended family who are legally and lawfully HERS. This isn't CSI, New York.
Greg shares his concerns with Celia who insists on coming with him to visit his ex-wife. Greg's plan is to have her sign some legal forms guaranteeing she can never split their family up until the children are of legal age to contact her and resume visiting rights. Celia will notarize the forms, acting as a witness to the proceedings.

Chapter 15- Road trip! Greg, Celia and the kids have a wonderful time listening to music and playing road games, laughing and talking the entire trip. (Because smart phones and iPads don't exist in this world?) They book adjoining motel rooms so Greg and Celia can stay chaste. They even have family prayer that night before retiring; boys in one room, girls in the other. Next morning, Greg wakes up to the murmur of conversation coming from the adjoining room. He stands in the doorway to eavesdrop on the touching conversation between Celia and his two children expressing their gladness at this family formation and that Greg deserves a "World's Greatest Dad" nomination with a t-shirt to emphasize it. Greg has to clap a hand over his mouth to keep his emotion in check.
Celia and the kids wait in the car while Greg is admitted into his old home by his ex-wife who is rail thin, looking like death warmed over thanks to a hard life of sex, drugs and rock n' roll. The house is a mess and smells like stale beer.
Greg explains the reason for this surprise visit-Shannon will continue to have legal custody of their two kids who, as soon as they reach legal age, can come visit her whenever they want. Oh and by the way, he's getting married. In the meantime, sign here please.
Ex-wife is defensive at first, but after learning the fianceƩ and kids are outside, agrees they can all come in for a brief visit, if only to confirm their desire that they want nothing to do with mom now that they have Celia.
The papers are signed. Celia adds her own notarized signatures and they can't get out of there fast enough.
With just days left until the wedding, Celia is such a nervous wreck, Shannon gives her a mild sleep aid. She wakes up feeling calm and happy. Her dress is lovely, her hairdo and makeup look great. The church is all ready and the ceremony proceeds with nothing bad happening. Greg and Celia are married and the future looks bright.

Honeymoon over, (all wedding night details discreetly omitted) Greg and Celia live happily ever after in Celia's basement apartment with Neal and Jeanie visiting often. Greg's boss is helping him plan and design a future home of their own. They'll need it when the baby arrives because Celia is pregnant. She gives birth to a son. Celia's mother felt so bad about missing the wedding, she left her controlling jerk of a husband back in Kansas to fly out and share the moment with her daughter. She'll be staying indefinitely, if they'll have her?
Idiot. This is an Anita Stansfield novel!

The End

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